Everyone wants to get an amazing Instagram picture these days. For many women, that means enlisting their boyfriends to help. This list gives you a behind the scenes look into the hilarious art of Instagram photography. These 50 guys were all doing the best they could to get just the right pictures for the girlfriends.
We definitely know who is in charge in these relationships at least when it comes to picture taking. At least they were good sports and give the rest of us something to laugh about.
Those beautiful ocean and beach swimsuit pictures people are always posting have to be taken by someone. Mostly, the responsibility falls on the boyfriend. Although, he will get none of the credit.
This one makes us wonder whether the girl even knows how to ride a bike at all. There is a decent possibility that it is just a prop for the photo. After all, where is the boyfriend’s bike?
Even police officers can be roped into taking Instagram pictures for their fellow officers. It’s unclear as to whether the two were actually dating. However, the fact that he was willing to lie on the ground to capture the shot makes us think that it’s likely.
Not only was this guy forced to hang onto his girlfriend’s purse while she danced with her friends, but she made him take photos as well. She got to have all of the fun while he was left holding the bag.
Judging by the angle that the boyfriend is holding the phone, his partner is probably not going to be very happy with him. All he had to do was hold the phone level and take the picture, but he messed it up. It’s hard to find good help these days.
Finally, we found a guy who knows a little bit about flirting. Instead of taking a picture of his girlfriend modeling by the infinity pool as asked, he took a selfie of his own smiling face.
There is nothing that this man wouldn’t do for his girlfriend. Even lying on his stomach out in public is not beyond him. He has no other option. She needs the full Christmas tree to show up in the shot.
Even extremely muscular guys are not immune to this trend of boyfriends taking social media pictures for their girlfriends. With a smile and little bat of the eyes, girls can get guys to take pictures any time they want.
This man had to completely bend over to get the perfect beach picture for his partner. He looks pretty ridiculous out there. He’ll have to get her to take a picture of him posing in his Speedo next.
So many people have been taking these hand-holding shots recently. Here we have a look at how they are actually done. It’s not really as romantic of a moment as the pictures make it out to be.
Instead of chatting with each other and enjoying their night out, this couple is only really concerned with the pictures. It only matters if you look like you are having a good time — not if you actually are.
One thing to keep in mind when browsing social media is that the reality isn’t often as glamorous as the Instagram photos would have you believe. For example, this circular window city photo was made using a toilet seat.
Here we have the man responsible for the girl’s jacuzzi drinking photo. They can be seen holding up their wine glasses in a fake toast while he balances on the edge of the tub and tries not to slip.
In this photo, the girl is trying to look like she is sprinting toward the ocean to catch a wave with her bodyboard. The whole thing is very posed. Because of the glare, the boyfriend had to strain his neck to even see what he was doing.
In this one, the boyfriend wasn’t asked to take the photo. She just needed him to stay out of the way. He did his best to hide in the corner of the elevator out of sight, however, he still accidentally got in it.
She is laying on the beach with her feet sinking into the wet sand. It’s a lovely idea for a photo. However, it requires effort from two parties to pull it off.
The woman pretends like she isn’t paying attention while her boyfriend sneaks up behind her to capture the beautiful moment. He looks like he knows what he is doing, at least. She chose the right man for the job.
You can’t see the boyfriend in this photo, but don’t worry, he is there. The real question though is why he is letting his girlfriend lay in a mud puddle? You think he would have discouraged her from doing so.
She thought that if she held her hands in the perfect position, it would look like she was holding the building in her palms. However, the boyfriend was the one responsible for really dialing in the angle.
Someone has to volunteer to take the group shots. It’s just too hard to take a selfie when there are more than a couple of people involved. In this case, the boyfriend of one of the girls was forced to volunteer.
21. Husband Appeases Wife
She really had to stretch to take this photo. It is supposed to be like she is walking on the big reflective sculpture. However, the truth is that it just looks awkward.
Here we have another boyfriend who was asked to lay on the floor to get a better photo angle. Meanwhile, the women are happily laughing away and drinking their wine on the comfortable couch.
This is what pole dancing in public looks like. She saw the metal pole sticking out from the ground and immediately knew she had to jump on. Her boyfriend recorded all of the action on his Go-Pro.
This man went to extreme lengths to capture the perfect photo for his wife. He operates up to twelve phones at once, all angled slightly differently. His kids think he is completely crazy.
The poses that this man was forced into in order to take the photo are even more ridiculous than the girlfriend’s poses. First, she had him doing lunges. Then he started doing squats.
Behind every beautiful Instagram shot is a loving photographer. Awesome Christmas tree photos don’t just take themselves. Someone has to do it.
27. Professional Insta Shoot
This boyfriend actually had to use a full support beam and harness to take the photo. In addition, another guy was forced to lie underneath the table and hold the raft in position so the woman didn’t float away.
The final picture appears like she is taking her boyfriend surfing with her. However, the truth is that he is just the designated photo-taker. He doesn’t get to participate in any of the fun.
29. World’s Biggest Selfie Stick
While he isn’t technically taking a photo of his girlfriend, his dedication to the craft of photography is pretty commendable. He is using one of the largest camera stands ever to capture the people in the water.
The photographer is basically doing a variation on a warrior II yoga pose to take the photo. As for the model, his pose involves just pulling up his shirt and pulling down his pants to show some skin.
Typically, it’s the boyfriend who ends up lying on the ground to take his girlfriend’s Instagram photo. However, in this case, it’s a photo of the girlfriend lying on the ground herself.
Here we have a good example of the classic hair flip photo. It involves a girl tossing her hair back and forth in the wind while the boyfriend takes hundreds of pictures in an attempt to catch it in the perfect position.
This is one of the most photographed locations in Thailand. As you can see, three different boyfriends are all taking pictures of their girlfriends at the same time. It is a pretty common occurrence on this beach.
This is the first time we have ever seen a boyfriend lying on his back to take a photo behind him, but if it works, it works. It’s a more comfortable position than being face down in the sand, we imagine.
Yoga pictures have been taking over Instagram in the past few years. It’s a big trend. Anyone who is serious about Instagramming is required to have at least one downward-facing dog or bridge pose picture in their feed.
This boyfriend was just responsible for shining the light on his chiseled friend while he took pictures. Their team effort paid off. They got the perfect selfie and it’s going to get tons of likes.
This boyfriend and his girlfriend are a little bit of a mismatch. Although to be fair, it’s unclear as to the true status of their relationship. He could just be her platonic picture-taking buddy.
The real question in this photo is where are the guy’s shoes? That pavement has to be pretty hot in the sun. However, he doesn’t seem to be flinching at all.
Roller skates are a great way to get more fluid shots. They allow a boyfriend to glide around a girlfriend with ease. Although, it is much easier to have accidents when you’re on wheels too.
This one is very artistic. The colors and rocks in the fading sunlight are pretty astounding. Although, the boyfriend had to really work to get the angle right.
The boyfriend did his best to stay out of the picture, but the mirror gave him away. He can be seen stretched across the bed while his girlfriend models her new outfit.
You don’t have to be in amazing shape to be an Instagram model. That’s what this picture proves. The one guy poses in the waves while his boyfriend sits on dry land with the camera.
She is pretending like she is jogging, but really, she just runs around the same 10-foot area over and over again while her boyfriend takes photos. Her fans online won’t know the difference.
Tourism in the modern world isn’t always about taking in the sights. The most important part is getting the picture to prove you were there. Enjoyment is secondary.
Here we have another traveling couple that is really focused on capturing pictures. The majestic Taj Mahal is right in front of them, but the crucial thing is that they take the photo. Afterward, they can learn about the history.
Everyone who goes to the beach needs a sandcastle mermaid photo. It’s a rite of passage for Instagram influencers. What you do is bury your feet in the sand and build a fake mermaid fin over top of them.
The woman is modeling, the man is photographing, and the kid… she just has to sit there and wait. She has no idea why her parents are so obsessed with Instagram now, but one day she’ll understand.
These two are both pretty crazy. The husband is forced to squat in awkward positions to take photos while the wife leans against the sharp coral. Hopefully, neither of them get hurt.
She looks great driving that fancy car. However, her husband has to stand back by the exhaust in the rear and take pictures of her while she relaxes in the seat. Something is just not right about this situation.
Even the friend of the girl thinks it’s funny that the boyfriend is on the ground taking the picture. It is pretty degrading to be forced onto the dirty pavement like that. However, he’ll do anything to appease his partner.