With so many social media sites dominating the internet, young people are more inspired than ever to upload videos of themselves doing what they love. Many talented artists have taken to creating music videos to share with anyone who will watch. One group, however, took the internet by storm with a video so unique, you’ll be glad you didn’t miss out.

The Tap This! dance group had an extraordinary vision, and they showed their skills in an amazing way. They clogged to Andy Grammar’s “Honey I’m Good.” The result was amazing! You seriously won’t be able to get enough of this video.

Tap This! is an inspiration to young dancers everywhere. According to their page, “Tap This! is a four-time national championship clogging team from Lincoln, Nebraska. The blending of different dance forms and percussive foot work gives a high energy performance that leaves audiences on their feet and wanting more.”

It certainly does. These dancers rocked the stage with their stellar choreography and stunning creativity. Who knew clogging was so cool?
Watching the dancers perform, it is obvious that they have put a lot of time, energy, and practice into their routine. They have performed this unique style of choreography phenomenally. These artists certainly live up to their reputation.

You might not have heard much about clogging before now, but it actually has its own rich history. The Clogging Champions of America are dedicated to helping future generations enjoy clogging as much as our predecessors did. The CCA even shares a little of clogging’s fascinating story:
“Clogging Champions of America was formed in 1997 to generate more activity and interest in clogging and competition, to promote a spirit of fun and fellowship, and to make sure the beginner clogger will get to enjoy competing as much as the clogger who has been in it for years.”

“The goal of CCA is to create an atmosphere of spirited and sportsmanlike competition, and to provide more opportunities for cloggers within the competitive and entertainment realms. Competition, CCA feels, is a healthy and entertaining part of clogging because it offers dancers the opportunity to travel to different locations – meeting new clogging friends, step sharing, and supporting each other competitively.”

As you can imagine, this organization takes its goal very seriously. Like any competition, rules and guidelines are necessary to keep the playing field even.
The CCA might be able to explain the nature of clogging, but you won’t find the secret to Tap This!’s success on their site. These dancers have rhythm and moves that can only be explained by natural talent and hard work.

The upbeat song they dance to is perfect for the fun vibes this group gives off. They are energetic and spontaneous – much like their music. With great new songs coming out constantly, we can be sure to expect more amazing performances from these admirable individuals.

Clogging may not be the most popular dance style in America, but it certainly has its up-sides. Who knows, maybe the trend will catch on once more people see this groovy clip.

These dancers have taught the world one thing: if you want to be happy, you have to pursue your passions. The best part of their performance is that they are doing what they love.
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