It’s a sad fact that an awful lot of kids have to deal with bullying. It can happen at any age, from kindergarten right through to college, and it can have devastating effects. Many young children and teens are picked on due to their appearance, their differences, or purely because some kids just decided to be mean to them, and the stress and trauma of bullying can stay with us for our entire lives. Fortunately, there are still a lot of kids out there who know wrong from right.
Often, when kids see someone getting bullied, they tend to either go along with it or simply stay silent, scared to get involved for fear of the consequences. But when Kristopher and Antwain saw their classmate, Michael, being bullied, they knew that it was wrong.
The trio were invited onto Ellen’s show to share their story.

Kristopher reveald that he originally laughed along at the jokes being made at Michael’s expense, thinking it was just a little harmless fun, but when he spent some time thinking about what had happend, he realized he wanted to give Michael an apology.
He spoke to Antwain about it, who also felt the need to apologize. But the pair didn’t just want to say sorry, they wanted to give Michael something special, deciding to buy him some brand new clothes.

“I was surprised, shocked, happy” revealed Michael, adding that it felt like the best day of his life, as he’d had to deal with bullying for many years.
Little did Kristopher and Antwain know that their kindness was captured on camera by one of their classmates. It was later uploaded online and seen by millions, including Ellen herself and a few other famous celebrities too.

Ellen felt so inspired by the boys’ actions that she wanted to reward them with a visit from a very special guest.
While speaking to the boys about how viral their video had gone and how many people had seen it, she suddenly said five words that made their jaws drop: “Will Smith, come on out!”

The world famous Hollywood star walked out onto the stage, hugging the boys and happily taking a seat beside them.
He then recounted how he’d watched the video with his wife, immediately feeling inspired to make some kind of contact with the boys. In his own words:
What you did felt small to you, but I promise you that is exactly how human beings are supposed to interact with one another. It’s not more complicated than that. Somebody’s having a hard time, and you help them. It’s that simple.

Smith added that he was particularly impressed with the “self-correct” of the boys, who initially did something wrong but realized that they needed to be better and wanted to make amends.
The boys were all blown away by Will’s appearance, and the actor had one more surprise in store for them. Inspired by the way that Kristopher and Antwain had given clothes to Michael, Will decided to give them all a few gifts of his own. See it all happen in the clip below.
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Kristopher and Antwain surprised their classmate, and I wanted to surprise them with Will Smith.
Posted by Ellen DeGeneres on Friday, 20 September 2019