From smoothies to simple slices, mangoes are one of the world’s most beloved fruits. In 2015 alone almost 1 billion pounds of the toothy tropical delicacy were imported into the U.S., but you may be overlooking the best part of these magical fruits.

For thousands of years mangoes have been utilized in Ayurvedic healing, and the leaves of the mango tree have some of the most potent healing properties of the entire plant. These leaves have a number of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties as well as tannins and nutrients that can be used in some surprising ways:
Treating Diabetes
Mango leaves contain the compounds 3 beta-taraxerol and ethyl acetate extract which Moses Adeniji, a Consultant Plant Pathologist at the Herbal Treatment Home of Human Diseases in Orogun, Ibadan, can synergize with insulin in the body to stimulate the synthesis of glycogen. These compounds, along with tannins in the leaves, can effectively cure diabetes in its early stages. Mango leaves can also help treat diabetic angiopathy and retinopathy, which can do damage to blood vessels and lead to loss of vision respectively. A simple tea made from soaking the leaves overnight and straining them can alleviate diabetic symptoms and also treat hyperglycemia.
Ear Pain

Heat up a teaspoon of the very same mango leaf tea and use a few drops to ease ear pain. Due to the aforementioned antimicrobial properties of the fresh leaves, this extract can treat symptoms of bacterial or viral ear infections.
Anxiety and Restlessness
Mango leaves also have an aromatherapy use when added to bath water. Two to three cups of mango leaf tea added to your bath water can help soothe your nerves and eliminate stress. This tea also adds an invigorating aspect to your bath and can leave your mind and body feeling refreshed.
Cough and Loss of Voice

By boiling the leaves in water and adding a small amount of honey you can create an effective homemade cough remedy that will also keep your voice sounding clear and bright. This remedy is also recommended to those suffering from respiratory diseases such as asthma, bronchitis or a simple cold.
Flushing Gall and Kidney Stones
Another medicinal use of these leaves involves one of the most painful renal maladies one can experience. A daily intake of dried and ground mango leaves, mixed with water and left to sit overnight, can help break down these painful stones and flush them out of your system.
The antibacterial properties present in the leaves can also cure other disorders in the digestive tract. Consuming the powdered form of mango leaves with water two to three times a day can work to cure bleeding dysentery.
Treating Burns
Another traditional medicinal use for mango leaves can ease the pain of minor burns. By burning the leaves to an ash and applying the cooled remnants to the affected area, you can quickly ease the pain of a burn. However, take care not to inhale the fumes coming off the burning leaves as they may be toxic.
Hypertension and Blood Pressure
The same properties in mango leaves that help strengthen blood vessels in the case of diabetic angiopathy can also aid in regulating blood pressure. The strengthening of blood vessels can also prevent one from suffering hypertension, which is caused by weakening blood vessels over time.

Mangoes will always be a popular and delicious fruit all over the world, and can have some medical benefits in of itself. But it’s high time we look to the leaves of this “king of fruits” to help alleviate painful diseases, and give them the credit they deserve.
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Sources: [Agricultural Marketing Research Center, Aromatherapy, Dr. Health Benefits, Guardian, Healthy Builderz, Home Remedy Find, Mapi, Mapi, Medium, Stylecraze, The Health Benefits of]