Many people in our society are sick, stressed out, and not in touch with their spirits. This is why Adele Allan has decided to raise her children in a way that was very different than the way most of society was raised.
Her kids don’t have rules enforced upon them. They don’t go to a public school and they aren’t vaccinated.
This is because she wants to raise “free-range kids” who know who they are and aren’t forced to live in a way that doesn’t serve them spiritually, mentally and physically. When she was pregnant, she largely refused any medical intervention.

“We did receive some very interesting message such as what if your choices end up in your child being born dead,” recalls Matt. “I was convinced in trusting Adele and that she knew her body and she knew her mind and wouldn’t do anything to harm her body.”
She decided to let her chord naturally just fall off after she gave birth. It took about six days. Adele has also refused to innoculate her children.
“I don’t see that there is any need to inject foreign substances in them,” she explains. “The kids’ health is just as important as mine.”

She said that if she were ever sick with something as serious as cancer, she would still go with the natural approach and claims that breastmilk is capable of curing eye infections like conjunctivitis. She continues to breastfeed her 1-year-old and 5-year-old and says she will continue to do so until her kids decide they don’t want to be breastfed anymore.
“All it comes down to the mother and the child it should be a mutual decision between the two of them,” Adele explains. “It’s something as natural as a hug. It’s a connection.”
They have also received some flack for their parenting style for things like letting their kids walk around in public without shoes.
“It’s a great way for her to feet alive and feel the sensations beneath her feet,” Matt says.

Her children are also homeschooled and learn in a natural “free-range” way which is a matter of “taking a lead toward a child’s interest and seeing what they gravitate toward.” Rather than give their children lots of toys to play with, their kids enjoy being outside.
“It’s much more important for us that a set of plastic toys for him to be interacting with the animals and plants and to be learning about the environment,” Matt explains.
You can watch the Allans tell their story below.
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