It’s always a good idea to be conscious of your surroundings at weddings. Because the truth is, there are cameras everywhere. And they’re not just from the official photographers. Anyone who has a smartphone or brought their own camera has definitely captured scenes that are not so pleasant.
When there’s an open bar

When you’ve had just a little too much to drink, you will have no wits about you and you’ll do anything, like enter a camel lookalike contest perhaps? Unfortunately, the lady in the middle has been deducted points by the judges. Camels can’t drink and they definitely can’t hold a wine glass.
There are so many things in this photo that needs to be discussed, too. Is that a heart tattoo? Or a heart sunburn? Why is it white? So many questions but who can answer them?
Here are some more examples of hilarious wedding photos.

Need to work off that slice of cake
Some couples want white dresses, a fancy venue, and fancy food at their wedding. And then there are some couples who do want this but who also want to have a good time. And their idea of a good time is a Spartan race. In their wedding outfits, they crawled through the mud, climbed through walls, and went under rope bridges.
Their clothes may be covered in mud but they’re having a great time!
Let’s hope he can swim
Are you single and going to a wedding by yourself? Are you going to be surrounded by many engaged and married couples? Even though you’re surrounded by so much love, you’re still the single guy. And there’s no single bridesmaid you can meet, too! Maybe it’s just better to jump off to sea and be part of the underwater world.
Are there single mermaids?
A Speedo for any occasion
What’s in your wedding package? Does it come with pictures at the beach? Does it come with a flying man in the background? Well, when you’re having your photos taken in such a public place, no matter how romantic the setting, there will always be someone who will insert themselves in the photo. ]
These may not have turned out to be romantic photos but it’s definitely a funny photo.
Look at the “love” in their eyes
We always see in the movies, when the bride and groom slip the rings on each other’s fingers, it always looks so seamless. But in real life, sometimes the rings are too small and snug. But you paid a lot for the rings so you try to make them fit, much to the dismay and pain of your partner.
Of course, you want to pretend that everything is fine. The ring fits just fine. But unfortunately, the moment has been captured for all eternity.
Is this how the photo was supposed to go?
Maybe they had grand plans for this particular photo. Jumping into the water to trash the dress? They definitely succeeded in trashing the dress, that’s for sure. Yes, that’s right. Keep your mouth closed. You don’t want that water going into your mouth.
And she has to wear this wet, soggy dress for the rest of the day. Oh my.
Where’s Waldo?
Is this a wedding or is this a hunt for another w, Waldo? Did the bride and groom plan this or is he a gatecrasher who wanted to prank the wedding party? It’s definitely going to give them a few laughs when they look at the photos when it’s ready. Or will they get mad?
Or is it actually planned by the bride and groom? Do they want to play Where’s Waldo in every picture? At least with this photo, you can easily crop out Waldo if the person you want to show it to won’t get it.
Unbelievably large panties
Did those panties come from the future? Or from the neighbor? It’s a prank that’s been done so many times but it’s still funny so many times. Just look at all the guests who find this prank so hilarious. And is that man with the vest trying to get dibs on the panties?
Maybe he’s got a grandma that needs it!
A champagne explosion
It’s always challenging to open a bottle of champagne. There are many who have failed to open a bottle. And there are even some who got injured trying to open it. Well, this groom succeeded in opening a bottle of champagne. The problem is it exploded in a cloud of bubbles, champagne bubbles.
Did they even have enough to drink when the explosion was over? The bride was definitely worried the champagne will soak her dress. Or maybe she’s sad that there might not be champagne left to drink.
Legs of silk
Let’s make it more challenging. How about the groom gets the garter blindfolded? That’s going to be more fun, right? Now let’s change the bride with an old hairy man who’s willing to put up his pants and have their leg fondled by the groom. The groom won’t know what hit him!
Everybody’s waiting for what the groom is going to do next. Will he continue? Or will he take off his blindfold?
Odd one out
Do you see the brown leaves and grey skies on this winter’s day? Of course, you do. Because you’re the odd one out. You got no one to kiss. You’re third wheelin’ in this photo. Or in this case, seventh wheelin’. Is there such a term?
Well at least he didn’t bring an inflatable doll to the wedding. That would have been so embarrassing. What would she wear? How would he feed her? Can she even eat? Or will she pop when he feeds her with a fork?
The happiest day of their life?
It’s no secret that weddings can make you emotional. There are some who will be bawling their eyes out during the ceremony. And then there are some who try to control themselves and just dab the corners of their eye. There are some who have no emotion whatsoever but that’s another story.
It’s a very, very emotional day for this groom. Maybe he thought this day would never come and he couldn’t contain his emotions. Or maybe someone was injured in the back and he couldn’t help because they were taking photos. Gotta hand it to the bride who kept her emotions in check and smiled for the camera.
Max level achieved
You know you married a gamer when you get signs like this. Achievement Unlocked: Obtain A Wife. How many points does he get? And what’s his status now? It definitely makes their wedding very cute and memorable, a gamer’s wedding. There’s one person though who may not be too pleased. Maybe he’s the father of the bride and he doesn’t like gamers.
Or maybe he’s been trying to achieve max level in his game but hasn’t achieved it yet! He can get back to his game when the wedding is over.
Marking his territory
It’s always cute when pets get involved in weddings. Sometimes they get special duties as the ring bearer or flower girl. It’s still risky, that’s for sure because you have no control over what they’re going to do.
Case in point, marking territory on the bride. The dog is sending a loud message to the groom, she’s mine and you can’t take her away. I’m still first. The groom can laugh now but let’s see when they start living in the same house.
Upstaged by a bird
Plans fall through. What you thought was going to happen may not really happen. Maybe the guy was supposed to give the birds to the bride and groom with a heartfelt speech but someone else beat him to the punch. Or maybe the birds upstaged him by walking over to the bride and groom all on their own.
Or maybe this guy owned the birds and he had no idea if they’ll still come back to him when the bride and groom release and let them fly.
Free the birds!
They want to keep the tradition of releasing birds at their wedding. But maybe they want to make sure they know where the birds will end up. In this case, they know exactly where the chickens will end up, on the ground.
They’re probably a couple who don’t believe in wasting anything. So if they’re going to use one thing, then they should be able to use it again another time.
Shotgun wedding
Now this is a literal shotgun wedding. But wait! Aren’t shotgun weddings supposed to force the bride and groom to get married?
The way this father is holding the shotgun and lecturing the couple, it’s like he’s trying to force them out of getting married. Which is it, Dad?
A floral wedding
The general rule in every wedding is never to upstage the bride. But in this case, maybe it’s okay because the bride chose these dresses. At least, she stood out amongst the flowers. It’s going to be chaotic when the bride throws the bouquet though, especially when these four bridesmaids take center stage.
Are you catching the bouquet or the dress?
Planking done
Everything is perfect. The flowers are perfect. The bride has something borrowed (the handkerchief) and something blue (the flowers). Something old could be her earrings, which may have been passed down the generations. And something new, well, the planking priest is something new.
No wedding has ever had a planking priest before.
The proof is in the picture
Let’s talk about that cake. Is it Jabba the Hutt? Is it a brown troll? Is it a big piece of turd? What is this cake supposed to be?
And yes, you gotta take a picture because when you tell it to your family and friends about this cake, you need proof that it does exist.
A bride’s priorities
A bride has certain priorities when getting married. For most brides, it’s taking a bath and shaving your pits, getting dressed, getting married, and getting drunk. This bride’s priorities are quite different. First thing is to take a bath, get dressed, get drunk, shave your pits, and get married.
It’s a good thing she has her bridesmaids to help her out with one of the steps. What would she do without them?
“It’s gorgeous!”
Grooms tend to have uneventful photos with their groomsmen at most weddings. They’ll either stand in one line and cross their arms. Or the groomsmen will carry the groom with smiles on their faces. And then there are photos where they pretend to be the women and gawk at the groom’s gorgeous wedding ring.
They’ll play it up for the camera to make for a hilariously memorable photo.
Catch the cake!
That’s a gorgeous wedding cake! And of course, it’s according to their preferences so it’s going to be their favorite cake and icing flavor. They can’t wait to taste it. But oh no! Catch the cake! Catch the cake! Hopefully, they salvaged the cake or it just fell on the table.
Maybe they can still cut off a piece of the cake and take a bite.
Spiderman in the house!
Is that Spiderman using his web powers to walk on the ceiling? Or was it just a case of having too much of a good time? Looks like everyone’s having a lot of fun including the groom while he was tossed up in the air.
Maybe they should have done it somewhere with a higher ceiling. Hopefully, the groom is okay and his wife is not too mad.
Careful with the train!
There is no perfect wedding. Some type of mishap will always happen. Maybe someone snores at the ceremony. Someone else gets super drunk at the reception. Someone wears white to spite the bride. Or an unwanted guest is invited as a plus one.
But in this case, it looks like the father of the bride stepped on the bride’s train. By accident, of course, but it still hurts. Maybe they’ll look back one day and laugh over it but at this moment, the bride doesn’t find anything funny about it.
Let’s stay over water
A photo by the water with picturesque views is always going to be a good photo. But, as what this bridal party has clearly demonstrated, maybe stay on land when you’re getting that shot. Clearly, the deck could not hold all of them at the same time.
We hope they were able to save the bride from getting all wet. Or maybe the bride is a good sport about it and just shrugged it off. Hope her bridal party thought the same!
Going out in style
You know how at some weddings, the bride and groom go out in style? They’ll ride a horse-drawn carriage and wave to their guests. Or they’ll ride a top-down vintage car so their guests can still see them. This couple has a different sense of what going out in style means.
They want to ride out on their favorite couch. But how? Ah yes, hire an excavator, cover it with a white cloth, and place the couch in it. Just make sure the bucket is big enough to fit the couch and the bride and groom. Now they can go out in style.
Slip and slide
A beach wedding is just so romantic and getting those epic photos with the sunset or the vast horizon is incredible. But just because you feel like nothing can harm you on this magical day doesn’t mean nothing can harm you on this magical day.
Stay far away from the shore and the waves if you don’t want to end up like this couple, all wet and sandy from falling on the water. Hope they both have a second outfit to wear!
Game over
Now the groom knows, gone are the days when he stays up all night playing games or watching TV. Gone are the days when he’ll be subsisting on snacks and soda. Gone are the days when it’s just himself. On the other hand, the days when he’ll be sleeping beside someone he loves will start.
The days when he’ll come home to a homecooked meal will start. The days when he’ll always have someone beside him will start. It may be game over for that life but it’s Press Start for a better one.
Halloween wedding
Are they going to a Halloween party dressed as a wedding gone wrong? Or is this the actual wedding? Great job on the makeup and realistic costumes. And their wedding song is probably Thriller.
Did they dance to Michael Jackson’s song, too?
High kick
What happened here? Did the groom pull a Ross and say the wrong name at the wedding? Or were there too many mistakes made at the wedding caused by the groom? Or maybe they’re MMA athletes and they’re doing a demo of their skills at their wedding.
Or maybe this is how they’re going to throw the bouquet at the wedding. So many questions but what is the answer?
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