Most high school kids are nervous about prom night, but these teens’ tummies were twisting for a different reason than most. These four friends weren’t just going to the prom to have a good time, that night they would perform in front of their entire class. After countless hours of preparation, the moment was finally here.

The boys entered into the location of the high school’s prom wearing matching outfits: brown pants, white T-shirts, and black suspenders. It was a classic look. No one knew exactly what these students were up to, until they took their place on stage.

Suddenly, the music began. It was Ben E. King’s “Stand By Me,” a timeless song that will never truly lose its touch. The boys grooved to the beat, using their best old-school moves as a tribute to the past. Then, around a minute in, they switched it up.
The beat picked up, and so did their dancing feet. No one expected this dramatic turn; the boys started twisting their bodies to “Let’s Twist Again” by Chubby Checker. The performers laughed as they shimmied around on stage – they were having the time of their lives.

The boys flowed through a series of dance moves and song bits taken from each decade of the past era. Each dancer shared his take on the most popular moves from the 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and the modern times.

Their routine was a huge success. Everyone in the audience absolutely loved the performance, and they boy’s couldn’t have had more fun. It takes a lot of guts to groove on stage like that, but these daredevils showed no sign of hesitation.
They titled their routine “New Evolution of Dance,” a reference to dancer Jason Laipply’s viral video from 2001. Laipply performed a routine of dance moves that had been developed over the previous 50 years. Since then the video has inspired many parodies, but this is one of the better ones by far.

These teens performed with huge smiles on their faces the entire time. It was obvious that they had worked hard to get to this point, and they were loving every minute of it. They even threw in some crazy choreography that featured bouncing, twirling, and flipping. Talk about talent.

Dancing in front of your friends is not easy, and dancing before your entire school would be terrifying. These boys showed a lot of bravery, and it paid off. Now they can enjoy this video for many years to come.
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