There is nothing we love more than a dramatic weight loss transformation. It is so incredible how much of a difference shedding a few pounds can make. Not only can it completely change a person’s look, but losing weight can be pretty great mentally as well.
We’ve gathered 60 of our favorite before and after weight loss pictures to inspire you on your own journey. With a little hard work and discipline, these results are something anyone can achieve. All it takes is a bit of dedication and a willingness to change.
1. Exercise Is Powerful Medicine. From 234lbs To 128lbs.
Exercise is one of the most empowering things you can do for yourself. It can also completely transform your body like this amazing woman found out. She lost over 100 pounds.
2. 110lbs Lost In 7 Years.
Not everyone is on the rapid weight loss plan either. Sometimes, it takes a few years to be able to achieve the body you desire. It took this man seven years to lose the excess pounds, but it was well worth it.
3. Simone Lost An Inspiring 92 Kilos.
The before and after pictures speak for themselves. Simone put the work in and got the results. She pushed through the pain in order to realize her true potential.
4. Kate Started Her Journey At 120 Kilos, Look At Her Now.
In just nine months, Kate lost over 55 kilograms. It is incredible how she completely changed her look in such a short amount of time. She truly is an inspiration.
5. Seeing The Progress Like This Is Pretty Unbelievable – Now To Maintain.
Dropping the pounds is one thing, but oftentimes, what is even harder than the original weight loss is maintaining it. You have to completely change your lifestyle, make a plan, and stick to it no matter what.
6. Exactly Three Years Ago Versus Today. 600 Pounds To 230 Pounds.
Her original goal was just to get down to 250, but she actually exceeded it by 20 pounds! It’s incredible how much of a difference three years can make. Her total weight loss in that time period was 370 pounds.
7. I Lost 153 Pounds In One Year.
This man decided to go the surgery route to help him control his hunger and allow him to eat like a “normal person”. It turned out to be the best decision ever. It made such a massive difference for him.
8. Through Thick And Thin.
She loved him for him, even with the extra weight. They both chose each other for all the right reasons. However, we are willing to bet neither of them is complaining about their new figures.
9. Mom Of Three Lost 35kg In 32 Weeks. From 94kgs To 61kgs.
32 weeks is a pretty short amount of time for such a dramatic transformation, but this mom of three has the dated newspapers to prove it. She acquired a very nice tan along the way as well. She is radiating with confidence now.
10. Those Size 26 Shorts That Dug Into To My Belly.
Exactly two years later, she can be seen wearing the same size 26 shorts all over again. This time, though, they fit completely different. They definitely aren’t digging into her belly anymore!
11. Before / After Weight Loss Pics. Suit-Up Edition.
This suited up stud went from 304 pounds in his before picture to a slim 165 in just 15 short months. He looks super sharp in the after pic. We imagine his entire wardrobe must be completely different now.
12. 170 Lbs Down (One Year Progress).
We love inspiring progress pictures like these. In addition to starting weightlifting, he also changed up his meal times. He went from eating three larger meals per day to eating several smaller meals instead. He believes this strategy helped to keep his metabolism constantly burning fat.
13. When People Ask Me How I’m So Motivated… This Is How.
Natalie often pulls out old photos of hers to see how far she has come and to motivate her to continue working. “Came across that old pic today and looking at it actually made me sick,” she wrote on Instagram.
14. ‘Tis The Season For Weight Loss.
New mom Betsy has a pretty intense story. After she found out her husband was cheating on her and called her a cow behind her back, she was driven to make a big change. She lost 100 pounds and left him.
15. So I Could Make Sure To Be The Best Mom I Could Be.
She started her weight loss journey so she could be the best mom she could possibly be for her beautiful daughter. She lost five times the weight of the little baby girl in the first photo. Her daughter weighed 30 pounds at the time, so that means she lost a total of 150!
16. Weight Loss Does Wonders. 70 Lbs Down And So Much Happier And Healthier.
Exercise does as much for the brain as it does for the body. When you are healthy and fit, you just feel much happier in general. Not to mention, all those feel-good endorphin chemicals that exercise releases.
17. 10 Month Transformation.
His expression in the before picture says everything — he knew he needed to lose the weight. He finally got angry enough to follow through and do something about it. In just 10 months, he changed his life.
18. Bravo To My Girlfriend.
The boyfriend is super proud of his girlfriend for losing the weight. “Bravo to my girlfriend,” he wrote on Imgur, and he is right. She definitely deserves a lot of props. It’s an amazing before and after.
19. From A Size 26 To A Size 8.
It cost her £90,000 to achieve her new look, but we have to say it worked out well for her. The surgeon sculpted her into a whole new woman. Judging by her giant smile in the after picture, she is very pleased with how things turned out too.
This man’s Instagram username describes him perfectly. He went from being obese to a total beast. His story is wild. He started his journey as a homeless man consuming 10,000 calories per day of fast food. Then he lost 140 pounds, built his body to that of a model, and found love.
21. Arms And Legs Are Smaller But I Still Have The Same Size Smile!
At 23 years old, this stunning young woman decided to start tracking what she ate, running, and lifting weights. In 7.5 months, she managed to lose over 48 pounds. Instead of the weight, she now has two half marathons under her belt.
22. World’s Fattest Man After Losing 700+ Lbs.
This one is, perhaps, the most dramatic transformation in all of human history. He went from being the world’s fattest man to losing over 700 pounds. It’s likely that the transformation saved his life.
23. The Difference One Year Can Make.
If you do the work, the amount of progress you can make in a year is pretty awesome. This man lost 177 pounds in a six month period to start. Then he began lifting weights and slowly putting on some muscle after.
24. When Told He Would Die If He Didn’t Lose Weight, Pat Lost 325 Lbs
The looming threat of death if he didn’t lose the weight compelled him into change. His doctor’s scare tactic totally worked. Look at him now — 325 pounds lighter and healthier than ever.
25. 10 Months Ago I Promised Myself I’d Lose 100 Pounds By My Birthday.
It’s his birthday, and guess how much he lost in total? 115 pounds! He did it. His starting weight 10 months ago was 340 and now it’s a lean 225. It makes us so happy to see people achieving their weight loss goals.
26. Recovering Alcoholic Loses 165 Pounds.
She ate excessively and drank alcohol to mask her depression, but ultimately, it only made the issues worse. She finally realized the only solution was to change her ways. Before her weight loss, she felt like she only attracted men with a “fat fetish”. Now she is a certified babe.
27. In 10 Months I Lost 60kg. And Now I’ve Been Maintaining For A Year.
After his weight loss, it’s hard to even recognize him. He looks so insanely different… in a good way. Now that he has been maintaining for a year, it’s safe to say that his old days of overeating are now a thing of the past.
28. 1 Year Weight Loss Anniversary.
What better way to celebrate a one-year weight loss anniversary than to take a new after picture to highlight how far you’ve come? She went from 264 pounds to 157. She is skinny as a rail now.
29. What You Guys Think ? 14 to 16.
We feel for kids who for whatever reason grew up heavy. They definitely have it harder than most. After all, other kids can be very mean and inconsiderate at that age. However, the 16-year-old decided to work to lose the weight before it became his permanent identity.
30. 320 Lbs Down To 120 Lbs. Feels Great To Be Free.
She carried the weight around with her like a giant burden. However, now 200 pounds lighter and finally she feels like she can relax a little bit. She is free and there is no longer anything to drag her down.
31. For The Past 2.5 Years I’ve Dedicated Every Single Day To Creating A Better Me.
He also mentioned that the guy in the photo on the left was “not healthy, not happy, and most importantly not living to his full potential”. On the other hand, the guy on the right is the result of some serious dedication. 2.5 years of it.
32. Hey Can I Post My 100 Pound Weight Loss?
After all that hard work, it’s totally okay to show off a little bit. The difference between the two images is striking. 100 pounds of weight loss was a total game-changer for this guy.
33. My First “Little” Black Dress.
She went from 269 pounds down to 137, and now, she can finally wear the little black dress she always dreamt about. For the first time ever, she is able to confidently share her beauty with the world. It must be such an amazing moment for her.
34. This Is What Losing 160 Pounds Looks Like.
Losing 160 pounds can do wonders for a person’s self-image. It’s something that this guy knows first hand. He has experienced both sides of the equation before.
35. One Year Ago Today I Decided To Change My Lifestyle.
All it took was one year of hard work and lifestyle changes to produce these stunning results. By wearing the same clothes in the before and after pictures, she was able to clearly demonstrate how far she has come. She is a whole new woman.
36. My Sister Before And After Losing Over 168 Lbs In 11 Months.
Although the second photo is not a full-body image, it’s still very easy to tell the difference. Her facial features are so much more defined in the after picture. We suppose that is what happens when you lose 168 pounds.
37. 2007-Today, 345lbs-187lbs.
This before and after combo picture was posted just over three years ago. That means the transformation took around 10 years in total. Despite the fact that it was a slow and steady change, the end result is still just as sweet.
38. Showing Off The Weight Loss.
It’s hard to believe that this handsome man was once overweight, but he has the stretch marks to prove it. We’re sure, over time, the skin will return to normal. His cool chest tattoo adds a very nice touch too.
39. I Went From Not Being Able To Stand As A Spectator To Running The Same 10k.
A year ago when was he was watching the 10k, he never imagined that 12 short months later he would actually be competing in the same race himself. However, that’s exactly what happened. He started training and never looked back.
She achieved a nearly a 200-pound weight loss. It is something we are sure she is extremely proud of. The amount of discipline it takes to lose that much weight is very extreme.
41. I Have Come So Far Mentally, Physically And Emotionally.
She added that she barely even recognizes the girl on the left anymore. It seems like a lifetime ago that she started her journey. And now she has blossomed into a completely different person.
42. What Losing 60kg Did To My Face.
Wow! That’s all we have to see. She looked beautiful before but now her face is like that of a model. You can see all her features much more clearly and her glasses perfectly highlight her stunning eyes.
43. 85lbs Lost And A New Life Gained. Bring On The Next Adventure!
She went from Halloween partying to surfing the waves. Her incredible weight loss changed everything for her. She is now able to live the adventurous life she always wanted.
44. Weight Loss The Right Way.
A lot of people start their weight loss journey with good intentions, but within a few weeks, they are back to their normal habits. However, this woman stuck it out all the way to the end. She has the epic body now to prove it.
45. Healthy Lifestyle Changes For Massive Weight Loss.
She went from 314 pounds down to 155. It adds up to a total loss of 160 pounds. That’s more than her current weight. Her epic weight loss was all thanks to making a few healthy lifestyle changes.
46. Couple Loses Combined Total Of 770 Pounds.
When it comes to hitting the gym and taking on a new diet, it always helps to have an accountability partner. This couple took on the challenge together, and in just over a year, they lost an amount of weight that is hard to fathom.
47. My Wife Finished A Triathlon Today, Exactly One Year From Her Very First Race.
She crossed the finish line of the triathlon with a giant smile on her face, and her adoring husband is so proud of her. It looks like her year of training was a year very well spent. She is now truly a Tri Babe.
48. My Fiancé Began His Weight Loss Journey Last October.
Now, just over a year later and he is down 145 pounds. It is a marvelous accomplishment. He even got a new hair cut to complement his new look, and we have to say, it looks great! Good vibes all around.
49. The Moment You Realize Your Old T-Shirt From Last Year Could Almost Be A Bedsheet.
He’s down 50 kilograms so far. It’s a change that is definitely going to require a shopping trip or two. None of his old clothes fit anymore. He could practically use his old t-shirt as a bedsheet.
50. Promised A Year Ago I’d Stuff Both My Legs Into One Of These Pantlegs.
This is the kind of inspirational image we love to see. He made a promise to himself and he kept it. Now both of his legs easily fit into a pant leg that used to only fit one. The difference is astonishing.
The math doesn’t lie. 274 to 180 equals an almost 100-pound weight loss — 94 to be exact. It is quite an impressive feat. She was still able to maintain her beautiful curves in the process too.
52. All Me, No Trainer, No Creams, No Pills, No Quick Fixes!
The are no short cuts when it comes to weight loss. According to this woman, what you actually need is “time, patience, consistency, dedication, and a mix of crazy!” If you put the work in, you will get the results.
53. 70 Pounds Down, Never Felt So Good!
It feels good to lose weight. Not only do you just feel all-around healthier, but you also feel better mentally. Exercise is one of the best things a person can do for themselves.
54. They Celebrated The Weight Loss With A Wedding Photo Recreation.
They figured what better way to celebrate her 200-pound weight loss than to recreate a photo from the past. On their 16th wedding anniversary, they decided to both put on her old dress. It fits much differently this time around.
55. 63 Lbs Down In 8 Months. Reached My Goal!
It’s pretty crazy how fast the pounds start disappearing when you make a plan and stick to it. As this woman proves, you can often reach your goal in a surprisingly short amount of time. 8 months was all it took for her to drop down to her goal weight.
56. This Is Just Another Step In My Journey.
“This is just another step in my journey. Are you ready to start yours?” Andy asks. After his weight loss, he was finally able to do something he never thought possible — compete in a 5k. It was a very huge milestone for him.
In the first picture he weighed in at over 688 pounds. By the time he took the second one, he was already down to 349 — a 300+ pound difference. That is some serious weight loss! We wish him the best of luck as he continues on his journey.
It is so crazy the kinds of transformations people can have when they drop the excess pounds. She appears 20 years younger now and totally rocks that little black dress. It is a gorgeous new look for her.
59. What Losing A 1/3 Of A Fridge Looks Like.
This good-humored guy had a very funny way of putting his weight loss into perspective. It’s like he lost a third of a refrigerator. Posed next to the appliance, the difference is clear as day.
60. A Year And A Half Of Running And Lifting.
It’s evident by looking at her before and after pictures that her running and lifting plan worked. However, it still doesn’t make the actual numbers any less surprising. She went from 278 pounds to 153 for a 125-pound loss. It’s pretty unbelievable!
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