Seniors Dance 'The Shag', Paralyze The Crowd With Their Exceptional Flair And Skills
Do you remember "The Shag?"
Jenny Brown

Jackie McGee and Charlie Womble are a lovely husband and wife couple who happen to be extraordinary dancers. They are well known in the state of South Carolina for their incredible skills, especially when it comes to dancing “the shag.” It’s a style of dance that South Carolinians have grown up hearing about, and when the couple perform, it’s mesmerizing!

The shag is a partner dance that is typically performed to Carolina beach music, which is a regional genre of various rock/R&B/pop music of the 50s and 60s. The basic step in the Carolina step is a six-count, eight-step pattern that’s danced in a slot. Charlie says she loves the dance because of the way you move during it, going back and forth towards your partner in an accordion-like manner.


In the video below, the dynamic duo show off their flair and skills at the ShagAtlanta 2013 ACSC Summer Workshop. They are so fluid in their movements, and they make the dance look so effortless. It’s no wonder why they have won so many competitions and accolades in the past including the honor of being inducted into the Shaggers Hall of Fame.

Please SHARE this talented couple on your Facebook wall.

[Source: 1950baby]
