You remember the first time you took your dog to the vet and the first time your cat crawled up in your lap. These pets are doing all sorts of new things and it is absolutely adorable.
1) This is My World
We’re not sure who is more surprised. This baby has never seen a dog before and this dog is just meeting his new boss. Hopefully, in a few short years, they’ll be best friends.

2) This is a Litterbox
This family moved to Florida and went to the beach for the first time. It doesn’t look like this Yorkie appreciates the sand. She’s been dragging her feet the whole time. Literally!

3) Breathe It In
The first time this cat went outside, she was shocked to see how big the world could be. Seconds later, she’s ready to bask in the beauty of it all and breathe in the fresh air.

4) What a Good Boy
This beautiful dog was rescued this very day. This is her first time ever sleeping indoors. If that doesn’t bring tears to your eyes, then you are Cruella De Vil.

5) Hoover Who?
This is the first time that these cats have ever seen a vacuum. Needless to say, they are quite intimidated. But who isn’t really? The loud sounds, the sucking action, and it seems to move on its own.

6) Their First Meeting
This big lug here seems slightly intimidated by his new brothers and sisters. They are very curious about him but he knows who now rules the roost.

7) What’s This? What’s This?
This gorgeous cat had never seen the snow until this moment. She is quite surprised but seems to like it. Can’t get enough of this look? There’s plenty more pets in the snow coming up!

8) Can We Take the Elevator?
This is the first time these pups have attempted the stairs in their own. It’s a lot scarier than it looks when you’re shorter than the step itself. Even if you do have your siblings with you.

9) Make It Go Away
It isn’t just cats that are afraid of the vacuum. This is the first time this black Lab puppy met the vacuum and he is not impressed. Better stay behind that pillow, pal.

10) Milk is for Babies
This is just seconds after the first time this kitty named Gremlin had his first solid food. Looks like they better not feed him after midnight or get him wet!

11) Who Dis?
This little pupper had never seen himself before this moment. He had probably never seen another dog since he was with his littermates. Well, now he has a new best friend.

12) I Don’t Belong Here
It’s amazing what happens when you domesticate animals. This racoon was taken in to get rehabbed as a baby. The first time afterwards that she went outside, she didn’t like it very much.

13) The Grass is Lava
Poor little thing didn’t even know what grass was until now. This is the first time she went outside and she was afraid of all of that green. It won’t be long until she is playing in it.

14) Is This Real Life?
Here’s another kitty who just discovered how big the world really is. Though his view is only from the deck, perhaps it’s even more frightening from that heighth.

15) Kitties!
Golden Retrievers are known for being great mamas and guardians. It looks like they are quite interested in these little kittens, hopefully because they want to care for them.

16) Snow on the Snoot
Another pet’s first time in the snow. He looks like he is having a great time with this new white fluff. And that yellow stuff? It wasn’t there before he got here.

17) Don’t Make Me Go
Here you can see this kitten’s first visit to the vet. Of course, she’s just a little scared but she’ll soon find out there’s nothing to be afraid of. Right?

18) Never Again
To be fair, this is what his face will look like the thousandth time going down the slide too. So, maybe this isn’t a special first but it is a first. Just look at him!

19) Bask in the Glory
This kitten is just four weeks old and this is her first time in the grass. She loves the way that it feels on her back. This is a lesson we can all learn on appreciating grass.

20) Let Me In!
This is the first time that this cat has spent time outside all by himself. Of course, he is not impressed and would like to go back inside less than five minutes later.

21) Like the Dogs on TV
The first time you stick your head out the window of the car is a moment you’ll never forget. This dog is proof of that. She never wants to go back inside now.

22) Is This For Me?
All the toys that this cat ever had and this Christmas tree is the best of them all. He wants that ornament so bad that he’d do anything for it. Anything.

23) His First Walk
I’m not crying, you’re crying. This is this little guy’s first walk. He is paralyzed and finally got himself a walker. He can finally run with his best friends.

24) What a Good Girl
This big doggo is a real sweetheart. He just loves his new little baby girl. He will always love her and take care of her forever and ever. She shall be named George.

25) Apartment Cats
This is what happens when your cat is raised in an apartment and never spends time outside. This is her first trip outside and she doesn’t know if it’s safe yet.

26) I Can Eats It
This cat doesn’t know what this watermelon is but it does smell good. So, why not try to take a bite out of it? If she could, she’d carry it off to devour alone.

27) It Moves?
The first time that these cats saw this celing fan move, they were flabbergasted. What else do they not know? Does the vacuum make sound too?

28) He Got a Boo-Boo
This poor guy met a cat for the first time and did not come out on top. Cats are mean, according to this little pupper. Or at least, that’s how he sees himself.

29) Splish Splash
Baths are lots of fun, right? Depends who you ask. This dog isn’t quite sure about it. It’s not the worst ever but what’s with all this funny tasting white stuff?

30) He Seems to Like It
Now this is a dog that loves the snow. It’s his first time in the snow and he is more than happy to have a snow day to play with his favorite humans.

31) Hold Me, Mommy
This dog’s first train ride is like no other. Either there is a rule against pets on the floor of the train or he is quite scared. Either way, it is a sight to behold.

32) What is That Out There?
This cat must think it’s the end of the world. It is snowing outside and he can not figure out what is happening to the window. There’s something out there, something bad.

33) It’s So Wet
This cat had enver been out in the rain before this moment. He was doing fine before it started raining but now he wants inside so bad he would tear the door down.

34) I Can Cwimb
This sweet cub is climbing his first tree with his mommy right beside him. Isn’t that a beautiful site? She wants him to explore but with things closely monitored.

Bored Panda
35) Howl at the Moon!
This is the first time this pupper ever howled. It didn’t take her long to figure it out and once she did, she couldn’t stop. You go get ’em, tiger!

36) Snow Way
This might not look like a big snow to you, but when it’s your first time in the snow, this is a lot to take in. She doesn’t seem to like it much, hence the big leaps.

37) Visual Nope
Most dogs like the snow, but it looks like this one is the exception. He walked out and turned right back around. Is it a good day to go potty inside?

38) I’ll Stick with Puppy Chow
His first and last lime. Doesn’t taste anything like the other treats he has been offered. He should have known by the smell that it was not bacon.

39) I’m Good Boi
This is Ralph. It is his first time out in public and he is trying so hard to behave. All he wants to do is go and greet everyone with a big jump and a lot of licks.

40) This Fun, Mommy
This is the most adorable kitten in the whole world. At just two weeks old, she got to go out and see the sun for the first time. Our eyes are as misty as hers.

41) John Stamos?
There is a rumor going around that this dog is John Stamos. We don’t know if it’s true, but if it is, then Mr. Stamos sure does love the beach!

42) I Like Park
This is a happy camper who is going to the park for the first time. His favorite thing there is the swing, he fits so perfectly and his favorite human gives him good underdogs.

43) So Soft
It’s a known fact that hamsters live just 2 to 3 years. She is over two years old now and was just adopted by a nice owner who just wanted to give her a soft bed to lay on.

44) Sleepy Time
This sweet, sweet Husky pup just went for his first walk and it was exhausting. So exhausting that he couldn’t even make it home on his own.

45) Don’t Make Me
This fluffy cat does not like the snow, not one bit. He may look good in snow but snow does not look good to him. His first winter was not a success, he can tell you that.

46) Autumn Days
This adorable pupper had never been outside during the fall before, he was born in the spring. But this is his favorite season because dry leaves are a blast.

47) I Want to Touch It
It’s Christmas time again but it’s this cat’s first Christmas. Or rather, her first Christmas tree. She knows exactly what it’s for. For destroying as soon as the humans go to bed.

48) What is This Place?
The first time you venture out into the garden, you don’t know what to expect. Then you see all of the flowers, grass, dirty concret, and crazy sunshine.

49) Oh, There You Are Peter
These littermates are meeting for the first time since their seperation just weeks after they were born. They remember each other and are ready to pick up where they left off.

50) Somebunny Loves It
It looks like this puppy is half bunny, which means he has a gazillion siblings, right? Do they all hop this gleefully? We can only hope so because he spreads such joy!

51) Where I Belong
This polar bear had never been in the snow before this day. Of course, he’s a natural in it and feels at home. What a sweet moment that should be cherished!

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52) Never Let Me Out Again
This cat went outside for the first time and came back attacked by a spiderweb. Her whole life flashed before her eyes that day and she never wants it to happen again.

53) At All Costs!
Not sure if this cat is ready to attack or protect this baby. Either way, it’s good that his mommy is near. Notice the hand around the cat’s tummy?

54) I Hatez De Snow
This cat is none too pleased to be outside. Which is surprising since she looks like snow. However, she wishes to go back inside this instant. Whatever you say, grumpy cat.

55) I Tawt I Taw a Puddy Tat
I did! I did tee a puddy tat! These kitties had never seen a bird before and they could not be more shocked. So many contradicting feelings. Is it a friend? Is it food?

56) She’s Not a Tree
This is the first time these squirrels have been outside since they were brought in to be rehabbed. They can hardly contain their excitement. Finally, home again!

57) I’m So Majestic
This pretty cat looks like a domestic tiger and he knows it. This is his first time out in the snow and he’s the first cat to really enjoy it. Because he’s a boss, of course.

58) I Like Sand
Took this gorgeous pup a second to realize that sand isn’t tasty. But as soon as he got the picture, he had the time of her life. And we know, he is beautiful.

59) Look What I Found
This sweet pup went to the park and found her first stick. This is way better than all of those toys that her owner bought her, silly little thing.

60) This Good Stuff
This is the first time this dog got the taste of peanut butter and he is pleased with the taste. In fact, he is quite addicted and wants more immediately.

61) Venturing Out
This is the first time this little kitty ventured “away from home” or so he though. In reality, he’s only feet away from his mama but he thinks he’s on an adventure.

62) I Think You’re Missing Something
This is the first time that her dog saw her in the bathtub. He was so shocked that he called for backup and now everyone is confused. Is that really you? Where’s your fur?

63) Don’t Worry About Old Chief
It’s true that you shouldn’t give corn to dogs because it is hard for them to digest. That aside, he hopped into the car after a day in the field and found it herself.

64) Hidey Ho, Neighbor!
This dog is friendly indeed. He is definitely not cut out for the farm life if it means he has to do any wrangling. After all, cows are friends and equals.

65) Where Are We?
His first time outside of the apartment and he doesn’t know what to think. Sure, the grass is soft and pretty but where is the couch? Where is the litterbox?

66) Their First Flight
To be honest, these ducks cannot fly. But they will gracefully glide down to meet their mama duck. They sure do try hard to do something that they can’t do. And that is inspiring.

67) Schnow Deyyy!
This cat had never seen snow before and I don’t think she likes it very much. It’s cold and wet, two things that cats do not like at all. Can we go back inside now?

68) Going Home
This sweet and beautiful girl got adopted on this day. Just look at how happy she is to be going home for the first time. All that time without a family makes this day extra special.

69) Kanga Who?
The look on this dog’s face says everything. He wants to know if his human friend is seeing what he is seeing and if he appreciates it as much as he does.

Bored Panda
70) Little Cadet’s First Day
It’s his first day on the job and he’s a little nervous about it. Will he perform well? Will they replace him so soon with an older, more capable dog? This is such a stressful life.

71) Corgis Rule!
Someone is ecstatic to see his first snow. But even more excited to play in it. His name is Waffles and he now loves snow. Thank God for winters like this.

72) This is the Life
This rat usually has to eat leaves and silly hamster food. But not this time. This time, he gets to try watermelon. He is obviously very pleased with himself and his lunch.

73) Is This Mine?
Animals and babies are so precious together. This cat is happy to meet his new baby brother, but also quite shocked. It’s so small and wrinkly. Is this really a human?

74) Accusations
This cat’s owner accidentally kicked over his milk and the cat is not happy about it. He didn’t have a replacement, so now the cat is watching his human eat…but not in peace.

75) I Regret Nothing
This funny guy had been trying for weeks to get into the fridge and he finally did it. This is his moment of glory and it is much cooler than he expected.

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