On a recent episode of The Ellen Show, Ellen caught an audience member stealing from the studio’s gift shop, and it’s almost too awkward to watch.

To celebrate the premier of season 14 of The Ellen Show, Ellen put out a table full of swag for her audience to have. The catch was that each audience member was allowed to take just one item from the table.
Ellen explained that she feels like her show and her audience are in a relationship, and that trust is the most important part of any relationship. So, in true Ellen fashion, she set up hidden cameras by the free item table to make sure everyone stuck to the rules.
This was a social experiment that turned up with some very awkward conclusions.
For the most part, the audience members were honest. One woman wanted to grab more than one item, but she stuck to the rules and said that she would just buy the things she didn’t grab later from the gift shop. (Of course, because she was so honest, Ellen rewarded her with a free hat later in the show.)
Though it was tempting to take more than their share, they stuck to the one item rule. That is all but one woman.
This woman clearly did not see the hidden cameras, and she was caught red-handed taking more than one item.
In fact, she took three!
She even encouraged her friend to take more than one thing.
In total, she went to the table three separate times to add to her collection of stolen Ellen swag.

Of course, Ellen wasn’t going to just let this woman get away with it. She showed the hidden camera footage on-air to the audience and all of the viewers at home.
Talk about awkward!
When Ellen put the spotlight on the woman, she tried to explain that she was just taking a souvenir for her sister who couldn’t make it to the show. The crowd loses it with Ellen’s comeback to that excuse.
“A lot of people’s sisters couldn’t come.”
All in all, everyone involved was a good sport about the whole thing. The woman who took the extra gifts was put in “Ellen jail” on stage for the remainder of the show.

The video is funny, but try not to cringe when you see this woman taking more than her share!
Also, let this be a lesson to everyone that you should always do the right thing, even if no one is watching.
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