Homeless Person Walks Into Restaurant But Can't Afford It, Then Notices Note In The Bill
We need more restaurants like Karma Kitchen!
Emerald Clifford

In a self-motivated society, this restaurant urges its customers to think about others, presenting guests with an unconventional check at the end of every meal.

On the last Sunday of every month, Washington D.C.’s Himalayan Heritage restaurant converts into a donation-based restaurant, known as Karma Kitchen.

Karma Kitchen offers a one-page, vegetarian-only menu that purposely excludes the price of its meals. Additionally, the restaurant offers unlimited servings.


At the end of their meal, customers are presented with an atypical $0 check, and an added note, reading, “In the spirit of generosity, someone who came before you made a gift of this meal. We hope you will continue the circle of giving in your own way! To pay-it-forward for a future guest, you may leave an anonymous contribution in this envelope. Thank you!”


This is reflective of what Karma Kitchen calls, “a volunteer-driven experiment in generosity,” as the restaurant strives to build connectivity within local communities. The restaurant’s concept promotes the idea that goods and services are given voluntarily, without any strings attached, promoting an environment of integration and mutual compassion.

Karma Kitchen emphasizes the importance of guests understanding their pay-it-forward mentality, which is solely dependent on consistent contributions. Money collected is promptly invested back into the restaurant, financing ingredients for future meals and compensating chefs for their services. Moreover, to keep their guests intrigued, Karma Kitchen offers different meal options every month.

Karma Kitchen
Karma Kitchen

Since its initiation in 2007, Karma Kitchen has extended its influence to 24 locations across the globe, including London, Tokyo, and Singapore. The program is run entirely by volunteers, dedicated to the pay-it-forward mentality, causing people to think beyond themselves.

Karma Kitchen is unlike any other restaurant, with volunteers not only serving guests but also sitting and conversing with them. At Karma Kitchen, volunteers take into consideration the “happiness factor” of the restaurant and their customers, constantly thinking of new ways to make the environment more positive and enjoyable.

Global Oneness Project
Global Oneness Project

Karma Kitchen serves as a positive place for people to take a break from their busy, hectic lives and think about small things that have a meaningful impact on those around them. Karma Kitchen exhibits the importance of interconnectivity in our communities and between one another, as humans.

Following the spirit of Karma Kitchen, let’s start thinking about other ways in which we can pay-it-forward in our everyday lives in order to improve the community around us.

Please SHARE this unique and mindful restaurant with your friends and family.

source: MSN News
