Humans need water to live, so it’s no secret that water is by far the best drink choice you can make. Despite this, a study by AdAge discovered that carbonated beverages are the number one choice for most people. Americans drink an average of 44.7 gallons of these soft drinks per year. Bottled water is the second most popular drink, followed by beer, milk and coffee.
But what happens to your health if you stop drinking these other options and stick exclusively with water?
Many studies on the effects of drinking water look at the physical and mental changes that occur after eliminating all other drinks for at least 30 days. What researchers have learned through these studies is absolutely fascinating, and it definitely make a big argument for choosing water every single time you feel thirsty.
You’ll Experience Cognitive Improvements
Dehydration has a negative impact on your brain’s ability to perform properly. According to the Huffington Post, drinking at least eight glasses of water per day will make it easier to focus and boost your reaction times.
You’ll Eat Less Food and Lose Weight
Many people think they’re hungry when the problem is actually dehydration. Men’s Journal indicates that drinking two glasses of water half-an-hour before mealtime will reduce food consumption and help you lose approximately one pound per month.
You’ll Cut Your Stroke Risk in Half

Thicker blood is more prone to clotting, which can lead to a stroke. Fortunately, you can easily and naturally thin your blood and drop your stroke risk by 53 percent. All you have to do is drink at least five glasses of water per day. ABC News does stipulate that you must spread your water consumption out throughout the day to get this benefit, though. In other words, choosing water for each drink is the best way to achieve this goal.
You’ll Reduce Your Risk of Kidney Stones

The National Kidney Foundation advises that drinking water is one of the best ways to prevent kidney stones. Approximately 10 percent of the population will suffer from kidney stones at some point during their lifetime. Therefore, it just makes good sense to give yourself the best possible odds of not becoming a painful statistic.
You’ll Boost Your Metabolism

Per Shape, drinking 17 ounces of water approximately 30 minutes before exercising will make it easier for your body to burn fat. Kick start your metabolic rate by 30 percent and enjoy the results of burning through fat more efficiently.
You’ll Have a Healthier Heart
Heart disease is the number one killer in America and is responsible for 25 percent of all deaths. The American Heart Association says that one of the best ways to live a long, healthy life is by adding water into your daily routine. Combining this with regular exercise will provide even more benefits, but water alone helps prevent your heart from working too hard.
You’ll Save a Lot of Money

Frugal living site Wise Bread says that the average American family spends at least $977 a year by drinking soda while dining out. Add this to the amount of money you spend on having carbonated beverages at home, and you could easily save more than $1,000 per year. Of course, the trick is to use tap water. Buying a water filter will improve the taste and smell, and you’ll still save a ton of money!
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