While we all know that rubbing alcohol is a powerful disinfectant, there are many other household uses that you might not have heard of. From streak-free cleaning to deodorizing the smelliest shoes, rubbing alcohol is an amazing multi-tasker. Read on to learn about the many uses of this medicine cabinet staple.
Remove Permanent Marker
Did you accidentally write on your whiteboard with a permanent marker instead of a dry-erase marker? Add a dab of rubbing alcohol to a moist sponge, and gently scrub the area. The alcohol will dissolve the unwanted marks on any non-porous surface.
Clean Smelly Sneakers

Attach a sprayer to your rubbing alcohol bottle, and thoroughly coat the insides of the offending sneakers with the alcohol. Allow the shoes to dry in a well-ventilated area overnight, and enjoy your newly deodorized shoes.
Remove Sticker Goop

Don’t you hate when you can’t get the price tag off of a treasured item? Try this trick: pour rubbing alcohol over the tag, and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. The alcohol will dissolve the adhesive, making the sticker pull off easily.
Clean and Shine Appliances
Pour some rubbing alcohol onto a sponge, and scrub any dingy appliances. The alcohol will leave a streak-free shine since it evaporates in seconds.
Soothe Sore Muscles

After an especially long day at the gym, lactic acid buildup can leave you feeling sore. Massage a generous amount of rubbing alcohol onto your sore muscles for some relief.
Remove Ticks
Ticks are a generally unpleasant part of outdoor fun, and can even transmit Lyme disease. If one happens to attach, soak a cotton ball in rubbing alcohol and apply directly to the tick. The alcohol can shock the tick, making removal easier. After the tick is removed, use rubbing alcohol to sterilize the bite.
Freshen Your Home

Make an easy, eco-friendly air freshener to perk up your home. Dilute 1 part rubbing alcohol with 4 parts water in a spray bottle. Add 2 tablespoons of baking soda, and 20 drops of an essential oil of your choice. Shake vigorously, and spray any dingy smells away.
Clean Eyeglasses
Rubbing alcohol evaporates extremely fast, which makes it the perfect eyeglasses cleaner. Just spray your glasses with a quick burst of alcohol, and use a microfiber cloth to clean. You’ll be left with crystal clear spectacles.
Rubbing alcohol is truly an MVP in any household. Grab that bottle from the back of your medicine cabinet and get to work!
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