It gets pretty cold in Kennewick, Washington. After all, it’s very far north, and Washington is known for having exceptionally cold weather. Now that it’s getting into the winter months, it’s very important for parents to help their kids stay warm. But not every family has extra money to spend on a hat and gloves every year, especially since so many kids outgrow their winter clothes every year as they grow up.
John Lunceford is a school bus driver in Kennewick.
And he saw this problem firsthand. He wanted to do something to help kids who couldn’t afford the necessary clothes to keep them warm.
This problem was called to his attention when he stopped at a bus stop to pick up some kids. One little boy got into the bus crying. His hands and ears were bright red since they were exposed to the freezing temperatures that morning. Lunceford didn’t want the boy to be cold, so he decided to let him use his own gloves. He told the little boy that everything would be OK, but he was concerned. He didn’t want any kids to have to go without the necessary clothes to keep them warm in the winter.

Therefore, after he was finished driving the school bus for the day, Lunceford had an idea.
He wanted to make sure that kids could keep warm when it was so cold out. So, he immediately drove to a dollar store. While there, he picked up several pairs of hats and gloves in both pink and black.
He went back to the school the little boy attended. Though he didn’t know the boy’s name, he was still able to track him down. Then, he gave the boy a pair of gloves and a hat, so he wouldn’t have to worry about being cold again. Lunceford says that he is a grandpa, so it really affects him when he sees kids suffering like that.

But after he helped that specific little boy out, he still had plenty of hats and gloves left over.
Therefore, he made plans to go to the school library to talk to the boys and girls there. He told them that he would give them hats and gloves if they needed them. At least one girl responded enthusiastically, and he was able to give her a hat.
Therefore, the kids in Kennewick School district now know that if they need clothing to keep them warm, someone is looking out for them. Lunceford told them that he would take care of them if they needed the help.
For many families out there, it is incredibly difficult to simply put food on the table every day, let alone afford clothes like hats, gloves, boots, and other items that both kids and adults need in the winter months. If kids are exposed to freezing temperatures for too long, they could get sick, putting them at a marked disadvantage compared to the other kids at school. Therefore, it’s essential that they have the tools they need to stay happy and healthy while they are going to school and getting an education. That’s why Lunceford’s contributions mean so much. There are plenty of children who now feel like they have been taken care of and will be able to achieve more because of him.
This bus driver’s story has gone viral, and people all over the internet are talking about what an inspiration he is.
For example, Facebook user Shelley Maglio said, “Amazing role model to all.”

And it seems like most readers agree with her.
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