The human body is an incredibly beautiful thing— but some aspects of our biology can be pretty embarrassing, to say the least.
Nowadays, with Google at our disposal, many of us feel more comfortable hitting the web for what can seem like innocuous, yet awkwardly embarrassing health issues— but here are 7 things you should always see a doctor for.
Anal Itching
An itchy butt is an annoying (and embarrassing) problem, and itching it in public is bound to result in stares and weird looks.
According to Medicine Net, anal itching has a variety of causes. While some are innocent (like eating spicy foods), others— like Crohn’s disease— can be more serious.
If you’ve got an itchy bum, don’t play Google MD— just swallow your pride and visit the doctor.

Excessive Hair Growth
While letting body hair grow has recently become a symbol of feminism and a way to say “Screw you” to mainstream beauty standards (like this photo demonstrates), excessive hair growth can be a sign of more serious problems.
According to Health Line, excessive hair growth (or hirsutism) in women is often a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome — or PCOS, for short. This syndrome forms cysts which can ultimately affect hormones and decrease fertility.
But PCOS isn’t the only thing that causes excessive body hair. It can also be a symptom of adrenal cancer, adrenal tumors, and Cushing’s disease (a tumor of the pituitary gland).
If you feel like your body hair is becoming excessive, you should definitely visit a doctor.

Unusually Low (or No) Libido
Some people, especially those from older generations, believe that sexual topics should be restricted to the privacy of the bedroom— but some problems, like a lack of libido, often require a doctor’s care.
According to Health Line, low libido in men can be caused by anything from Restless Leg Syndrome to depression and chronic illness.
In women, hormones, and diseases like arthritis, cancer, diabetes often play a role, says Mayo Clinic.
Whatever the case, if you’re feeling an unusual lack of sexual desire, it may be wise to get yourself to the doctor’s office.

Painful Poops
All of us have a difficult bowel movement once in a while, but consistent pain while pooping can be a serious problem.
WebMD lists over 50 conditions that may cause uncomfortable bowel movements. While some of them are as innocuous as simple muscle strain, others— like colon cancer and pseudohypoparathyroidism— are much more serious.
Pooping shouldn’t hurt! So, if you’re dreading a trip to the washroom, a visit to the doctor is definitely suggested.

Odd Odors From “Down There”
I feel like this one is definitely more specific to women, but any odd odors emanating from the genital area definitely warrant a trip to the doctor.
Mayo Clinic says that most of the time, these kind of smells are simply the result of bacterial vaginosis— an overgrowth of normal bacteria.
However, other times it may be the result of something more serious, such as a rectovaginal fistula or vaginal cancer.

Adult Acne
Acne is often attributed to teenagers going through their awkward stage, so it can be embarrassing to have acne as an adult.
Lots of people think acne is due to a lack of hygiene— and while not washing your face can definitely play a role, the causes of adult acne often go much deeper than that.
WebMD says that adult acne is a symptom of hormonal imbalances in women, and while there are many medications to treat adult acne, products like Accutane and Sotret have been known to cause birth defects.
If you have adult acne, please don’t try and treat it on your own. It’s always best to see a doctor to discuss options and possible side effects.

Chronic Stress
In today’s society, stress is considered a sign of the weak— we should clearly be able to handle everything life throws at us without batting an eye.
Chronic stress is not as innocuous as many of us seem to think, however. It has been linked to serious conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, inherited asthma and premature death.
If you’ve been struggling with chronic stress, you don’t have to fight the battle alone. Visit a doctor today to see how you can reduce stress and keep illness at bay.

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