Baby powder isn’t just for soothing baby’s butts. There are a number of beauty applications and home uses for baby powder. These are some reasons your house should be stocked with baby powder whether you have a baby or not.
Freshen Your Shoes
Take the dampness and stinky-ness out of your shoes by pouring some baby powder inside of them.
Soothe Before You Wax
Rub some baby powder above your upper lip before you wax it to reduce pain and irritation

Dry Shampoo
Mix together 1/4 cup of baby powder and the same amount of baking soda and massage it into your hair. Let it soak a few minutes before brushing it through. This will prevent your hair from becoming greasy in between shampoos.

Remove Grease Stain
Baby powder will also suck out the grease from your clothing when you get a stain. Here‘s how to properly use baby powder to remove a grease stain.

Fix a Squeaky Floor
Sprinkle baby powder in between floorboards to prevent them from squeaking.

Ant Repellant
Pour baby powder into places where you want to prevent ants. They won’t be able to cross the barrier.

Protect Flowers From Rot
Sprinkling baby powder over your bulbs and roots before you plant them will prevent them from rotting and will deter pests.

Untangle Jewelry
Baby powder will lubricate jewelry and make it easier to untangle.

Slip on Rubber Gloves
Dust your hands with some baby powder before putting on rubber gloves. This will help them slip on easier.

Remove Sand
Use baby powder to loosen sand from your body.

Freshen Your Deck of Cards
Card decks can get pretty dingy. Rub some baby powder on the deck to freshen it up.
Freshen Your Sheets
Sprinkle some baby powder in between your sheets to prevent them from getting soaked in sweat in the summer.

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