Woman apprehensively agrees to cutting her long hair
She was nervous and reluctant at first, but we're glad she took the leap. Gorgeous!
Jenà Lowe

Change is good. It might be uncomfortable. It might feel uneasy. But change helps us grow and evolve. And every now and again? A change in physical appearance can boost your self-esteem.

They say time waits for no one. Before you know it, age hits you, and that feeling of weariness sets in. So how does one deal with the onset of age? How about a makeover?


Exactly what this lady went for. Here she is with the MAKEOVERGUY getting ready for a fresh, new look.

He is Christopher Hopkins. According to his website, he is,

“… an entrepreneur, entertainer, cyber-star, author, and appearance aficionado. Affectionately known as The Makeover Guy®, Christopher provides uplifting, inspirational, and informative videos as well as exclusive makeover services.”

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Christopher has been at it for three decades now. That’s right, since 1990, he has stunned audiences with his work while also receiving standing ovations from all around the world when he sings for orchestras. This guy is quite a unique talent.

This lady herself said it. She’s in her fifties, feels old, and wants to feel “new”.

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Being the professional that he is, Hopkins asks her a few questions, just to get to know her and see what she’s going for. It gives the artist a “feel” for what he’s working with which helps open his mind to more possibilities.

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They go back and forth trading insights as to how she wants to be after the makeover, while Christopher shares his wisdom as to how he sees her when he’s done. She goes on to say how she likes it long, that it’s been long her whole life, and that she doesn’t really want it too short.

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Well, Christopher had other ideas. He’s not the expert for nothing!

He grabs the bottom part of her her and palms it for awhile as he goes on to tell her about his ideas. She’s having a great time, laughing and looking very relaxed considering she’s in the chair about to undergo a transformation at her age.

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Then the artist grabs a pair of scissors and in one smooth motion, snips the entire bottom half of her hair off, and Hopkins just coolly sets it down in front of her much to her amazement and shock. Look at her face!

Obviously relieved and delighted, she starts admiring herself with a bright smile suddenly seeing the many possibilities this makeover could do for her. Oh but Hopkins is not done. Not by a long shot!

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He goes on styling her hair with a blower. She gets her makeup done too!

Now I won’t go into too many details as you’ll have to see it for yourself. But she describes herself feeling,

“Younger, vibrant, happy. Coming down the stairs I said, ‘I feel really sassy right now”.

Even her makeup did wonders! She definitely looks younger and her vibe on camera seems to radiate a bubbly, energetic young lady once again. Hopkins took the length she wanted to keep, but gave her something else in return.

Sometimes, what we want for ourselves isn’t always better. A view from the outside can be what we just need.

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Watch her transform in the video below. So gorgeous!

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Source: YouTube, MAKEOVERGUY
