Rules? Shelby Hennick doesn’t care much for those. Especially when it comes to making her family happy.
After her grandma Dona wound up in the hospital for three days after an adverse reaction to medication, Hennick had to break hospital rules to bring a smile back to the family matriarch’s face.
The 21-year-old’s mother mentioned that Dona was a little down in the dumps and the only thing that would make Dona feel better was a visit from her trusty dog Patsy.
“I just happened to be passing my grandma’s house when she called, so of course I was gonna do it,” Hennick told BuzzFeed.
Even though dogs are allowed in hospitals, unless they’re service dogs, Hennick decided she would sneak Patsy in any way.
My grandma is in the hospital right now and wanted to see her dog. So I made it look like I was carrying a baby and we made it ?❤
— Shelbae (@HennickShelby) June 11, 2017
Hennick, who is a veterinary technician, came up with the perfect disguise Patsy that would enable Hennick to smuggle her in. Hennick wrapped the dog in a blanket and carried the four-legged bundle of joy over her shoulder.
“My grandma is in the hospital right now and wanted to see her dog,” Hennick wrote on Twitter. “So I made it look like I was carrying a baby and we made it.”
Disguised a baby, she carried Patsy right through the hospital and into Dona’s room.
Since the hospital staff recognized Hennick, she just “walked by and waved at them.” Even Dona was fooled at first and thought Hennick brought her sister’s baby into her hospital room.
“Patsy was quiet the whole time and actually kept licking my arm,” Hennick told BuzzFeed.

Dona was overjoyed when Hennick plopped Patsy down into her lap. Patsy is basically one of Dona’s babies. She got Patsy about 13 years ago when the pup was a newborn that had to be bottle-fed. The two have a “pretty strong bond.”
Hennick wasn’t sure who was more excited to see who, Patsy or Dona.
“Patsy kept crying and couldn’t get close enough,” she said
Hennick ended up posting some photos of her sneaky little trick and had no idea they would get so such attention.
Before long they went viral and were retweeted more than 132,000 times.
Many others on Twitter shared their stories and photos about sneaking dogs into the hospital. Fresh Pet loved the story so much they even sent Patsy some goodies!
WOW!! Thank you so much @Freshpet for donating to my grandmas dog❤❤❤?? she’s gonna LOVE IT.
— Shelbae (@HennickShelby) June 16, 2017
“I was really happy we were able to pull it off, and I’m sure it made her day,” Hennick said.
Thankfully, Patsy’s visit did the trick and Dona was feeling better in no time. She was released from the hospital on Monday.
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source: WGNTV