This grandfather was over the moon when he found out he would no longer be the only male in the family.
James Keleman has always been the only male within his family. He grew up with two sisters then had four daughters with his wife. Even his two grandchildren were girls. On his 49th birthday, all this was about to change for this family man, despite what he thought.
His daughter, Carie Elbe, decided to let James think that he was getting another granddaughter instead of telling him the truth – that his first grandson was on his way.

When the big day arrived and James met his grandson, he was ecstatic, as this video captures.
The video begins with Carie asking her dad:
“What do you think of another baby girl?”
She had done a great job keeping the secret from her father. As soon as Carie found out she was having a boy, she decided the best way to surprise him was waiting until the birth.
Carie told Caters News:
“Dad has been the only boy in a long line of girls, so when we found out the baby’s gender at 20 weeks, we knew we had to keep it from him.”
Carie had done everything she could to avoid telling her father the sex of the baby.
In fact, when he insisted, she told him that he would be getting another granddaughter. It was all part of her plan to build up the suspense and make the surprise more exciting.
At 0:06, James gets the first look at his newest grandchild, who is still being held in his mother’s arms. Instead of answering Carie’s question about having another baby girl in the family, James just asks about the baby’s dark hair.
Even before he knows the sex of the baby, it is clear James is enthralled seeing his grandchild for the first time.
He looks at the child with rapt enjoyment at 0:25, something he’s already been doing for several seconds while other grandchildren chat in the background.
Then, at 0:31, Carie begins to take off the baby’s blanket to show what he is wearing underneath. At first, James doesn’t realize why she moved the blanket. He just asks:
“More long fingers again, huh?”
A few seconds later, James starts to realize the baby’s shirt says something. He asks, “A what?” and Carie exposes more of the shirt for him to see. She even looks expectantly at James, with alternating maternal glances to her son. James finally moves his grandchild’s hands out of the way of the shirt and at 0:57, it becomes clear he read the message.
“FYI: I’m a boy!”
At this point, people in the background of the video and Carie start laughing while James looks dumbstruck at first.
Instead of celebrating, he just asks: “Where’d you get that?”
Carie explains to him:
“I ordered it […] Because it’s a boy.”
At this point, James seems to be in a state of disbelief, saying: “No way.”
A few seconds later, at 1:15, his face starts to light up and Carie gets confirmation that lying to her dad was worth it. She even named the baby “Landry James Elbe,” with his middle name being after her father.

James has a classic dad reaction at first.
Before celebrating, he exclaims, “You brat!” followed by everyone in the room laughing, both James and Carie included.
James finally breaks into tears at 1:26 while his other grandchildren are heard bragging in the background, “We kept the secret!” Even the youngest members of his family, including Landry’s 4-year-old sister, knew James was finally getting a grandson but didn’t tell him.
After starting to get used to the fact that he now has a grandson, James isn’t out of jokes, suggesting:
“Well, you may want to check.”

At the end of the video, everyone is ecstatic and James’ granddaughters are glad they no longer have to keep the secret. Not only does James have a grandson, they share a birthday.
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