See how this couple’s lives change forever when they discover a child is ready for them to adopt.
Matt and Katie tried for years to conceive a child without success before turning to adoption. The North Carolina couple began the process of applying to adopt as soon as possible, but numerous delays got in the way. When they finally got the news that they would be adopting soon, they were ecstatic.
A video of the couple from Genesis Media Solutions has gone viral, showing exactly what adoption means to them and how it has changed their lives for the better.

It opens with the couple saying some of the things they look forward to when they have a kid.
Matt states:
“I look forward to just laughter.”
Katie cuts in to add:
“Being busy… having a messy house. […] It’s weird to want to be parents for so long and know that you’re hoping for something that can be really…”
At which point, Matt cuts in “so messy.” The couple explains that they are “looking forward to the whole experience” despite the challenges of parenting. Matt states that:
“The best things in life are difficult. […] I think that we understand why we are adopting because of some of the difficult things we’ve been through.”
Prior to the adoption, the couple was “looking forward to the mess” and the chance to start their own family.

From the introductory statements, the video cuts to when Matt and Katie learned that their baby was born.
Matt had just found out and was already in tears of joy, telling Katie that “she was born already.” Katie repeats the statement in amazement. Soon, both new parents are crying out of happiness.
As the two embrace, their friend filming tells them:
“You guys can go have a moment, like you don’t have to do this in front of all of us.”
At this point, Matt shares the other details he learned, including that the baby girl is 7 pounds and 9 ounces and “was born in Raleigh and they’re transporting her to Charlotte Friday.” The mom had already revoked her rights, meaning the baby is all theirs.
We then get to see Matt and Katie sharing the news with other loved ones.
While on the phone, Katie lets her family know that they get their baby Friday and she quit her job so she’d have time to care for her. They chose to name the baby “Natalie Gray.”
Next, we see the couple meeting their new daughter for the very first time. They walk down a corridor and reach an area where a woman, presumably from the adoption agency, is holding their daughter. The room is set up for a celebration with pink tablecloths on tables, chairs, and more.
Matt gets to hold Natalie first, and the couple can’t stop crying during this highly emotional moment. Both parents say hi to their daughter and take turns holding her.

We then get to see Natalie in her baby carrier the first time she goes home.
While Natalie is still too young to know what is going on, her parents are excited enough for all three of them. The couple then video chats with their loved ones so they can officially meet Natalie, their niece and granddaughter.
Matt and Katie then bring Natalie to meet their co-workers, who fully understand how much of an impact she will have on her parents’ lives and how long they struggled to finally adopt her.
Before the video ends, we also get to see Natalie laughing in her bath basin, meeting family members in person, bonding with her parents, and more.
Natalie’s new parents even declare a heartwarming oath:
“We, Matt and Katie, take you, Natalie Gray, we promise to love and to care for you to the best of our ability with the guidance of God our Father. We promise to guide you, we promise to provide you with everything you need, not everything that you need, but everything that you need. We promise to laugh with you, share with you, and be in the moment with you. We promise to love you through the thick and the thin, the good times and bad. And lastly, we promise to continue to grow in our walk with God so that we can continue to be better parents for you.”
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