Drug addiction is a serious problem for millions of people.
Drugs change people, and it makes them do things they wouldn’t normally do if they weren’t high or searching for their next high. A lot of them get help, and when they do, few focus on the past.

They want to move on with their lives and forget about the life they lived when they were driven by drugs.
One recovered addict wasn’t thinking that way. He remembered something awful that he had done while trying to get money to buy drugs. He had stolen money, and now that he was clean and thinking clearly, he wanted to repay the woman he stole from.

The woman anonymously shared a photo of the note the recovered addict left on Reddit, along with the money he returned.
The note said:
“About 5½ years ago I did something very terrible to you, I stole your wallet out of your purse. I was a drug addict wanting to take money from whoever I could to get my next high. I didn’t even know you, I pickpocketed you and took it right out of your purse. I took the best buy card you had in it and whatever cash that was in it and threw the wallet in a trash can next to a store.
“Not too long after that I landed in a treatment facility and got sober. I’ve been sober for 4 years now and just recently found your Best Buy card in a bag of old stuff. I looked up your name and found where you worked. So here I am.
“I can’t imagine the frustration and despair I put you through not to mention all the time and effort looking for it and getting all new stuff. It is unforgivable what I have done but I would like to pay you a small amount of money for it.
“I will also never hurt someone in that way ever again and will continue to live an honest life.
“I wish you nothing by happiness, prosperity, and good health.”
The woman never expected to get that money back, especially not five years later. When a wallet is stolen, there is a lot more taken then just the cash. Most people lose their IDs, debit and credit cards, social security cards, and even photos of friends and family members when their wallets are stolen.

Getting all the cards canceled, applying for a new social security card, and getting a new a driver’s license all take time, and it can be frustrating.
While this woman didn’t get back everything she lost, it was a start and the best the man could do. She seemed pretty surprised and happy to get back the cash that was taken from her.

While the person who returned the cash didn’t give out his name, it’s nice to see that he has changed and is trying to do the right thing.
It really makes you wonder if he has tried to make up for all his past crimes or bad choices.

He may be working hard to make enough money to pay back everyone he ever stole from.
It looks like things may be looking up for this person. Hopefully, this story inspires more people to make right the things they have done wrong to others, whether they were under the influence of drugs or just in a bad place in their lives.
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