Jeremiah Nichol’s grandmother, Helen, lay dying on her hospital bed, as is apt to happen for so many elderly individuals. She was being cared for by a team of doctors and nurses, as is standard for sick patients. And she was loved by many, who wanted to make sure that she was being properly cared for by the hospital staff. What was different about Helen’s situation, however, is that the staff that cared for her didn’t just make sure that they did a cursory job–they made sure that they did a YouTube worthy one.

Sadly, much of today’s news is riddled with reports of violence, and most news concerning elderly hospital patients is about nursing home abuse or exploitation. Nurse Isabelle, however, made sure that if she and her team mates were going to be making headlines, it would be for a good reason.
When Isabelle learned that Helen was dying, she asked her family if she could sing for her. Jeremiah caught the whole thing on video, and the world is weeping over what they see. From the moment we hear Isabelle break into song, we are immediately transfixed; I would be lying if I said I didn’t get chills.
Helen died within a couple of days of Isabelle’s performance, but she died with notes of beauty in her ears and with the knowledge that there is still compassion left in this world.

People are commenting on Isabelle’s voice, saying that she “has the voice of an angel” and “I hope that nurse gets extra pay…a lot of love.” Only two people have disliked the video, much to people’s amazement. One commenter wants to know who, as do I. You have to be one cold soul to not like such a beautiful and rare act of kindness.
Whether you have a loved one in the hospital or just need a pick-me-up, watch this video, and then send along to others who could use a smile. Don’t be afraid to spread the love–Isabelle wasn’t, and look where it got her :)
Please SHARE this with your friends and family.