A son reminded his mother how great she is at parenting during the kind act of giving to a stranger during Hurricane Irma.
The Love What Matters Facebook page recently shared a post of a mom and son’s touching trip to Chick Fil A for lunch. The mother’s reasoning for her and her son taking a trip to this particular restaurant for lunch was simply “because yum.” Little did she know this lunch trip would turn into such a heartwarming experience.
The mother and son had recently talked about Hurricane Irma and the people in the hurricane’s path.
According to the mother, it was her son who first noticed the Florida plates on the vehicle in front of them at Chick Fil A. After noticing the Florida plates, Landon instantly wanted his mother to pay for the meal of the individual(s) in the vehicle. In the moment, the mother’s first thought was how to go about paying for the meal of someone in a vehicle ahead of you.

Her solution was to run toward the vehicle with her debit card in hand – promptly scaring the life out of them. Landon and his mother took a little time to speak with the man in the vehicle and learn more about his story.
“I looked down at the little girl and asked if there was anything specific she wanted to get. This little princess could’ve had anything she wanted in that store and she replied with ‘May I please just have some food?’ That moment my heart broke into a million pieces. Needless to say we spent the next hour filling the card with groceries for a month, baby formula, and lady essentials.”
The man evacuated his home in Miami and began making his way toward his family living in Birmingham. Landon and his mother wished the man well and hoped his home would remain untouched by the storm. The mother and son duo promised to keep the man in their thoughts.
Motherhood is one job she knew she excelled at.
This mother recalled herself and her son breaking down into tears after seeing how appreciative this man from Florida was. In the Facebook post, this mother admitted to the same fears shared by most mothers – the fear of failing. The fear of the whole world crumbling down around you and your family.

This was a mother who accepted the fact that she could not do it all, but in that moment her son reminded her of what she was good at. He reminded her that she was successful at her most important job – being a mother.
“I often feel like I’m failing because I can’t do it all, all the time and then things like this happen and remind me that I don’t have to. My most important job is going just fine.”
The Facebook post lit up with both heartwarming and heartbreaking responses.
Many of those who left comments were mothers who related to the story. These mothers could recall a time when their own preteen or teenager sons surprised them with unprompted gestures of kindness.

One story in the comments includes a mother and her 14-year-old daughter at a grocery store just before her daughter’s trip to Las Vegas to celebrate her 15th birthday. After hearing a woman’s story about getting out of an abusive relationship, the 14-year-old asked her mother to use the birthday trip money to buy food and groceries for this woman and her children.
Most agree the more shocking part of these heartwarming stories isn’t that they happen, but that they are unprompted. These children and teenagers are performing acts of kindness without any prompting from their parents. That’s what moved everyone so much.
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