YouTube user sobdale had had enough. Day after day he would watch people block his church’s driveway in order to make a run into Starbucks.
Instead of parking in the large parking lot, they would block the driveway saying, “I’ll just be a minute.”
“I love coffee just as much or possibly more than you do as evidenced by the fact that I already got mine, but you wait until the morning rush at the Starbucks because you are an “average” or “unremarkable” d-bag who parking in my church’s driveway at a time when people might be coming and going,” he writes in his video. “I’ve asked folks like you several times not to do this and just use the gigantic parking lot that you are currently blocking the entrances of but I always get the ‘I’ll just be a minute.”
This would be the day that he actually did something about it.

One of these d-bag drivers drove up and blocked the spot, just like they always do. But this time sobdale would give him a hard time about it and a taste of their own medicine. He went inside his home to prepare.
“Now mind you that I had enough time to change my clothes and get a chair and my smokes and a book and a camera and a tripod and my own cup of coffee and this turkey dog still ain’t here yet,” he recalls
Sobdale decided that he would grab a chair, get cozy with a cup of coffee and a book and block the driver, aka turkey dog, from being able to get out of the illegal parking space.
Eventually, the driver came out and looks right at sobdale who is block his space, yet he says nothing and gets into his car.

“Turkey dog asked if I was staying,” sobdale explains. “I told him I’ll just be a minute.”
Sobdale videotaped his the entire thing and even wrote his own song inspired by the incident that serves as the video’s background.
“So, I honestly don’t think it is too much to ask for that you park in in such a way that allows a handicapped entrance to be used or for an emergency vehicle to be able to enter through the driveway or possibly in such a sway that indication that I had permission from you to leave my own residence and maybe go to work or something I know I’m being obnoxious here but at least I’m trying to get a chuckle about of it,” sobdale writes.

He says that the driver was actually a pretty good sport about it and will now think twice about where he parks when he goes to Starbucks. You can watch the hilarious revenge video below.
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