Have you ever met someone who’s petty? You know, the kind of person who takes a lot of things literally and way further than they should go? Well, you’re not alone. Many individuals do this.
While it’s shameful, their antics are also funny as proven by these 48 examples. The things they do are so ridiculous that these people belong in the Petty Hall of Fame.
1. The proof is in the receipts
Uh oh, someone’s in trouble. With printed receipts, this woman was proving what she charged to her boyfriend’s credit card. Or she’s showing him that she was where she said she was on a particular day in question.
This sign shows how serious the restaurant owner takes Yelp reviews. Okay, so maybe he’s on the petty side. Regardless, we hope it helped him sell more meatball sandwiches.
Next time, help your wife with the laundry when she asks. We’re pretty sure she insisted he take the clothes off the line. Hmmm…wonder how he explained this to the neighbors.
This woman knew exactly how to annoy her British boyfriend. Yes, it worked. But in making her point, she ruined a cup of hot tea.
Sibling rivalry is alive and well. At least in this household. The next time this guy’s little brother wants to know if he can have half of the grapes, he’ll be more specific.
This was probably the last time someone stole this person’s lunch. If there’s one thing you don’t mess with, it’s food. Petty, yes…great revenge, yes.
After getting into a tiff with his wife, the husband decided to make only his side of the bed. We have a question. Which side was his?
Doctor’s aren’t the only ones whose time is valuable. Just ask this toddler. And he’ll let you know in the best passive-aggressive way possible.
Hey, here’s an idea. Perhaps this person can have lunch with the individual who stole the guy’s lunch. Burritos and milk go great together.
If someone goes to the effort to write an apology letter, just accept it. Grading it…bad idea…especially in red ink. More than likely, the author retracted his apology. Can’t blame him.
Do you know what’s even more annoying than someone stealing your lunch? Potholes. This one has existed for so many years that the neighbors decided to throw it a birthday party.
12. It could’ve been worse
Yes, this person did a horrible job parking. They should be thankful that someone didn’t key their car instead of doing this. Just curious…does the individual who left this message drive around with chalk in their vehicle?
Who goes around vibe-checking people, especially family members? We’d love to know what kind of “energy” this aunt gives off. Oh, and what did she do the other Thanksgiving meals?
What did 7-11 stores ever do to this man? It must’ve been super bad. After all, he opened a store nearby called “6-12.”
15. Something isn’t right
How can you tell if a dinner host likes you? Well, at one house, just take a sip of your beverage. If it tastes funny, it’s because they made ice out of hot dog water, which they serve to guests they don’t care for.
16. You’ve been unfriended
Instead of having an adult conversation, this individual takes a different approach when unfriending people. She cuts their heads off…in photos. Good grief — she’s a grown woman.
There’s one thing guys should never do. Break up with a girlfriend right before the prom. This dude wanted his ex to pay him back for what he’d spent on the dance…she did…in pennies.
Not only is this teen petty but also a spoiled brat. Maybe in time, she’ll realize something. The world doesn’t revolve around her.
The purpose of dating is to see if two people are compatible. But when a gal told the guy she went out with they’d make better friends, he sent her this. That’s right, he wanted her to refund him the cost of her grilled cheese.
Talk about being petty. In this office, you can have fish but only the cracker type. All other species are off-limits.
21. It’s the little things
Perhaps this barista should consider a different career. She has some kind of vendetta against teens. Every time they order something, she puts the label on the siren logo.
This is the text message one guy responded with when several of his classmates wanted a copy of his notes. You see, they were too lazy to pay attention in class. It might be petty but well-deserved.
These employees were just telling the truth. It seems management didn’t find it funny. Lighten up, man.
That wasn’t very nice. There’s a good chance these customers have never worked in the restaurant business. If they had, they’d understand that servers can’t make food magically appear in five minutes.
For several months, a tenant asked the landlord to fix a number of broken things. But they didn’t. So, the individual paid their rent in $1 bills.
…unless he wants to spend a lot of money to have it removed. Sure, she was super petty. But who got the last laugh?
If you park poorly, don’t be surprised if someone does this to your tires. Some people thought this was silly. Others felt it was completely justified.
That’s just mean. Okay, he might be mad at her but really? This takes petty to an entirely new low.
Come on, you know you thought of this too. Removing just one grain. By the time the individual recounts all the rice, the food will be moldy and inedible.
30. Someone has too much time on their hands
Considering the amount of time that it takes to do this, the guy could’ve accomplished so many things. Who knows, he might’ve even found the answer to world peace. Okay, probably not…but still.
Isn’t it nice when someone can whip out a piece of chalk to solve a problem? That’s what this person did. Note the tone of sarcasm here.
Hey, he’s just helping out the marketing team. Sure, this pup’s owner didn’t have to take a photo. But then we’d all miss out on a good laugh.
It appears this guy’s ex-girlfriend wasn’t too happy with him. So, she did something petty about it. She called him out in a very public way.
34. Welcome to the neighborhood
After moving in, it didn’t take long for one family to learn a lot about their new neighbors. They’re petty. Just use their side of the stairs.
Here’s some advice. If you’re going to post fliers like this around town, don’t list your real phone number. What started out as a petty joke quickly turned into a disaster for one person.
36. Sweet, gooey, and delicious
What’s with everyone stealing people’s food? And why not just talk to the person who’s doing it? Nah…that would be too civil and easy.
We don’t know if these individuals are neighbors or roommates. But it doesn’t really matter. All we know is that it’s fun watching them battle with Wi-Fi names.
Well, it’s actually quite blatant. Someone felt they had bragging rights after beating a friend in Mario Bros. So incredibly petty.
What were they thinking? We hate to inform this company but that doesn’t help them in search engine results. Good try, though.
And if you were wondering, yes, that’s someone’s hair. Again, why couldn’t this person just ask their roommate nicely to remove their hair from the bathtub? You have to admit…this is pretty creative.
…although probably not well-received. Especially if whatever they used to write on the siding doesn’t come off. Something so petty could lead to some serious tension among neighbors.
If they had just been quieter and not so obnoxious. Now, they’re in for a big surprise. This individual is definitely Petty Hall of Fame quality.
It’s a good thing this student’s art teacher doesn’t know sign language. If they did, they’d see a profound statement. It reads, “You got me f***ed up.” Something tells us this student/teacher relationship isn’t very good.
44. Brilliant, just brilliant
Some people have no patience. Here’s one. But we get it, So, they get a pass for their pettiness.
After getting mad at his mom, this is what her son did. Perhaps therapy might help. But remember, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree so we’re guessing that being petty runs in the family.
It sure seems so. But if a girl does something like this to a person she supposedly loves, you have to question that. We have a feeling there’s more to this story. Let’s hope he didn’t pour the whiskey down the drain.
Good thing this guy is too old for his mom to ground him. But if she could…yeah, he’d be in some serious trouble. The girl…way too petty. In relationship fights, moms are off-limits.
48. And the winner of the Petty Hall of Fame award is…
…the person who did this. Okay, so someone took his parking spot. Yes, that’s annoying and not very nice. But this? Hey dude, there’s kids playing nearby. Clean it up.
Have you ever met someone who’s petty? You know, the kind of person who takes a lot of things literally and way further than they should go? Well, you’re not alone. Many individuals do this.
While it’s shameful, their antics are also funny as proven by these 48 examples. The things they do are so ridiculous that these people belong in the Petty Hall of Fame.