Growing up in a small town isn’t bad. In fact, it’s actually exciting. Wherever you go, you’re bound to see people you know. When you visit your local bar, you’ll be able to see your friends and hold an instant reunion. Plus, it’s generally peaceful there.
If you grew up in a small town or you’re living in one, here are 60 things only you can understand.
1. Helping each other out
Living in a small town enables people to be friends. You can even call police officers for a little bit of help in the kitchen.
2. Who taught who
It’s fun when your teachers taught your parents. Having your parents as your teachers, on the other hand, is a different story.
3. The sound
With the same truck passing by your home every single day, you’re bound to memorize its sound. Even if it’s still a mile away, you’ll know who’s coming.
4. Taking turns
It must be fun to live in this small town. Imagine, everyone agrees on whose turn it is to be the town drunk.
5. Number of people
You’ll never know what it’s truly like to live in a small town if you haven’t actually lived in one yet. 10,000 people? That’s still a lot.
6. Reference
If your town is small, there’s a good chance that not everyone knows where it is. So, to make it easier to locate it, you find the nearest popular city and use it as a reference.
7. Accurate
This one’s on point. When you live in a small town, there’s nothing out of the ordinary that you can do.
8. Road problems
I guess every town has its own problems. For small towns, it’s getting stuck behind a tractor. For bigger cities, it’s getting stuck in traffic.
9. A crime
People living in small towns rarely experience crimes. If they do, it’s as subtle as this.
10. Always
The place is small. How can you not expect to see anyone you know?
11. Directions
Life is simple when you live in a small town. You won’t get lost that easily if you know where the trees and barns are.
12. A piece of advice
You don’t get to hide secrets in a small town. Don’t do something you’re bound to regret. Remember, everyone knows each other.
13. That one restaurant
Whatever the occasion is, there’s that one restaurant that the family goes to. From pre-prom to weddings, you can expect it to be held there.
14. Dating
You don’t really have lots of options when it comes to dating. Your choices are limited to these people. Of course, let’s exclude cousins.
15. Normal
Being late because of a cow is completely normal in small towns. You might feel awkward at first, but you’ll get used to it.
16. Routine
Even if they only go to the same place and see the same people, they don’t get bored. I think that’s the fun part of living in a small town.
17. Exciting
Admit it. You probably felt the same way when your favorite restaurant got into your town. It’s like a dream come true.
18. Always knowing your people
How can you forget the same people you grew up with? They’re probably the same people you’re going to work with every day.
19. Bike rack
You don’t need a bike rack when you’re living in a small town. You just leave your bikes like this and expect to see them the same way when you return.
20. The local gas station
Well, you can’t expect this gas station to operate 24/7. Most people are already in their homes by 8 pm.
21. A burnt muffin
This small town is quite peaceful. This was the most newsworthy thing that happened there.
22. Those chickens
Don’t laugh at those chickens. They are the ones filling up cars. Be nice to them if you want to get discounts.
23. Relatively safe
If this is the kind of crime people commit in this town, I’d say it’s a pretty safe place. “Hey” won’t kill or hurt anyone.
24. Direct to the point
People in small towns don’t like sugarcoating things. They’re direct and frank.
25. Real
They don’t like to pretend as well. They will show you their true personality and they won’t feel bad for doing it. They will even proudly show it off.
26. No discrimination
They won’t judge you for what you’re wearing or even for the car you are driving. As long as it’s working, you’re good.
27. Different kinds of transportations
Trucks and cars aren’t the only kinds of transportation you’ll see on the road. You might see horses, too.
28. Real people
They won’t think twice about expressing themselves. They aren’t ashamed of their ways either.
29. About having fun
They clearly know how to have fun. And sometimes, they have so much fun that they have no memory of it.
30. Always watching
If you’re planning on living in a small town, I suggest you behave properly. The people won’t tolerate any bad behavior in their community.
31. Doesn’t care
People don’t always follow proper etiquette and that’s totally fine. It actually makes them awesome.
32. Fresh food supply
This is one of the most exciting things about living in a small town. The abundant supply of fresh food is just amusing.
33. Looking after each other
People form a special bond. They will always keep an eye out for you.
34. Testing boundaries
For most people in big cities, this act is harmless. In small towns, it can already be categorized as a small act of rebellion.
35. Drive around
There’s not a lot of things you can do in a small town. The most enjoyable activity you can do is to drive around pointlessly.
36. On the road
You are more likely to find yourself waiting for random animals to pass the road than get caught in traffic. It’s a good thing, right?
37. Greeting everyone
People will think you’re rude if you walk past them without saying hi or good morning. It’s how they show their respect for each other.
38. The most common cause of traffic
Funny, but true. Even though it’s annoying, you should still be thankful. Big cities have bigger problems when it comes to traffic.
39. Waving at everyone
It’s a tradition. You don’t let anyone pass by without waving at them.
40. The truth
Well, you’re bound to meet 90% of the people you know each time you leave your home. It’s a small place anyway. The key here is to try looking good all the time so you won’t regret going out in the first place.
41. Celebrating Trick or Treat
When you’re committed, it won’t matter how far away the houses are from each other. You’d gladly walk miles for those candies.
42. Finding someone to date
You have to be careful when it comes to dating. If you aren’t, you might end up dating one of your friends’ exes and that can be a bit awkward.
43. Having each other’s back
It doesn’t matter if you have a few people in your community. Despite their number, you can expect them to be there for you when needed.
44. Trespassers
Humans aren’t the only trespassers you have to worry about in small towns. Cows can invade your space, too.
45. So many weddings
Weddings are great. However, if they are held week after week, they get less and less exciting.
46. Old habits
Old small town habits aren’t that easy to forget. You may even take some of them with you when you move to the big city.
47. Going back
You only miss things when you don’t have them anymore. The same is true when it comes to living in a small town. Once you leave the place and you get separated from its people, you start to miss them.
48. View
Don’t expect to see tall buildings and crowded streets when you’re traveling to a small town. You will only see fields- lots of them.
49. Welcoming
It doesn’t matter what time of day you’re visiting. When you go to one’s house, you’ll be invited to come in and have a drink.
50. Shopping
This isn’t really a problem. In fact, I think it’s convenient. You’ll be able to save time and keep your feet from hurting.
51. During a break-up
You have to be good at telling your side. Otherwise, you’ll end up in the bad side.
52. About partying
You can’t hide anything from your teachers and that includes parties. They even know your parents so good luck on trying to sneak out.
53. About your friend’s mom
You eat in your friend’s home. Sometimes, you sleep there, too. It makes you feel like you actually have the same mom.
54. Instant reunion
And it’s fun, right? You won’t have to wait for decades just to have a reunion with your old friends.
55. Finding your supplies
You have to work hard if you live in a small town. That includes buying school supplies.
56. Knowing people
Consider this as an advantage. You won’t have to worry about feeling lonely when you’re dining alone. There’s always someone you know wherever you eat.
57. Getting your city friends excited
True. You earn instant bragging rights whenever you show your city friends where you grew up and all the animals you get to play with.
58. Failing at school
Going home after getting a low grade or failing an exam is a nightmare. There’s a good chance that your parents already know about it even before you show them your papers.
59. Same clothes
Since there’s only one store in the area, finding someone who wears the exact same clothes you’re wearing is quite expected. It’s not something small-town people find weird.
60. Losing cows
In small towns, people don’t lose cats. Instead, they lose cows.

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