There are so many of us who don’t realize how lucky we are. We take for granted that we are healthy, have food and shelter, and can experience all the beautiful things this universe have to offer.
We don’t stop to think about the fact there are others whose health prevents them from living a full life, who struggle to find food, sleep on the streets, or are unable to see the beauty of a sunset.
Thankfully there are those who remind us of this and allow us to fully appreciate the little things in life, like the radiance of fall foliage.
The folks over at Tennesee Vacation created a great video about the gorgeous fall foliage in their state reminding us that there are 13 million Americans who aren’t able to experience it because of colorblindness.

“Everybody at work was saying how pretty the colors are,” said one of the colorblind subjects in the video. “You don’t know that you’re missing it because you never saw it to begin with.”
“I just wish he could see what I see,” said the wife of another subject.
In order to give colorblind tourists the gift of experiencing their exquisite foliage, they installed special lenses in their scenic viewers so they could see color.
They captured some colorblind individuals looking through their scenic viewers and seeing the vibrant fall foliage for the first time.
“Oh wow,” says one man tearing up.

“Unbelievable,” said another man shaking his head.
Another man just wept at the beauty before him. Another just couldn’t find the words to describe what he was experiencing.
“Thank you,” said the wife tearing up as her wish was fulfilled.
“I’m glad to have seen it I just wish I have seen this all my life,” said her husband crying. “It’s kind of like, what I would imagine, the difference between here and heaven.”
“I feel like now I know why people come from miles and states around just to see… just to see this,” said another man wiping the tears off of his face.

Tennesee now has colorblind viewers across the state so that more people can experience one of the state’s most beautiful attractions.
You can watch this beautiful video below. Don’t forget your tissues because you will definitely need them because this video is truly moving and reminds us how lucky we are to be able to see color.
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.