They say that dogs are man’s best friend for good reason. They always want to be involved in whatever we’re doing, no matter what it is. Whether we’re working, playing, or sleeping, they’re right there in the thick of it — sometimes to hilarious results.
When it comes to photos, the rule still applies. Dogs want to be the center of attention. And honestly, they deserve it. They should be in all your photos because they’re a big part of your life!
And let’s face it: if you don’t include them, they’ll find a way to include themselves. That’s right — dogs aren’t above a good photobomb.
If you aren’t familiar with the word, allow us to introduce you to Collins English Dictionary Word of the Year in 2014. If you’ve spent any time on the internet at all, you know what photobombing is. It’s the act of inserting yourself into someone else’s photo, either intentionally or unintentionally.
It’s been done by the likes of Bill Clinton, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Kelly Clarkson. And dogs, as it turns out, are experts at it. When they see someone taking aphoto, they’re determined to be part of it, no matter what it takes.
1. Are you wearing your seatbelt?
This dog might not know how to drive, but he knows the rules of the road. And he’s watching you to make sure you obey the speed limit and keep those hands at 10 and 2.
Animals are wonderful, but they’re not good at not being the center of attention. Sure, the owners just wanted a nice picture of that scenic background. But the dog was certain they’d rather have a one of him.
This kid will never need a Halloween costume. Just have the dog stand directly behind him and the two of them can be Yoda. It’ll work for one year at least.
Dogs aren’t shy about getting it on anytime or anywhere. That includes in the middle of the family Christmas photo with everyone from Grandma to the baby present. Think of the kids, please.
This dog’s unintentional photobomb actually looks like a selfie taken by an elderly man. You know the one — it’s his Facebook profile picture and he’s uploaded it five times.
Dogs aren’t shy about letting it all hang out, if you get my drift. In their defense, they don’t wear clothes. I guess you get pretty comfortable with showing everything off when you only have fur.
Don’t you hate it when you take a picture that’s perfect except for one tiny flaw? This photo has it all: a dragonfly, a beautiful meadow, a picturesque river, and a dog taking a poop in the background.
All dogs love hanging their head out of the window during a car ride. But it takes practice. This dog made the rookie mistake of turning his head and letting the wind get under his jowls.
Maybe this dog really hates being on the water or perhaps he’s eyeing that fish. Either way, that face is kind of terrifying, to be honest. But hey, nice catch.
Some photobombs are awkward, some are gross, and some just totally ruin the picture. Then there are ones like this that bring the whole image to another level. Adorable.
I don’t know what this dog’s beef is with the camera, but she’s not happy about having her picture taken. Her owner pulled out the camera to which she responded with a death glare to end all death glares.
At first glance, this photo just looks like a crowd of people. But once you spot the dog, it raises more questions than answers. The first question is, who would bring a German Shepherd to an event like this?
Dogs are notoriously jealous of their owner’s attention. If they’re petting another dog, it’s a crisis situation. If they’re taking a picture of another dog, it’s time to intervene.
Is this a dog popping his head into the frame in front of the driver or a dog-human hybrid with a tattoo sleeve driving a car? Either way, keep those hands at 10 and 2.
When this dog’s owner was deployed, he tried to Skype with his wife. But the moment the dog heard his voice, he leaped in front of the camera, leading to this amazing photo.
18. “Stop talking pictures of the baby and look at me”
Introducing a pet to a new baby can be difficult, and every animal has a different reaction. Something tells me this dog’s a little jealous of all the photos taken of the new addition.
I don’t know what’s going on in this photo but everyone’s very excited. Frankly, I don’t know who wins the prize for Most Excited, the guy on the left or the dog.
This dog has an unusual quirk when it comes to photos: she refuses to make a normal face. We’re not asking for an outright smile, but at least don’t do whatever that is.
You can pet and snuggle your dog all day, every day, but they’ll still be jealous when your attention is elsewhere. Sometimes, that means popping into the camera frame when you’re trying to take a nice photo.
Everyone hopes to get caught on camera at a sports game. This pup looks pretty thrilled about it. If this had been a kiss cam, everyone would have rushed to give him a smooch.
Don’t you hate it when you’re trying to take a nice picture of some woods only for a dog to fall out of a tree? That’ll teach you not to take photos during Cocker Spaniel season.
At first glance, you think this photo contains two dogs. Actually, there’s just one…a very sick dog and his favorite stuffed toy. What’s the world coming to?
This dog must’ve launched himself at top speed to get captured in the photo. Maybe he was excited to be included or perhaps he was expressing his feelings about this human relationship.
You thought you were getting a picture of a cute dog, but there are actually two dogs. No, you’re not seeing double. They just happen to look exactly the same.
The dog in the back is pretty funny with those big ears and beady eyes, but I honestly can’t decide which of these is funnier. All I know is their owner should treasure this photo forever.
This cameraman was just trying to snap a photo of a helicopter when they got a surprise guest. But we don’t mind. If we’re perfectly frank, we’d rather look at cute puppies than helicopters any day.
30. How does he feel about chocolate and peanut butter?
I’m going to give this dog’s owner the benefit of the doubt and assume they don’t give their pet chocolate. But you better believe this dog would take it if he could get it.
Selfies with pets can go one of two dramatic directions. Either you get an amazing photo with your furry friend and post it all over social media or you get a photo like, well, this.
This cat was set to be the star of the show when the dog swooped in front of the camera. If that cat’s eyes had lasers, you can bet he’d be burning a hole through the pup right now.
Every animal has a unique personality, as this dog proves. When the camera comes out, the one on the left poses while the one on the right makes a silly face.
Absolutely no one was ready for this photo. Since everyone’s still getting into place, they’re not even looking at the camera. Only the dog knew what was going on.
When you have a new baby, you spend a lot of time taking photos of them. They’re just so sweet. This dog decided it was time to stop taking pictures of the baby and aim the camera his way.
Frankly, the only thing worthwhile about this photo is the dog’s expression. Without it, it’s just a picture of someone walking across a garage. But that puppy look of horror turns the picture from dull to dynamite.
Dogs are notoriously bad at understanding their owners’ need for personal space. They want to cuddle as close as they possibly can, even if that means laying on their human’s face.
While this dog seems pretty psyched about the new addition to the family, it has an interesting way of showing it. Hey, when I’m excited, I also pose like a sorority girl during a “silly” group picture.
Taking a photo of your dog can go several different ways. Either they’ll cooperate, misbehave, or you’ll find a second, smaller dog between their ears.
What started as a photo of a sweet cuddle turned into the most classic photobomb of all time. This dog knows how it’s done — if you’re out of ideas, just make a goofy face.
When the camera comes out, we tell everyone to say cheese. But not every smile is cute, as this little dog makes abundantly clear. Let’s stick to serious photos from now on.
Two out of three dogs in this photo technically qualify as photobombers. I just can’t decide which of the two is funnier, the little one terrified of the German Shepherd or the one leaping in front of the camera.
Timed group photos can have hilarious results. For example, you might catch your dog running up to the camera just as it goes off. It’s way better than any normal family photo could be.
The angle on this photo is such that it’s difficult to gauge the size of the dog. Sure, it’s probably regular-sized that’s close to the camera. But I prefer to believe this is a giant dog about to squash these girls.
While the dog’s the star of the show, the cat is pretty funny, too. It’s by far the angriest cat I’ve ever seen. Someone needs to develop a sense of humor.
Who says dogs can’t enjoy a warm day by the pool like humans? He resents that you weren’t going to include him in your photo. Come on, Debbie, this is OUR FAMILY vacation.
These dogs are positioned so perfectly that they look like Russian nesting dolls. Well, either that or the dog in the front is wearing a very realistic hat.
It doesn’t matter what you’re doing — dogs want to be a part of it. That means if you’re taking a picture, they’ll be there with you. Why would you want to take a photo without them?
This dog’s seriously beautiful. If I had taken this photo, I might submit it to a canine beauty contest. That is provided I could crop out the weirdo in the bottom corner.
Whenever there’s a baby in a picture, your eyes go straight to them. It might take you a moment or two to notice the photobomber with the attitude back there.
This dog looks vaguely threatening as it creeps into the frame of the photo and stares down the camera. Of course, that might be due to its naturally beady eyes.
This lady was trying to get a sweet picture of herself cuddling with her dogs when one of them decided to stare down the lens. But as it turns out, it’s a pretty accurate depiction of what it’s like to have multiple furry friends at home.
Ah, selfies: they’ve dominated the internet since its earliest days. They’re easy to photobomb since the subject of the photo is focusing only on themselves. That’s when you break out your biggest doggie smile.
What a beautiful family photo. These people might’ve been together to celebrate the birth of that beautiful new baby. Good thing the dog urgently had to poop at the exact same time.
Not every photobomb is intentional. This old guy is just trying to take a snooze while the puppy scampered around. It’s not his fault the camera happened to catch him in the background.
There’s nothing like a cityscape with its enormous skyline and buildings that almost touch the clouds. Oh, and the dopey pug faces staring down the camera.
Sometimes, photobombs are made perfect by one tiny detail. In this case, it’s the dog’s tongue. Without it, this would be just a regular picture of two dogs — but with it, the photo’s hilarious.
Older dogs often struggle when a new puppy joins the family. This dog looks like he can’t believe he’s been replaced. Does anyone else hear sad violin music?
The Corgi in the front is pretty adorable but the one in the back makes the photo hilarious. Why do I wish I was on a beach with a pack of Corgis? That sounds like heaven.
This dog’s owner was trying to get a picture of their beautiful pet. But just then, their other dog decided to leap into the camera frame. He’s not quite as Instagram-worthy.
At first glance, you might think this is just a photo of a dog. But when you look a little closer, you’ll realize there are two dogs in this photo, making for an epic photobomb.
Why take a photo of a beautiful beach scene when you can take a photo of your dog? Bonus points if the dog’s licking its own nose and staring down the camera with beady eyes.
What should’ve been a sweet picture of a happy cuddle turned into the most heartbreaking photo of all time. For the love of all that’s good, someone please pet that dog.
The dog in the back was supposed to be the subject of this photo, but the dog in the front had other ideas. He leaped into the frame and gave the camera his biggest smile.
Dogs seem to love photobombing family photos, but it makes sense. They want to be with the people they love. More importantly, they’re part of the family and deserve to be there.
There are times when someone outgrows their group of friends. This dog looks like he’s in the middle of realizing he’s too old for silly pictures. Come on, Glenn, let’s be adults.
At any given moment, dogs think attention should be on them. And they’re pretty much right — attention should always be on them because they’re amazing.
Ah, the feline, a creature of grace and beauty. This cat’s perfectly aware of how majestic he is and that he shares ancestry with the mighty tiger. Then, of course, there’s the weirdo in the back.
The longer I look at this dog’s expression, the funnier it becomes. The frown, the glare, the single crossed eye. It might not be cute, but it sure is funny.
As you might be able to tell, this is an older photo. It went straight into the family photo album after the dog sabotaged the daughter’s first-day-of-school picture.
They say that dogs are man’s best friend for good reason. They always want to be involved in whatever we’re doing, no matter what it is. Whether we’re working, playing, or sleeping, they’re right there in the thick of it — sometimes to hilarious results.
When it comes to photos, the rule still applies. Dogs want to be the center of attention. And honestly, they deserve it. They should be in all your photos because they’re a big part of your life!
And let’s face it: if you don’t include them, they’ll find a way to include themselves. That’s right — dogs aren’t above a good photobomb.
If you aren’t familiar with the word, allow us to introduce you to Collins English Dictionary Word of the Year in 2014. If you’ve spent any time on the internet at all, you know what photobombing is. It’s the act of inserting yourself into someone else’s photo, either intentionally or unintentionally.
It’s been done by the likes of Bill Clinton, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Kelly Clarkson. And dogs, as it turns out, are experts at it. When they see someone taking aphoto, they’re determined to be part of it, no matter what it takes.