The Wicked Witch of the West is not the only person defying gravity anymore. Unexpected high winds has objects and children flying into the air all over the world. Whereas adrenaline, accidents, or movie inspiration has others flying into the air in moments of risk. No matter the reason, these defying gravity moments had all been caught on film and has shocked all the viewers.

One instance of a surprising airborne moment would not suffice for this video, so ten shocking caught on film moments were compiled together. The best way to start any video is with a bit of humor. What would be the most shocking object to fly into the air that would make you laugh yet make you be glad you were not there?
If you guessed a Porta Potty you would be correct!

One Porta Potty at a Colorado fairgrounds went airborne when unexpected high winds hit.
Fair goers were all quickly trying to take cover when the Porta Potty took flight. That is one object no one wants to see in the air. The only thing worse than a Porta Potty flying in the air is seeing a Porta Potty come crashing back down. It went over a dozen feet into the air, so it was not going to make a pleasant landing. Thankfully, the crash landing was not seen on film.

While a flying Porta Potty is a bit humorous, flying children are not. A kite festival in Taiwan saw a three year old girl take flight while holding onto a kite. She found herself over thirty feet into the air at certain times but, thankfully, she held on tight. The crowd came together to save the young girl and were able to grab her to safety.
Her parents informed everyone that she was not seriously hurt, only dazed from the terrifying experience.

One four-year-old girl, Madison, was making her way inside her home when she quickly found herself in flight. The girl’s tiny size had her flying with her screen door when she went to open it. She held onto the screen door’s handle the entire time which kept her safe. She might only be four but she is already a true teenager. The entire time the screen door made her fly off the porch, she never let go of the cellphone in her hand.
Teenagers everywhere are highly impressed of Madison’s cellphone saving skills.

“At first I was scared because I thought she was actually blowing away, like couldn’t control herself. Then, you know, once we get inside and I saw it myself I was laughing hysterically … she was able to hang onto the door and to the cell phone in her hand,” Madison’s mother shared.

Not all people went airborne by accident, magician David Blaine planned to go airborne by himself and only 52 balloons to support his flight.

David Blaine held on to his balloons over the Arizona landscape. Blaine went as high as 20,000 feet and had to use oxygen to stay safe, safe being a relative word for his daring flight. Blaine’s flight looks straight out of the movie “Up” but he found inspiration from a favorite childhood movie of his, “The Red Balloon.”
David Blaine even called and spoke with his daughter while flying with his balloons.

This compilation video has six other surprising flying moments to check out. There is a hero dad “flying” to save his child, cars taking flights, metal drums exploding into the air from a working factory and even a meteorologist having the weather test his ability to report the weather. These moments will leave you in awe.

Check out the full video to see all the objects and people going airborne in jaw dropping moments.
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