For some — bedtime can seem like a daunting task. Maybe deadlines at work keep you awake at night. Maybe you’re planning a big trip and are too excited to sleep. Or maybe you just find it hard to turn your brain off for some quality shut-eye.
Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial to your health and overall well-being. A restful night can help with your mood, keep your energy levels up, increase your memory, and so much more. Sleep is vital to our health.
There are certain culprits, however, that can contribute to a not-so-restful night’s sleep. Be sure to avoid these common habits and activities to help you get your 8 hours of bliss:
1.) Taking pills or other medications

Medications can sometimes play a factor in your quality of sleep. If you think that your current medication might be playing a role in your ability to get a good night’s rest, you should talk to your doctor about a possible alternative.
2.) Drinking coffee or tea

This one might sound a bit obvious to some. There are multiple reasons why drinking these beverages before bedtime isn’t the best idea. Coffee and some teas have caffeine which is a natural stimulant. Also — beverages are a diuretic and will cause you to have to wake up to use the bathroom.
3.) Exercising vigorously

Working out and exercising is wonderful for your health. In fact — regular exercise can increase your ability to have a great night’s sleep. It’s important, however, to make sure you’re not exercising too late, too hard. Strenuous exercise before bed can keep your endorphins running and prevent you from going to sleep.
4.) Drinking alcohol

Ever heard of the term “having a nightcap?” Having an alcoholic beverage or two before bed might seem like it will help make you sleepy — this might be true initially. The problem is when your body tries to digest the alcohol — it doesn’t have time to focus on sleep. This is why you might feel groggy or tired when you wake up after drinking.
5.) Using your phone, tablet, or computer

Lying in bed before hitting the hay might sound like the perfect time to check out your Facebook or scroll through the latest news sites. The problem is — the blue lights that come off of our screens can disrupt our sleep. Try to avoid using any electronic screens within an hour of going to bed.
6.) Smoke

Believe it or not — smoking is actually a stimulant. Many smokers might believe that a quick smoke before bedtime is a relaxing activity but the nicotine in cigarettes can inadvertently keep you up at night.
7.) Eating spicy or greasy foods

Eating a spicy meal right before bed might lead to some serious discomfort. Spicy and overly fatty foods can often cause acid-reflux or most commonly known as heartburn. It could be even worse as soon as you lie down. Try and eat 2 or more hours before going to bed so your body has time to digest.
8.) Eating chocolate or other sweets

You might not know — but chocolate contains a small amount of caffeine. In fact, the darker the chocolate, the higher amount of caffeine. Other candies and sweets contain sugar which is also a stimulant. Keep the sweets before bed to a minimum to make sure you’re rested.
9.) Drinking too much water
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Staying hydrated is one of the number one ways to stay healthy. Just make sure to avoid drinking too much water right before bed or you’ll be finding yourself running to the bathroom in the middle of the night.
Source: HealthDigezt