Dirt is, unfortunately, a part of life. Whether you own or rent a house, you know how fast things can become gross. Sometimes, you might even wonder if there’s a way to avoid messes.
The simple answer is…no. Bacteria, dust, mold, and moisture all come together to make things dirty. There’s no escaping it.
They say that laundry is a never-ending task, but let’s face it, that applies to just about every chore. While that might feel discouraging think about it this way. There’s nothing more satisfying than cleaning something that’s really dirty.
By the way, some experts say that cleaning in the fall is just as important as it is in the spring. In other words, don’t deep clean just once a year. Roll up your sleeves and tackle all that dirt. Not only will it be good for your mental health, but it’ll also keep you in good physical health.
Regular cleaning isn’t always fun, but it’s important. Doing a deep clean is so satisfying. Talk about job satisfaction when you see the results before your eyes.
In the meantime, check out these times when people totally transformed something just by cleaning it. Maybe it’ll motivate you to get cleaning, too.
1. Who knew those stones were colored?
These stones looked like a uniform, dull gray. But after pressure washing to remove the grime, they were shiny and colorful. You’d never have guessed all those colors were under the dirt.
This walkway was looking super grimy after years of going unwashed. After a few passes with a pressure washer, it looks brand new. It even seems the dog’s enjoying the new space.
Outdoor tracks experience a lot of damage. They’re exposed to the weather at all times, not to mention, hundreds of athletes. This cleaning job’s a sight for sore eyes.
Pictures like these almost make you want to own a pressure washing business. Talk about instant job satisfaction after seeing a job well done. This deck looks amazing after a quick wash.
This guy got in a silly argument with his wife about whether the floor was dirty or not. So, with time on his hands, he showed off the dirt by cleaning in a checkerboard pattern.
In some cases, the problem with a dirty deck isn’t just that it looks bad. It can also create a real slipping hazard. This deck is much safer now that it’s not covered in algae.
8. If you don’t power wash a nature scene on a dam, what are you doing?
Pressure washers are extremely effective. With such precision, some people have a bit of fun with them like “drawing” scenes as is the case on the side of this dam in Poland.
Pressure washing might be fun, but ultimately, it’s still a chore. This person decided to make it a little more interesting by drawing a cityscape on their driveway. And honestly, it’s pretty good.
This Detroit church hadn’t been washed since it was built in the late 19th century. Now it’s getting its first bath ever, undoing a century and a half of dirt.
11. This is what a hoarders house looked like before
It’s hard to believe the filthy sight that was this bathroom beforehand Up until someone came in to give it a much needed clean. Now you’d have no idea it ever looked like this!
This walkway was so covered in grime that you could no longer see the beautiful colors of the brick. After being washed, it returned to its new state. Now you can see the vibrant red again.
This elementary school playground was in bad need of a wash. It went from faded and dirty to vibrant and beautiful. Now it’s a lovely place for students to play.
14. It’s amazing how dirty those old buildings can get.
Old buildings accumulate a lot of dirt from smoke, mold, and just regular accumulation of dirt. It’s so satisfying to see them cleaned off after decades or centuries without a “bath.”
This lake cabin was looking seriously bad after many years without being cleaned. Moisture from the lakeside is a perfect recipe for algae and mold. But now, it looks shiny and new again.
When this poster was transferred to a new McDonald’s location, they were disturbed to see the state of the grease tubs. So, this individual worked to transform them using old-fashioned elbow grease.
One homeowner happened upon a collection of old doorknobs and hardware in their basement. Looking so gross, they polished them. Now, these items shine once again.
The owner of these chairs inherited them from a family member, and always thought they had a bad stain job. In reality, the chairs just needed a good wash to make them look new again.
The stones at this office building were getting pressure washed, and the difference is plain to see. But I have to wonder what happens if you flip them over to the other side.
Here’s another old building that’s finally getting a facelift after many years. It was so dirty that you’d never know those stones are white. Now, it’s good for another 50 years or so.
Maintaining structures by the water is challenging. They accumulate bacteria, mold, algae, and even salt residue. But all that’s no match for a pressure washer and a dedicated worker.
This person was amused when a local pressure washing company got the wrong address and did half their front stairs. At least they got a free sample, of sorts. They might want to hire them to come back.
Looking at this sidewalk, you’d never know it’s made of light stone. But after a much-needed wash, it looks beautiful again. It’s amazing how much dirt public walkways accumulate.
24. It took a toothbrush to clean this ceiling fixture
One person had a hunch their ceiling was pretty dirty, so, they put that theory to the test. After scrubbing the rose in the ceiling with a toothbrush, the real color emerged.
What can we say? Some people love to clean. This guy was so excited about the results of his new pressure washer that he jumped right in with his sock feet.
This machine was in desperate need of a deep clean. So, an employee rolled up their sleeves and jumped in. This is so physically satisfying to look at.
It’s not just about getting the dirt off. Pressure washers remove everything, even years of thick algae growth. This wall is so much cleaner after a good wash.
I can’t even imagine what was going on to make this floor’s color so gross. But after five years, one person decided they’d had enough. They broke out the pressure washer, transforming it back to its colorful state.
This deck was looking pretty grimy. Even mold had spread up the side of the house. After a good scrub, it looks clean and beautiful. It’s now a place where everyone can kick back and relax.
The Chicago National was built in 1907, so it’s safe to say it was due for a bath. One passerby just happened to catch a view from the side as it was halfway done.
This person wasn’t sure if they’d ever be able to get their house clean. Luckily for them, with some hard work and the right tools, they were able to remove all that dirt. Now it looks completely different.
With all the foot traffic they get, it should come as no surprise that malls need a really powerful cleaning every few years. This picture shows how dirty the floor was compared to how great it is now.
These stones had been dirty for so long that the homeowner forgot what they looked like. As it turns out, they’re not dark brown — instead, they’re a light sandstone color.
40. It hadn’t been washed since it was built 30 years ago
This deck was built in the late 1980s. Since that time, it had never been washed. The buildup of moss, slime, and dirt created a slipping hazard. It’s clean and safe again.
This poster wasn’t sure how long the walkway had gone without being washed. They said it was at least 35 years, but could’ve been as much as 60. Either way, that’s a lot of nasty stuff.
It’s not just driveways and sidewalks that need an occasional deep clean. These shoes were looking ragged after a long time without a polish. They now look brand new.
Wedding rings tend to accumulate a lot of dirt and grime. After all, they’re on your finger all day, every day, for many years. But this platinum one is sparkling after a good scrub.
When you’re cleaning public property, you might as well have some fun with it. This is like reverse vandalism. It’ll give everyone who passes by a chuckle — and visual proof of how dirty the wall was.
Red brick is beautiful when properly maintained. This deep clean brought out all the gorgeous colors in these stairs. All the smoke and dirt stains are gone.
Here’s another person who decided to have some fun with their pressure washer, and we can’t blame them. They used their welcome mat as a stencil. The result looks pretty cool.
This lion was an alumni donation to a university. But after many years, he wasn’t looking too hot. After a good cleaning, he’s back to being the King of the Jungle.
Musical instruments are delicate and require a lot of love and care. This guitar was in bad need of a deep clean. Now, it’ll sound even more beautiful than before.
This table was so grimy that it didn’t even look white anymore. The difference was so dramatic that the owner had to stop halfway through to take a photo.
Things get dirty almost without anyone realizing it, especially if they’re outdoors. Just take this stadium that had spent a century accumulating dirt. Cleaning it makes it look new again.
This poster got in an argument with his wife about whether the fence needed to be pressure-washed or not. When she convinced him to do it, he was surprised by how satisfying it was.
This garden statue was looking worse for the wear after many years of standing guard. But after a bath, he’s looking better than ever. And if I may say, even more regal.
One poster was distressed to see that a gravestone had been allowed to accumulate dirt over the winter. So, they set to work cleaning to make it beautiful again.
Even if you smoke, it’s not a great idea to do it in your car. When this person shampooed the roof of a vehicle owned by a smoker, they couldn’t believe how dirty it was.
Pools can get gross during the winter, which is one reason why it’s so important to clean them well. After scrubbing away the algae, it was easy to see a stark difference between clean vs. dirty.
Pressure washers are great, but sometimes, you need a sander to get past the grime. This floor still has a long way to go, but it looks way better than before.
If the first picture makes you shudder, you’re not alone. No one likes a nasty bathroom. This person broke out the bleach and grout cleaner to tackle the tub.
These stones had become incredibly gross, overgrown with moss and grass and covered in dirt. Now, they look. They’re probably more comfortable to walk on, too.
These stones had so much buildup they’d turned black. You can see the slime and mold growing along with plant matter. It feels great to see them clean.
You wouldn’t think that railings need to be cleaned very often, but let this be proof to the contrary. This railing had 10 years of gross stuff on it, hiding the beautiful finish.
Those colors are so radically different that they don’t look like the same wood. It’s amazing to see what a difference dirt can make versus a good wash.
This table was so dirty it was barely recognizable. Part of me wonders what on earth happened to it. But ultimately, it doesn’t matter because it’s clean and clear once again.
This floor lost its vibrant color and was overgrown with slime. No one wants to slip on brick — and no one wants a gross floor. Presto, it’s back to new.
It’s not surprising there are whole subreddits dedicated to the delights of pressure washing and deep cleaning. This poster had only cleaned a tiny part of this deck, but couldn’t resist stopping to take a photo.
I don’t know what this house is covered with and I don’t want to know. I’m just glad they’re cleaning all that gunk off and revealing the white paint underneath.
The floor at this store was pretty icky until an employee took a scrub brush to it. There’s no telling how long it had gone without a scrub, but my guess is a while.
This professional pressure cleaning business showed off their work on a deck in Atlanta, Georgia, and it’s beautiful. How do I get a job in this industry?
This old bench wasn’t looking too great after years of sitting exposed to the sun, rain, and snow. Now it looks sleek and elegant again — the perfect place to enjoy some time outside.
This driveway was not a pretty sight. In fact, it was more like an eyesore. After a good cleaning, it not only looks much better, but also the color changed.
These cleaners had a bit of fun with their washing job to show off just how nasty the pool got. Seriously, people, don’t let your pool sit too long without cleaning it.
This truck was so dirty that it definitely needed washing. Appropriately, the truck has the word “BATH” printed on its door. Maybe it was a cry for help.
These neighbors were very careful to wash only their side of a shared wall. Now there’s a deliberate line down the center showing where they stopped. Hey, it looks great, though.
75 people share the dirtiest things they’ve cleaned with outstanding results
Cedric Jackson
Dirt is, unfortunately, a part of life. Whether you own or rent a house, you know how fast things can become gross. Sometimes, you might even wonder if there’s a way to avoid messes.
The simple answer is…no. Bacteria, dust, mold, and moisture all come together to make things dirty. There’s no escaping it.
They say that laundry is a never-ending task, but let’s face it, that applies to just about every chore. While that might feel discouraging think about it this way. There’s nothing more satisfying than cleaning something that’s really dirty.
By the way, some experts say that cleaning in the fall is just as important as it is in the spring. In other words, don’t deep clean just once a year. Roll up your sleeves and tackle all that dirt. Not only will it be good for your mental health, but it’ll also keep you in good physical health.
Regular cleaning isn’t always fun, but it’s important. Doing a deep clean is so satisfying. Talk about job satisfaction when you see the results before your eyes.
In the meantime, check out these times when people totally transformed something just by cleaning it. Maybe it’ll motivate you to get cleaning, too.