If you haven’t explored the internet much in the last five years or so, you might not be aware of the rise in “oddly satisfying” pictures and videos. These include a huge variety of subjects from home decor to cooking to art and more. There’s even a substantial niche for people who enjoy melting things and watching them mix.
Some people joke that they’re indulging in their “OCD tendencies.” But the true obsessive-compulsive disorder is rarer than that. It also doesn’t usually manifest as a love for organization or neatness — despite the stereotype. We all experience that to a degree. For most of us, it’s just the natural human desire for order.
So, it’s no wonder we now have entire YouTube channels, Facebook pages, subreddits, and Instagram feeds dedicated to sharing “satisfying” videos and photos.
People differ in what they consider as “satisfying.” For some of us, it’s intricately organized things, perhaps by color. For others, it’s watching a perfect paint job or seeing one object that fits seamlessly into another. Sometimes, we can’t even express why we find something so appealing. That’s why we call them oddly satisfying.
1. The coffee that perfectly matches the cup
If you’re a coffee connoisseur, you probably know that “cafe noisette” means “hazelnut coffee,” because it’s the color of a hazelnut. Who knew that “tasse noisette” or “hazelnut cup” exists too?
There are few things in life better than ice cream. In fact, the only thing that can beat it might be this ice cream with its perfect swirl. The only problem is it’s almost too pretty to eat.
It seems the secret to making inhumanly beautiful pancakes is to make them in a rice cooker. The question is: can you force yourself to eat something that’s perfection?
Egg yolks are strangely beautiful — they’re so delicate that a single touch could break them. These yolks have coincidentally fallen into the bowl in the shape of a flower.
When you look at this pool surface, you get the irresistible urge to touch it. But you know the moment you do, you’ll ruin the thing that makes it so satisfying.
Most of us don’t have pergolas in our yard so we never get to experience the satisfying sight of snow on top of it. At least, we didn’t until the birth of the internet.
Most bubble wrap comes in the shape of circles. The first thing you do when pulling it out of a box is to pop those bad boys. But these heart-shaped bubbles are too pretty to pop.
Most of us see sights such as rain gathered on the roof of a car on a somewhat regular basis. But when you stop and look closely, it’s an undeniably beautiful sight.
Sure, you might feel the irresistible urge to touch this wave of lava, but that’s impossible for some satisfying things. Since lava can get up to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s better to keep your distance.
Snow has all sorts of different consistencies, from powdery to clumpy to wet to slushy. When it achieves the perfect consistency, it can make some gorgeous effects…like this rolled layer from a windshield.
Remember learning about bees back in elementary school and how they build hives in geometric patterns? With such mathematical perfection, it’s no wonder they’re so satisfying to look at.
We all learned that each and every snowflake is unique. But if it’s possible, I think we may have found the most perfect one right here. It’s amazing how nature can make such perfect art.
Sure, we make fun of people for stopping to take pictures of their food before they eat it. But personally, I can’t blame the individual who snapped a photo of this ice cream. I think I’d just stop and stare at it.
At times, the most satisfying images come from the curious effects of science. In this case, a quarter fell into a puddle — but the power of surface tension kept one side of it completely dry.
Bookstores find a lot of interesting ways to display books. But this one might just be the most satisfying. It’s impossible not to imagine running your hands on the swirl of the book spines.
There are instances when the most aesthetically satisfying sights are the ones found in nature. Just take this lovely flower someone ran across in Japan. It looks like it was drawn with a compass.
When ice forms on the most common objects, it can result in beautiful “sculptures.” This parking meter might not be anything to look at by itself, but it’s amazing to see the detail captured by the ice.
If you took a woodshop class in high school, you probably remember shaving wood down like this. The result can be absolutely breathtaking, even if it’s totally by accident.
Plant roots often grow with their environment, so it’s not a surprise these followed the pattern of the nearby sidewalk. I guess you can say they’re “square roots.”
Some people truly are artists with food, whether they’re bakers, cooks, or pastry chefs. The problem with that is you can’t decide whether you want to eat the food or just admire it.
When these bricks got cold and wet enough to form a layer of ice, it was a perfect replica of their pattern. I’m sure about two seconds after taking this picture, they shattered that pane on the ground.
Most of the time, snow dusts off in an explosion of powder. But in this instance, it folded like a blanket, remaining in one piece as it slid off the hood of the car.
These beautiful piles of spices and powders were spotted at an outdoor market. I’m sure they’re only displays. After all, every customer would think they’re too beautiful to disturb.
Getting the foam on your cappuccino to the right consistency can be tricky. You want it to be thick enough to set, but not too thick. After this picture, I think the test is “Can a sugar trail fall through and carve a tunnel?”
This beautiful cake is covered in a mirror glaze. It’s not hard to figure out how it earned its name. Considering the glaze is incredibly difficult to make, it’s often the mark of a very talented baker.
We’ve all had the moment where we open a fresh container and stop to admire the smooth, untouched surface of its contents. Of course, you have to mess it up eventually.
This bench accumulated quite a lot of snow. In such harsh weather, it’s not surprising no one’s been relaxing outdoors. Now, who’s going to be the first one to sit down?
Eggs have many complex layers, including an inner membrane. We usually don’t catch a glimpse of it, since it breaks along with the outer shell. But when it stays intact, it looks amazing.
This flower is so perfect and evenly textured that it’s almost irresistible. Just imagine running your finger along each silky petal with its’ perfect swirl.
All smoothies are made the same way, but it’s rare for one to achieve such a glorious swirl in the blender. Do I drink it or do I just stare at that bright purple perfection all day?
It probably takes a lot of erosion over millennia to get such a smooth and perfectly round stone. Just think — all those millions of years just so that we can admire it on the internet today.
You have to have an incredibly sharp knife to get a cut in a tomato that is this clean. The result is pretty beautiful. No wonder professional chefs love their sharp knives.
It’s not uncommon to open up an unmixed can of paint and find some amazing swirling designs. But you won’t usually find more than random shapes, which makes this teardrop unbelievably fantastic.
Soap bubbles are ordinary, but they have a way of looking beautiful when the light hits them the right way. These are incredible because they’ve formed a honeycomb pattern. Fun fact: this is a real scientific phenomenon.
When you push snow along a railing, you expect it to clump, pile, and then fall off. You don’t expect it to curl up in a perfect spiral. But the result is so satisfying.
If you’ve ever gone strawberry picking, you know wild strawberries aren’t the big, robust ones sold in grocery stores. They’re much smaller and less symmetrical. But this strawberry patch yielded some beauties.
Talented pastry chefs can work magic with things like chocolate. This design is mesmerizing. The problem is once you cut it, it’s gone. But…I want to eat it.
How do you get a perfect circle in nature? You need one long blade of grass and strong winds constantly changing direction. Oh, and some sand, of course.
It’s funny how there’s a temptation to reach out and touch some things even if you know rationally they won’t feel good. Just take this lovely arrangement of toothpicks — hard and spiky but still somehow irresistible.
For lovers of multiple ice cream flavors, the chocolate-vanilla swirl is a perfect choice. But even though it always tastes delicious, it rarely looks as even as this.
You know it’s going to feel amazing to plunge your hand deep into this soothing lotion. But the undamaged surface is so beautiful you just have to stop and stare for a moment.
I’m not sure if there’s a scientific reason why these bubbles fit so perfectly together, but ultimately, it doesn’t matter. It’s enough to just marvel at the unity of each and every one.
It seems as though this food dish was made for these two little guys. If it wasn’t, how do you explain how they fit so well into the spaces? I want to pet them, but then they’d wake up.
Someone had a plan when stacking this wood. They weren’t about doing a job higgledy-piggledy. Instead, they stacked them perfectly and the result is so mesmerizing.
Talk about a perfect distribution of cheese. Every bite of this burger must’ve been a deliciously cheesy, meaty mouthful. I’d like to send compliments to the chef and it’s not even my food.
Why do I get the feeling this produce section was the work of a very bored store employee? Don’t get me wrong, their work is beautiful. But I want to know how long it took them to do that.
Occasionally, most of us wonder if cats are solid or if they’re a kind of liquid. They’re known for fitting in the strangest and tightest containers. But this one looks like it was made for the little guy.
If you’re not familiar with stroopwafels, allow me to introduce you to the most delicious snack of the Netherlands. It’s a caramel cookie that you balance on your drink to allow the steam to soften it. This cup just happens to be a perfect size.
Sometimes, beauty is found in the strangest places, like this unspoiled plastic wrap on top of a container. Of course, some of us want to poke our fingers in it.
If there was such a thing as a pancake beauty contest, this one might win first prize. It’s pretty much perfect — and if you’ve ever made pancakes, you know that’s not easy to achieve.
Someone took the time to sculpt this snowball into a perfect sphere. Does that make it more aerodynamic? Maybe it’s a trick for letting it smack your enemies right in the face.
Someone took the time to sculpt this snowball into a perfect sphere. Does that make it more aerodynamic? Maybe it’s a trick for letting it smack your enemies right in the face.
This is one of those flukes that caught the person who made it by surprise. Even if they wanted, they probably couldn’t replicate it. So, they’ll just have to appreciate it.
It might be pure coincidence that these candies are distributed perfectly throughout the bag. But that doesn’t mean we can’t appreciate them. Coincidences can end up being pretty cool.
There are two satisfying parts of this scoop of peanut butter. First, it’s so smooth and creamy. Second, you get to shove the whole thing into your mouth.
Remember when you were a kid and you tried to sharpen your pencil without breaking the shaving? Behold the pure glory of someone who achieved that feat. They’re a hero to elementary schoolers everywhere.
We might not know what these cups of beads are, but there’s no denying they’re satisfying to look at. And yes, you can’t help but think about plunging your hand into them.
Forget one perfect pancake — how about an entire stack of perfect pancakes? And of course, they poured the syrup in a way that’s nothing short of artistic.
When sheets of ice break off, they usually shatter into a hundred pieces — which, to be fair, is satisfying, too. But not as much as having it push off into one folded blanket of ice.
I don’t know where you would need to find bins of origami sorted by color. I’ve also never wanted to plunge my hands into a bin of paper. But there’s a first time for everything.
This is romanesco broccoli, which isn’t often seen on our plates. It really should be, since it’s gorgeous and begs to be touched. Of course, it’s rude to play with your food.
67. The arrangement of blueberries on a cheesecake
It must’ve taken forever to arrange these blueberries on top of this cheesecake. The result is mesmerizing, but without question, the cheesecake is worth cutting.
I don’t know if you can tip an ice cream store employee. If so, the person who scooped these deserves a nice big one. Not only did they serve ice cream, but they did so in style.
Cabbage might not be the tastiest of vegetables — unless you’re a fan of sauerkraut, of course. But there’s no denying the pattern inside it is mesmerizing.
If you look closely, you might notice this plant, that although beautiful, is covered in tiny spines. No matter how much you want to touch it, it’s better to admire it from afar.
This sand sculpture is so stunning, it’s tempting to want to stroke it with your palm. But somehow, I doubt the sculptor would appreciate anyone stroking their hard work.
If you own a reptile, you’re used to finding their shed skin all over their tank. But it’s usually in bits and pieces, not one perfectly-replicated piece like this.
Cats are amazingly flexible, which allows them to curl up into some truly amazing positions. But none is as iconic as the classic kitty ball. I guess that must be comfortable.
75 oddly satisfying photos we want to touch for their perfection
Cedric Jackson
If you haven’t explored the internet much in the last five years or so, you might not be aware of the rise in “oddly satisfying” pictures and videos. These include a huge variety of subjects from home decor to cooking to art and more. There’s even a substantial niche for people who enjoy melting things and watching them mix.
Some people joke that they’re indulging in their “OCD tendencies.” But the true obsessive-compulsive disorder is rarer than that. It also doesn’t usually manifest as a love for organization or neatness — despite the stereotype. We all experience that to a degree. For most of us, it’s just the natural human desire for order.
So, it’s no wonder we now have entire YouTube channels, Facebook pages, subreddits, and Instagram feeds dedicated to sharing “satisfying” videos and photos.
People differ in what they consider as “satisfying.” For some of us, it’s intricately organized things, perhaps by color. For others, it’s watching a perfect paint job or seeing one object that fits seamlessly into another. Sometimes, we can’t even express why we find something so appealing. That’s why we call them oddly satisfying.