Family can be a tricky bunch. As much as they love and adore you, they can also seek to torture you. Some families have some pretty epic prank wars going on.
These are the families you have to watch your back around. You better not give them a spare key to your house. Or your car.
Leaving your phone around them… out of the question. Having to be so vigilant can be a lot of work. But it’s worth it when it comes to how hilarious some of these families are.
Here are 75 family members you need to watch your back with:
Their brother hates Nicolas Cage. They also have a history of pranking each other in weird ways. So, they covered everything in his home with Nicholas Cage faces.
This person’s brother had to work on Thanksgiving. He asked his sister to save him a little bit of everything so he wouldn’t completely miss out. So, like a good sister, she did.
Going to eat something and then it not being what you thought you were going to eat, can be sooo offputting. This wife put M&Ms in a bag with Skittles. She’s a monster.
Here’s mom working hard over the turkey that she made for her family. So, they decided to terrorize her while they were sitting on their full butts. With a remote controlled clown fish.
This brother bought his sister a toilet for Christmas. Not really. He just tries to disguise his present to her each year. He really went for it this year.
Little sisters are notorious tattletails. This sibling sent their sister a Snapchat with a picture of a party they had while their parents were gone. This is the photo they got back. It’s their dad.
This person owed their brother $1,000. But he wasn’t going to make it easy to get back. He had to follow the treasure map. Loans are more fun that way.
Some people wish they could have a long slender neck. But not this person’s sister. Her nickname is giraffe and she hates it. So, naturally this is her sibling’s birthday gift to her.
The youngest in the family usually gets picked on if they have siblings that are a few years older. What you’re starring at is a discussion that will be had in a future session of therapy. They walled her in.
Oh, this one is hilarious. This person ordered new sneakers and was all excited about them so he asked his little brother to send pictures of them. This is what he got. His sneakers are being held hostage until he gets home.
Siblings love to remember things and hold it against you. Like the time their brother was 6 and said they would never get married. This was given to him framed on his wedding day.
This prank is real extra. Her brother Photoshopped a picture of his sister and a rapper together and sent them out as Christmas cards. It also came with a letter explaining that she dropped out of college and got pregnant.
Sometimes you have to be wary when asking your family for help. This girl was moving and asked her siblings for some help. She left her sister alone and came back to her adroable dog looking like this. Look at his “Help me, mom” face!
You can’t hide anything from your siblings. They’ll find out and the consequences will be much worse than if you just told them in the first place. Their sister hid the fact that she had a boyfriend for four months. So, they got all dressed up when it was time to finally meet him.
Siblings are always there to keep you in check. This girl was complaining that she wasn’t losing weight from doing yoga. So, her brother sent her a reminder that she does yoga like this.
Siblings always know how to embarass us. She asked her brother to meet her at a restaurant for dinner and he showed up like this. Who wouldn’t want to have lunch with a panda bear.
They didn’t know what to get their sister for Christmas. So, he and his wife decide to wrap everything in his sister’s fridge. Now they have lots of presents.
No one knows us like our siblings know us. That’s why this sister gave her brother instructions that he was sure to understand. It’s both insulting and helpful at the same time.
Never EVER give your siblings your phone. This person was trying to email their boss. They realized that their brother made a few shortcuts to their phone.
This sibling always complains when they finds strands of their sister’s hair everywhere. She recently cut abotu a foot of it off. This is what she did with it to harass her brother.
Siblings love to scare the sh*t out of each other. That’s why this brother taped this to the outside of his sibling’s bedroom window above their bed. At least it’s a well dressed criminal outside her window.
You can never leave your phone unattended when your siblings are around. This brother took it upon himself to make new wallpaper on their sibling’s phone. So, freaking funny.
75 family members that will turn on you for the sake of a good laugh
D.G. Sciortino
Family can be a tricky bunch. As much as they love and adore you, they can also seek to torture you. Some families have some pretty epic prank wars going on.
These are the families you have to watch your back around. You better not give them a spare key to your house. Or your car.
Leaving your phone around them… out of the question. Having to be so vigilant can be a lot of work. But it’s worth it when it comes to how hilarious some of these families are.
Here are 75 family members you need to watch your back with: