Though we might not have liked it when we were kids, going to school is important.
Even if we take it for granted, a basic education is what allows us to do so many things in our daily life whether it’s balancing a checkbook or reading a book. An even more basic thing we take for granted are all the signs we read on a daily basis, just to help us navigate through life. If we think back, we can probably remember the always changing, school-related signs too.
Here are 15 school-related signs that might not have been intended to be funny, but that are some of the funniest signs we’ve ever seen. Enjoy.
1. School Levies

We understand that taxes are a burden on everybody but let this sign be a lesson whenever anyone talks about cutting money away from education. Stay in school, guys.
2. Try to stay out of trouble, please

Spring break is a disaster waiting to happen. Stay out of trouble!
3. Teachers are Moms

Everyone is guilty of doing this, especially when they’re younger. Still, is it really so surprising that this happens so often? Our best teachers often feel like a second set of parents anyway.
4. You Will Be Educated

Let’s not forget that going to school is a part of the law… and you don’t get to choose not to go. That’s right—like it or not, you will get an education.
5. Live Music?

Hey, pancakes! Everyone loves pancakes. Hey, music! Everyone loves—oh. Sorry. Sometimes it pays to check who your demographic is for an event before committing.
6. Allergies

This one is our favorite. It communicates a whole lot while not really saying anything at all.
7. Literacy Night Gone Wrong

It always pays to spell-check your work, especially when good spelling is kind of the whole point of the event in the first place.
8. The Martians are Coming

Though Martin Luther King Jr.’s speaking abilities may have been out of this world, we’re pretty sure he wasn’t actually an alien.
9. Spelling Bee Announcement

Again, this is one of those situations where bad spelling really undercuts the entire purpose of the sign. Please take the extra second to check your work, guys.
10. Science Puns

Many of us probably have dads who are partial to puns like these; as it turns out, there seems to be a lot of crossover with science teachers as well.
11. Bags of Soil?

Back to school shopping is often a part of Fall that every kid looks forward to, though we don’t remember big bags of dirt being on that list when we were kids… still, five dollars.
12. Bring on the Test

TAKS stands for Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills and is designed for elementary school kids. As it turns out, spelling is among the subjects covered.
13. Dog Bless

Although this is probably just a typo, maybe dogs are actually holy animals in the Catholic faith now?
14. Unfortunate Name

Somebody made a mistake with this one. Don’t middle school bullies have enough ammunition as it is?
15. Hmm…

Unless putting the “C” on the opposite wall is some kind of avant-garde design flourish we don’t know about, somebody really overlooked the second part of the school’s name here.
16. Truth Hurts

Although teachers sometimes get dismissively referred to as babysitters, this sign seems to be at least partially acknowledging that there may be some truth to it after all.
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