Our eyes can be deceiving. Sometimes what you see isn’t always what’s there.
Especially, when you’re looking at a photo. A specifically posed photo or impromptu facial expressions can turn what would have been a standard photo into an optical illusion.
Here are 20 photos that will have you doing a double take.
Fish Man
This guy looks like he has a fish head and a human body but it was actually just a fish who swam by at the perfect moment.

Booty Panelling
This house is outfitted all throughout with booty paneling or wood that has grain that looks like butt cheeks.

It Looks Like It, But This is Not a Caterpillar
It’s actually just a row of European Bee-eaters on a branch.

Face Belly
When your belly looks exactly like a face.

Genderless Private Parts
Nope… it’s just a martini glass.

Demon Laundry
When your laundry gets possessed by evil spirits and it tries to destroy you when you’re hanging it out to dry.

It’s Allliiiiivveee
This seat that looks like it can get up and walk about when its stop comes because it has its own legs.

Phallic Bees
This is a very rare breed of bee. You’ve probably never heard of it.

The Hatless Hat
He’s wearing a hat, only it looks like he’s not wearing a hat.

It’s Not What You Think!
These are not Ku Klux Klan members. It’s just some sports fans with white flags.

Sink Face
When you sink looks like a face with a runny nose.

Full Steam Ahead Catapillar
No. It’s not a caterpillar. It’s just a steam that happens to look like a caterpillar in glasses.

This Dog Happily Getting His Head Eaten
The dog on top is actually just resting his head on his friend. His mouth isn’t even open.

This Angry Parking Cone
It also looks like the Sorting Hat in Harry Potter.

This Headless Cat
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaa. How does he do that?

Is It His Long Beard Or Someone With Long Hair
It’s both.

The Worst Hat Tan Ever
This is actually exactly what it looks like but it is a sight to see. That is one really bad hat tan.

The Headless Girl
Her head is behind his.

How Many Dogs Do You See?
Though it looks like two dog heads there is only one.

Small Soldiers

The water cut these soldiers in half.
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