Some people are just born to be trolls. They’re the silly ones who paint 3D spiders on rooftops to scare airline passengers, trick family members into believing their puppy is a baby, and have you believing that the music on the ice cream truck means there’s no more ice cream.
These are the same people that make you want to slap them upside the head, but you don’t because they’re so irritatingly lovable!
Check out these 65 different ways that Internet trolls have played their game, and won by making us laugh! Even a furry feline gets in on the fun with the most ultimate troll ever!
1) “Well someone is a smartass.”
Looks like an ex-employee pulled a fast one on their last day of work. I guess the real mystery is, where did all the books go?
2) “Trolling the protesters”
This is the perfect spot for a couple of protesters to protest against the protesters. The proposal was just an extra credit protest.
3) The cheeky rooftop troll
This guy lives next to an airport in Milwaukee. He painted “Welcome to Cleveland” on his roof to confuse passengers as their plane is getting ready to land.
4) The scary spider rooftop troll
This talented artist paints spiders on rooftops to scare people flying overhead. I’m not sure which is scarier, thinking that you’re about to land in Cleveland, or these giant rooftop spiders!
5) A troll of Biblical proportions
Just because it’s in the Bible doesn’t mean it’s a good quote. I think this quote would probably have been more fitting had it come from the Book of “John.”
6) “You know you’re good at trolling when you piss off the entire internet”
You can’t mess with die-hard fans Beatles like that. They’re still reeling over the loss of former band member Michael Jackson, who by now probably Smells Like Teen Spirit.
7) “So this year we bought a 20 ft Christmas tree and cut it in half so it goes through the roof”
Better be careful about the humor of yours. Santa might be just as much of a prankster as you, and leave all your presents under the tree on the roof!
8) “My old front porch floor lasted 97 years. This prank may not pay off until 2114.”
Yep, that’s about how long it’ll take for that plastic skeleton to decompose. Don’t forget to hammer a nail in his forehead so that 2114 will be even more confused about this troll’s remains.
9) “I made a cake for a Fourth of July party but, as a Canadian, I couldn’t resist a little cake trolling.”
This cake is all star-spangled and sparkly on the outside. But, once cut into it, there’s a surprise “Canadians are eh-holes” on the inside.
10) “And they said college would be harder than high school…”
Well sure, it’s easy for you. But, what about poor Jerry and Robby? I bet their tests had your name on it, and you’re all going to get up at the same time and look like fools!
11) “How to troll your annoying apartment neighbors”
Count your blessings if playing YouTube is the worst thing your neighbors are doing. They could be banging their headboard against your bedroom wall.
12) “My mom told me to clean the bathroom like the Queen of England is visiting.”
Welcome to my humble loo, your majesty. Would you like to have a spot of tea while you sit on your porcelain throne?
What’s that you say? Oh dear, it’s missing what now?
“Needs more corgis.”
13) In case the Queen of England is a Harry Potter fan…
There’s also some nice reading material for the Queen while she sits around and explores the location of chamber of secrets. Just watch out for the annoying ghost!
14) Jesus, you look so different!
Did you get a haircut? Dye your hair? Get blue contact lenses? No wait, I know what it is – you trimmed your beard!
“Shout out to my brother for replacing a picture of Jesus at my parent’s house with a picture of Obi-Wan Kenobi as portrayed by Ewan McGregor. Three months and counting without them noticing.”
15) “141 years old troll”
A troll from 141 years ago left an important message in this book for the people of the future. Even after all this time, we’re still idiots who fall for the simplest of jokes!
16) “How to troll your family…”
Mom, dad, everyone, it’s a…dopted! And it’s a boy…puppy! Squee!!
17) When trolls go fishin’…
Don’t let this sinking ship fool you. The joke really rises to the occasion!
18) “I fell for it.”
If you’re not going to follow the directions, at least skip ahead to the last question. It’ll save you from having an embarrassing palm-face moment.
19) “Friend went to Disney World and posted this pic. His parents responded.”
This mom and dad strike back with their own take on the Instagram yoga pose craziness. I like theirs better – you can take a nap right after!
20) “Troll level 100”
Yep, this sly little furball just trolled everyone. He didn’t even have to give up one of his 9 lives!
“He knew exactly what he was doing…Souce: cat owner”
21) “There’s an escaped murderer near where I live, so I texted my parents to see if they are ok, they set me this…”
Murderer, what murderer? Everything’s a-okay on our end, son.
22) “Heard a coworker yelling “COPY!” at the new printer. We seem to have a troll…”
This Xerox machine has been upgraded with voice commands. Too bad it’s toner-deaf and can’t hear anything.
23) “Asked mom for cash this year, she decided that a check would be too easy.”
Mom must really love her kiddo. The amount of time and money that went into this makes it the sweetest Tootsie-troll ever!
24) “Some friends left a surprise for the next people who redo the carpet.”
Don’t be scared! It’s probably supposed to say something like, “Get out and get some fresh air” but the clown didn’t have any time to finish the message before he went back home to his underground bunker gutter.
“From a flooring professional to OP, and everyone else who’s ever thought to do this: You’re an asshole, but it’s too hilarious for me to stay mad once my heart climbs back down from my throat.”
25) Quality online forum troll
This guy started bragging about his 20/20 vision after getting LASIK surgery. Then an online forum troll just about blindsided him with a cheeky congratulations!
26) The tire troll
Feel tire, you say? Yeah, your mom is feeling the same old tire joke, too!
27) “Our mushroom brother”
His parents used to him and his brother that they used to have an older brother, but their naughty sibling turned into a mushroom after refusing to take a bath. Mom and dad even went so far as to their mushroom sibling to the family album!
28) “I think my barista is trolling me.”
What’s the problem here? Calling out “Brian with an I” probably kept some other schmuck from grabbing your drink by accident.
29) The van troll
Some people are getting their panties all bunched up because they think this might cause an accident. But, it’s pretty hard to miss the fact that the van is moving forward, just like the rest of the traffic!
30) The pool troll
Caution, this pool is slippery when wet! If you’re not careful, you might fall for this and hurt yourself.
31) “I guess that I should pay attention in class today”
This teacher is telling it like a boss! Plot twist: there’s no exam today.
“This reminds me of my old boss. Whenever someone walked into a meeting late he would act like he just finished some big speech and say “…and what I just told you is probably the most important thing you will ever hear in your career, don’t forget it.”
32) “Trolling the Apple store”
This is what happens when Bill Gates goes for a nice little troll and suddenly gets hungry for a Macintosh apple. It’s so airy in that store with all those windows!
33) “Found at my parents. Should I laugh or cry?”
Who you gonna call? Not Matthew! You should probably cry. Sequels are never as good as the original.
34) The friendly Halloween troll
All his friends dressed up for Halloween as his Twitter picture. He thinks it’s the worst Halloween ever, but this is like getting a sweaty group hug from all your besties at once.
35) “Trolling: 1880’s edition.”
If you think trolling is a recent phenomena, think again. This is old-school trolling at its best! Be sure to chill the dehydrated water after mixing.
36) “My wife wanted her sandwich cut in half. She was non-specific as to how.”
Right about now his wife is probably puzzled as to why she ever agreed to marry him! He definitely wins this round. But he should watch out for the counter-troll!
37) Super duper Facebook password troll
Good job, Luke. You passed the test. You’re now officially the dumbest one in your group of Facebook friends.
38) Crowd con-troll at a wrestling match
They may think they’ve won this round. But the real wrestling match is about to happen right behind them.
39) “Management at my gym trolling people into returning their weights.”
If you’re too weak to re-rack the weights, get one of the girls to help you! Just don’t use it as an excuse to hit on them, they might drop a 40 pound plate on your pansy little foot.
“I used to work at a University Rec Center and we used the same technique. Usually the guys working would end up re-racking the weights at night and cleaning up, but we’d always send the female workers out about 15 minutes ahead of time to start “struggling” with the weights so guys would feel bad and help out. Or they’d see guys leaving weights around and go pick it up and say “oh don’t worry you look tired, I can take care of this for you. You need rest.”
40) “She kept getting on and off the scale confused, and this went on for 7 minutes.”
Don’t mess around with a woman and her weight! Otherwise, the joke’s on you because you’ll be there all day.
Plot twist: he’s probably a total stranger!
41) The fake entrance troll
Push to open the door. No wait, pull it! Ha ha, just kidding. But, congratulations – you’re an idiot!
42) The greatest showman troll of all time
Wait, the guy who made Crayola crayons was color blind? No wonder there were funky names like cornflower blue!
“‘Emerson what should we call this one?’ Uhh, Blue Grey? ‘You’re a genius, Emerson.'”
43) “So, my wife told our kids that the way to talk to Santa was through phones in daddy’s feet….”
The moment the boy on the left decides that Santa just isn’t worth it. The little girl is having a blast talking to dad’s stinky feet, though!
44) The iPod troll
Want to confuse your fans? Name your band “Various Artists.” It might sound funny now, but just wait until everyone tries to search for your album online and they get millions of hits.
45) The Russian hacker troll
Even celebrities have a sense of humor! Here we have Alec Baldwin trolling President Trump with a cap that says “Make America great again” in Russian.
46) The “he’s dog-gone done it troll”
This guy’s dad told him that his pooch took over his bedroom after he left for college. This is the picture his dad texted him.
47) Old-school Photoshop trolling from the 1930’s
Okay, so Photoshop wasn’t even invented back then, but photographic trickery was certainly alive and well! I wonder how many people fell for this?
48) The virtual middle finger troll
This is what happens when Siri’s had enough of your nonsense. You can almost taste the sarcasm!
49) The “Price is Right” troll
Poor Carol has been outbid by $1. But, if his number isn’t fake, then he’s about to get trolled like poor Jenny from 867-5309 did back in the 80’s.
50) “My wife wanted to let the pizza place know that they’re overdoing it with the advertising”
Well, now they’ve gone and done it. The pizza place will think you love it so much, they’ll drop off loads more!
51) Not-so-funny dad troll
This poor kid never got any ice cream from the ice cream truck when he was a kid. His dad made him think the music meant that they were all out of ice cream!
52) Choose wisely, my sweet-toothed friend
Oops, you picked the wrong one. But, at least there’s ranch dressing to dip all your sorrows in!
53) “My mom likes to Snapchat me”
Who says the older generation doesn’t know how to work tech like a boss? This mom is even a wiz at trading insults, too!
54) Trolling shoppers
I’ll admit that I didn’t get this one at first. But, now I see that some of these green apples are actually tomatoes!
55) “Trolling the adults”
Hey, get your mind out of the gutter! The answers are spine, lither, ginger, and subtext.
56) Caution: NSF-OCD (Not safe for OCD’s)
This is the most subtle troll ever! Unless you’re OCD – then it’s a nightmare that you can’t fix.
57) “My son wanted “cold hard cash” for his birthday.”
And if he wants that cold hard cash, he’s going to have to eat his Jello-licious words. Bravo, mom, bravo!
58) “Don’t let him lick you”
His dad ordered him pizza one night while he was away at college. It was topped with some extra Troll-eroni!
“His added request would explain the awkward exchange with the delivery guy and I…”
59) “Just me at 12, taking a road trip with my parents and apparently their sense of humor.”
Well, at least you weren’t anywhere near Dogtown, Alabama or Booger Hole, West Virginia. Now that you’re all grown up, you can get some revenge by sending them selfie from Weed, California.
60) “I asked my dad for $10 for gas, he said “Sure, it’s in the top left drawer of my computer desk”. Thanks, Dad.”
Looks like dad emptied the drawer before you got there. To get back at him, swap the left drawer with the right one and say you found a $20.
61) “My wife called to say she picked up 50 shades of grey… This was not what I was expecting when I got home.”
Sigh. Too bad your wife is holding out on you. I only count 24 shades of grey here.
62) Mom trolling her blind kid
Wait, don’t move! Let’s play some Marco Polo first.
“Remember when I was temporarily blind and my mom took me shopping but I got lost in the parking lot and ended up confused and in a hole and she just took pictures instead of helping me.”
63) “This guy’s been trolling cops since 198B.”
For the first time ever in the history of Wheel of Fortune, there were no vowels.
“Hey dispatch, I’m gonna need you to run a plate for me. It’s uh…. 8 uh 8 uhhh b…”
Awkward pause.
“Don’t worry about reading the rest. It’s that douchebag Steve in his blue Mazda again isn’t it?”
64) “My daughter is the ultimate troll…she switches from a smile to this face in every picture”
Wouldn’t it be cute if she kept this up until she was 18? Imagine her scowling at birthday parties, her yearbook photos, and in her prom picture.
65) “I think my fortune cookie is trolling me”
Forget that! You should plan ahead of time to be spontaneous every day.
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