The internet is filled to the brim with cats, trolls, and optical illusions. These photos will surely have you looking twice. Sometimes, it’s to see if what you are seeing is really what it appears to be, and other times, you’ll be too mesmerized to look away.
1) Everyone Should Do This
Everyone who has had their fingers partially cut off. This is a genius way to deal with the loss of them, especially when it’s only partial. You have to be paying close attention to realize that their fingernails are tattoos.

2) Magical Blister
This tiny blood blister was totally worth the pain because it looks exactly like the Disney castle. How this happened is unknown to everyone because it’s almost a perfect replica. If you just take a glance, it looks amazing.

3) Not Eating Those
There are a lot of people who would refuse to eat these pastries. They look just like real snakes but they are just cakes. Whoever makes them deserves some sort of award because they are done so well that anyone would be convinced that they are real.

4) Transfusion Complete
This mosquito just finished sucking this person’s blood and now has a full blood sac. That blood that is in that mosquito was just recently flowing peacefully through someone’s bloodstream.

5) Yellow Jacket For A Yellow Cake
This is a hilarious trick to play on someone. They’ll be swatting it around but it will never fly away. Carry a few around and make sure their food is surrounded. It’s a quick prick in and out whenever you’re ready.

6) Who Needs A Perch?
Is this bird in mid flight or is he sitting on an invisible branch? Nobody knows for sure, all we know is that it looks like he’s levitating. Maybe the food is calling him and his innate abilities are taking over.

7) Feels Like You’re Being Watched
This person said they felt like they were being watched. When they zoomed in on the Ubisoft building across the street, they found out that they were. I hope that is a statue and not a mascot with a human inside.

8) Rihanna Has A Lot Of Fans
This may look like a sold-out concert, but it’s actually just a lawn. Yep, that is grass and yard lights, not a packed concert stadium. It’s crazy how our minds take shortcuts and make assumptions.

9) Feels Like Home
Imagine washing your hands and seeing two beady eyes staring a you from the crack in the sink. This little froggy just wanted to say “hi” to whoever visited him. To be fair, he is adorable, but surprise frogs are never wanted.

10) How Do You Walk Straight?
The light is hitting this balcony perfectly and making it hard to keep your eyes focused. It’s hard to tell if the picture was taken at an angle, if they are caught between dimensions, or if something else is going on here.

11) He Isn’t Wearing Heels
Upon first glance, it looks like this guy is wearing heels. But he’s actually the one in plaid and she has the white pants and is giving him a hug. It takes a while for your eyes to make sense of it, but it eventually happens.

12) Focus On The Center
If you look at any one of these poppy cutouts, you won’t see anything wrong. But your peripheral vision will confuse you by convincing you that they overlap. They do not overlap. Maybe this is what happens when you have too much poppy.

13) Back To The Future
It would appear that this car is in the middle of some sort of a transition. It is in perfect condition, yet it is stuck between two worlds. Or whoever replaced this bumper forgot to cloak it in invisibility paint like the rest of the car.

14) Wrong Way, Mister
No one knows which way this guy is facing. It would appear that he is facing backwards, but it makes more sense for him to face forward because this is a plane and no one turns around in their seat like that.

15) Only One Person
It looks like this guy and his girlfriend are getting cozy on this bike but there’s actually one person here. He just likes to make it look like his helmet is being worn by his knee, creating a girlfriend he doesn’t have.

16) All That Sludge
This snail is trudging through the streets like nobody’s business. He’s really disrupting the town because he leaves a mess behind him and takes forever to cross the street. But it’s illegal to do anything about it.

17) We All Wish They Were That Big
Eating a pizza that is as big as a table would be a fun time with friends. But it just isn’t possible. This pizza looks like it’s that big but it’s just a normal pizza taken in an unique perspective.

18) It’s Not That Wonky
Although it looks like this clock is quite unique, the only thing that makes it truly unique is that it looks like a pocket watch. If you’ll take a look at the background, you’ll see that someone simply texted this person while they were taking this picture.

19) Wood You Believe It?
This one is nearly impossible to believe. This jacket is made out of wood, save the metal pieces. Someone actually carved a leather jacket out of wood and painted it to look perfect. I want to wear it now.

20) He Takes It Everywhere
I’m not sure if it’s okay to take a cat into Gamestop, but if you’re going to do it, then this is a great way to go about it. The cat is safe, can’t bother anyone, and gets to go on adventures with his human.

21) Pretty Birdie
If you thought this cat was a crow, you’re not alone. His ear is bent in a way that looks like a beak and his eyes are similar to a bird’s. Yeah, he’s just contorted in a strange way but that’s what illusions do to you.

22) Who Goes There?
I don’t know if there is actually a spider in there that’s smaller than it looks or if the top of the lampshade is casting a shadow that looks like a spider. Either way, I’d be afraid to look inside and find out.

23) Still Don’t See It
If I had to guess, I’d say fog is at fault here because it looks like these ships are floating. That would make a good song but it just isn’t realistic, so something has to be up. Although now I have a song called, “Floating Ships,” stuck in my head.

24) Sloths Are So Sweet
Everyone loves sloths these days, and with good reason. This one is hugging this toothbrush. Either that or he’s hanging on for dear life. Yes, he is just a hunk of toothpaste but his life matters too.

25) Is That Her Age?
This kid has a perfect five in her hair. It looks like something off of Sesame Street that was created with CGI but it’s real and natural. That’s when you know you’ve hit a gold mine, when it looks fake but is real.

26) She’s A Traveling Speaker
This woman is standing on a flat platform in the sand but it looks like it’s floating duie to the shadow of a flag. If the stage were painted like Aladdin’s rug, this would be even cooler. Get the crowd’s attention.

27) No Cats Allowed
Yes, cats are banned from most concerts. But somehow this one snuck in. Wait a second, that’s not a cat, that’s someone rocking on. That’s a hand with a furry arm attached! This one almost got me.

28) Infinity Table
This is called an infinity table, made by someone who knows a lot more about how things work than I do. A couple of mirrors is all they needed to make it work and I am too impressed to figure anything else out.

29) I Love Bubble Wrap
There’s not much that is more universally loved than bubble wrap. So when this bubble wrap came in heart-shaped bubbles, it was understood by everyone. We all love it, so why not make the act more intimate?

30) How Are They Wearing That?
Nope. Believe it or not, there is no humn in this picture. Someone just has a table that looks an awful lot like human skin and laid their DS case down on it. This one impressed a lot of people online.

31) Don’t Wear Them To Bed
If you wear these to bed, you might just end up scaring yourself in a half-asleep state. Her legs look like extra frightening snakes that are ready to strike. Sure, that was on purpose, but it’s still freaky.

32) It’s Not An Error
This may be the end of the road for these parents. Their dashboard sure has a lot of sixes on it. It looks like some sort of error message but it’s actually just how many miles they have. I’d drive to seven thousands as quick as a could. Hold the speed.

33) Drops Of Jupiter
This may look like a dreary day on Jupiter, but it’s actually just a nice round frame surrounding ducks that were somehow confused for some sort of aberrations on Jupiter. It’s all Earth here.

34) Where’s Boo?
These may be just two random pieces of furniture, or they may be Mike and Sully from Monsters Inc. Someone probably put them together to make them look like they belonged but what matters is that they’re together.

35) Rocket To The Moon
This cat just wants to touch the light but he looks more like a rocket ship. What if he’s both? There’s no better disguise for anything than a cat. No one will mess with them nor suspect them.

36) In Reverse
This moth decided to look like a tiny log even though it is indoors. You’d think that it would be able to camouflage easier on white but you know, it is what it is. He was born to be a log and so that’s what he’s going to be.

37) Save The Chickens
It’s hard to believe that someone would drive around with all of those chickens in the back of their truck. But it’s even harder to believe that those aren’t chickens and are in fact, gallons of milk.

38) Now We All Need One
This is a tasteful way to have dogs on your furniture. This veterinarian office is doing it right by having a cute battern that you don’t recognize as dogs until you look closely. It looks so high-end this way.

39) Just Five Bald Guys
This looks like five bald guys going on a trip. But it’s actually one bald guy who happens to match his own headrests. It’s not a bad idea. Potential thieves will think someone is in the car with you.

40) What A Funny Joke
This bag thought that whatever happened was hilarious. Whenver he was opened, he was sure a joke was told. His owner loves his smile so much, and is it just me or did he buy a frog bag?

41) Still Don’t See A Head
After an extended period of time trying to find this guy’s head, I still haven’t had any luck. It could be hidden under his jacket and he could be a headless man. There aren’t that many possibilities.

42) Duck Duck Bike
It took me a long time to see anything but ducks. When I was told this was a flooded zone that had a ton of bikes underneath, everything changed. That sure is a lot of bikes that are now ruined by the flood.

43) The Forbidden Forest
This may just be butter, but it also may be a secret hidden forest that has a portal that is only activated when you butter something. The only way to enter is to create a nutella door at the center.

44) Big Dog Head
You know BDH? He’s the Big Dog Head that floats around and demands treats. If you see him, let him inside, he’s harmless. As long as he gets his treats though. He doesn’t need to be taken out or walked, he’s all head.

45) Happy You’re Okay
After a blood test, this person got a cotton ball put on their bleeding skin. A while later, they took it off and revealed a happy face. I guess they are happy it’s over instead of happy that it happened.

46) Lend A Shoulder
Whose hand? Whose shoulder? What’s going on here? I see five people in this picture but it’s the three nearest the camera that are confusing. Someone has their arm on someone shoulder but I don’t know who.

47) Who Broke The Chair?
Before you see the cat, it sure does look like this chair is broken. Everyone has seen one of these chairs broken before because everyone has had a family member with this exact set. They last a while, but not forever.

48) Eggcellent Breakfast
Put an orange on your white cat and get yourself an egg, sunny-side up. It really does look like a moldy egg due to the fur, but when you realize it’s a cat, it goes from ew to awe real quick.

49) Don’t Be Alarmed
This time, it’s not an alligator, it’s just a log. But I’ve never seen a log that looked so much like an alligator before. It looks more like one than the real thing most of the time, which can be confused for a log.

50) He’s Giving Away His Secrets
Did this guy accidentally take a picture with his spy contact lenses and post it online? Now we can see the secret code his spy coffee left on his spy glasses! If only we can crack it, we’ll know his entire plan.

51) He Fell In Love With A Witch
She may be a perfectly pretty young woman but this picture says that she’s a witch with an abnormal nose. Or rather, a witch with a nose standard to a witch like her. At least they are happy together.

52) Genetics Are Strong
Don’t worry, this little girl is fully clothed. Those are not her legs, but rather the person’s leg that is holding her. That was a close one, and to think this wasn’t flagged nearly as much as the girl with the leather bag.

53) It’s A Hair Rave
This guy’s hair looks like a bunch of people partying at a concert. It was probably a coincidence but if you actually went to the hairstylist and asked them to give you concert hair, this probably isn’t what they’d picture.

54) Fitting Name
This book about a 24-hour bookstore is glow-in-the-dark which makes sense. If it’s 24-hour then you need a way to read in the dark. What better way than having your books glow-in-the-dark. Don’t answer that.

55) Mia Wallace
Her name is Mia Wallace and it makes sense because she looks like Uma Thurman’s character from Pulp Fiction in dog form. Only much bigger because this pug could stomp on that house.

56) Sharptooth, Oh, Ah, Ah
This guy has quite the gnashers! Or at least it sure looks like he does. It’s actually something behind him that is giving him that appearance. But it still looks kind of weird because you can’t see his real teeth.

57) Look Away From The Mustard
It’s not the woman in the mustard shirt we’re confused by. It’s the one who used to wear that pink jacket. All that’s left of her is a leg. The rest of her disappeared, ran away, or was sent to another dimension.

58) Kool Katigator
Not only is he orange, which is super fly, but he also has glasses, sunglasses to be exact. The only difference in prescription glasses and sunglasses is that sunglasses are a choice, which makes them cool.

59) They Don’t Have A Cat
Imagine their surprise when they looked over at the table and saw a cat sitting on it. If they don’t have a cat, then seeing one sitting on the table must have freaked them out. Of course, it’s a plastic bag, but they didn’t know that.

60) Is That A Mermaid?
Or should we call it a milkmaid? Someone was dipping their cookie in milk and had to pause because it looked just like the head of a pirate ship. This was the captain’s first and only love who leads him to this day.

61) Don’t Worry, Buddy
This kind of looks like a dog with a strange, bright deformity when looking at the thumbnail. But you know, it’s actually just a little hamster friend that loves to play with his dog big brother.

62) Find The Bank Bag
This one is so tricky that it could happen to anyone. This person misplaced their bag full of money and freaked out. Turns out, it was sitting right next to them the whole time. Yep, that’s it at the back of the seat.

63) Abandon The Planet
This cloud is so intense that it looks like a meteor is heading straight for earth. In fact, it’s seconds away from landing, so taking pictures won’t do you any good if the entire state is up in flames.

64) There Is No Water
This is not a lakefront property. That clean pond of water there is actually a wall. A concrete wall with strategically placed grimy spots. Now it just looks like a pond. Not an inviting one but at least it’s water.

65) One Neighborhood At A Time
This spider isn’t going anywhere! Someone sprayed the streets with Raid and now he’s a goner. But seriously, I have no idea where this spider came from and why it looks as big as a car laying on the street like that.

66) Only One Ramp
This one will take a long time to figure out. The place is actually flooded. you can tell by looking at the signs on the floor, lights, and cameras that let you see the reflections correctly. Can’t drive through that!

67) Flagged So Many Times
This photo was flagged over and over because it was too graphic. Those people don’t understand illusions because that’s just a leather bag there by her leg. It’s amazing how easily it is to confuse the internet.

68) If Only He Was Bigger
This moth was sitting on this leaf camouflaged and was almost missed. It’s his job to be a leaf, or at least look like one, and he is doing his job well. Moths are way cooler than humans. They even go into the light.

69) The Human Torch
This may look like Johnny Storm, but it’s actually an illusion. His leg isn’t on fire, it’s just behind the fire. It’s just perfectly placed and should be framed. If you’re looking for natural effects, look no further.

70) Eye Of Barktron
This tree grew into an eye on its own, but the bungees sure do help with the effect. Now it looks like this tree used to belong to a dragon who aged over time and turned into a tree, breaking apart and seperating himself throughout the world.

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