Grandparents are the best! But, they grew up in a totally different time, so when they’re dealing with newer technologies, we have to cut them some slack. But, let’s face it – watching them ‘struggle’ is pretty darn funny. Especially when it comes to grandpas with no filter.
Whether it’s text messaging or Facebook – Grandpas sending messages is quite possibly the funniest thing ever. We have 45 texts to prove it.
Sometimes their emojis make no sense and their stories are completely inappropriate, but that’s what makes grandpas so great, right?!
1) Nice try, Gramps
It looks like this grandpa is totally new to the entire smartphone world. This kind grandchild reached out to their grandpa with a new iPhone and it’s clear that the whole texting thing is going to take some time.
There are a few hilarious things happening in this message here. First off, the photo! Great catch, grandpa! Second, the reply to himself is so cute. And third, “oh scrap.” Enough said.
This granddaughter received the most hilarious text fom her grandpa after sending he and her grandma a card for their anniversary. Now, here’s the question – is grandpa messing with her or is her serious?
Sent my grandparents a card for their 51st anniversary and wrote "happy anniversary you love birds!" and just got this text from my grandpa😂
Some people’s grandpas are just straight blunt. They tell it like it is and they don’t mess around. Well, this person turned down a bingo night with their grandpa and received this endearing text.
“Niece texts grandpa “Im excited to get my braces off next week!” Grandpa responds “You’ll have a beautiful smile like me!” with photo,”explained this Imgur user.
All this kid needs is the code to the garage door but, like most grandparents, grandpa is overly concerned about privacy. And apparently he also thinks that texting is the same thing as social media.
It’s interesting that he even started the text with the “how was your classes?” It seems like there are more pressing and devastating issues to talk about.
This grandpa is still a bit confused about texting. Instead of texting his granddaughter about the daylight savings reminder, he wrote it down, took a photo, then sent the photo via text. At least he knows how to use the camera function?
Gramps is making light of what looks like a not-very-fun situation. And it also looks like he’s a big Men in Black fan and likes to reference it whenever he can get the chance. We like him.
Why is it that grandparents like to “sign off” on their texts? Is it because they’re used to writing hand-written letters where you sign your signature at the end? Regardless, Grandpa Wayne is awesome .
If you’re rarely going to receive texts from grandpa, they might as well be the most awesome grandpa-style photos ever. We’d say it’s worth the wait between texts.
I rarely get text messages from my grandpa, but when I do, it’s never disappointing
First off, “that’s how you know she’s clean”?! What the heck, grandpa? And no, that is absolutely not what “gf” stands for at all. I don’t know about introducing your gf to this guy.
This grandpa wants to be the “hip” one in his group of friends. Apparently he drinks coffee with a group of guys every morning and he sends texts like this to his grandkid all the time.
I’m not sure anyone really wants to get a text from their grandpa while they’re sitting on the toilet but you have to admit this guy is pretty darn funny!
Does grandpa really know what YOLO means or does he think it stands for something else? We’re not entirely sure but it actually works in this situation.
His grandkids probably aren’t running around doing the drug Molly all the time (or at least we hope not) but it’s grandpa’s duty to keep his family safe! So, PSA messages are a must.
It looks like grandpa has had his fair share of Garth Brooks karaoke at the Christmas Eve service. He’s now been banned and told to “get the hell outta here.”
Grandpa was checking in on his granddaughter after some earthquakes and fires and didn’t realize that he accidentally hit ‘audio record’ after. Too freaking cute.
Text from my grandpa & the transcript of the accidental audio recording that followed
He hasn’t quite nailed it yet but at least this grandpa is really trying. But one thing is for sure, with each text he just keeps getting better and better! Good job, grandpa!
Emojis are still brand new to grandpa so you have to help him out a little bit. At least he asked! Whether he “got it” or not, we’re not sure, but he did end the convo with an “lol.”
This grandchild lives 2,000 miles away from their grandpa and woke up to this hilariously random text. We just like how grandpa seemed to be totally cool and accepting of that answer.
When grandpas are retired, they really can end up with way too much time on their hands which leads to the most random of thoughts. Like this one, for example.
It’s funny how grandparents with cell phones just never quite fully get it or how it works, no matter how much progress with texting has been made. But, it’s cute, so we’ll let it fly.
There’s something about grandparents and selfies that just makes us oh-so-happy. Plus, we just love that this grandpa is still traveling the world. So great!
This grandpa is feeling real good about himself and his texting skills. In fact? He’s going to show it off with a little text explaining how good he’s getting at texts!
Was he googling something? Did he purposely mean to just send a one-word text saying ‘Hollywood’? Should we be concerned he’s actually using his phone? Is it an emergency? They need to call him back.
I woke up to this text from my grandpa who never uses his phone 😂😂😂😂
Grandpa is sitting there waiting for dinner and guess who he’s waiting on? Grandma! He had to kill some time so why not start complaining to someone via text?
This person seems to be having some health issues but grandpa doesn’t seem to really care one bit. In fact? He’s the type of grandpa that’s going to insult you about it.
No one likes to think about it but, the truth is – we all die someday. That goes for literally everyone. You can either fight it or accept it and this grandpa seems to have become pretty jaded toward it all.
Sometimes giving a grandpa access to a smartphone and the internet isn’t the best idea at all. They could start posting “sexy” selfies on Facebook for the world to see.
This grandpa isn’t exactly being cute, more like creepy. Who are these young girls and why is he grabbing one of their bums while posing with his wife?
This grandpa discovered Gangnam Style and wants to know who the heck this Psy guy is and if he’s a big deal in “his age group.” Grandkids are like the “Google” for grandparents.
45 times grandpas prove that they send the funniest texts ever
Ashley Fike
Grandparents are the best! But, they grew up in a totally different time, so when they’re dealing with newer technologies, we have to cut them some slack. But, let’s face it – watching them ‘struggle’ is pretty darn funny. Especially when it comes to grandpas with no filter.
Whether it’s text messaging or Facebook – Grandpas sending messages is quite possibly the funniest thing ever. We have 45 texts to prove it.
Sometimes their emojis make no sense and their stories are completely inappropriate, but that’s what makes grandpas so great, right?!