Some people refer to Tom Hanks as one of the greatest living actors today. He has starred in a number of iconic films including Big, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, and most recently, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.
He’s a beloved man all around the world, and a pretty huge Hollywood star. Because of that, meeting him in personal is a big deal. Some fans have been lucky enough to meet him and then share their personal moments with the rest of the world via the Internet.
Check out 60+ of these hilarious and sweet responses to meeting the man, the myth, the legend: Tom Hanks.
Earlier last year, Hanks met a fan with a Woody tattoo on his torso and decided to post about it on his own Instagram page! “Well, howdy partner! Where’s Buzz? Hanx” he wrote in the caption, since he played the voice of Buzz in the movie. Pretty cool!
If you pull over on the side of the road in the middle of a blizzard and try to replace a flat tire, a stranger might just get out of their car to help you. And that stranger might end up being Tom Hanks.
“I was shocked to receive this personal reply from Tom when I offered him my deceased father’s typewriter for Tom’s typewriter collection,” the fan wrote. “My dad had ‘smuggled’ it out of Germany when he immigrated to the US as a WWII refugee. I will treasure Tom’s letter forever.”
“A number of years ago I left my iPhone unattended in the same room as Tom Hanks,” this person wrote. “The next day, I found this photo in my camera roll. To be clear: I’ve never met him. But I do believe he is exactly who we hope he is, and I don’t want to know if I’m wrong.”
5. “See any movie stars today?”
“Relatives visiting LA from back east. Took them on tour of celebrity homes,” a fan tweeted. “We’re pulled over on Mulholland so ppl could take a pic of the Hollywood sign when someone pulls up, rolls down window and says ‘Seen any movie stars today?’ Tom Hanks.”
Give Tom the gift of typewriters and he will save it forever.
“2/ and Advance Lead told me he was in attendance & wanted to meet me. Walked over & introduced myself & he yelled ‘Lighter Guy!!!’. Thanked me profusely and we chatted for a few minutes. Received a very nice hand-written note from him days later. A real mensch.”
8. “Hanks looks like he’s going to die…”
The dancers were trying to be cool around Tom, but little did they know… He would be the one to start fangirling. So down to earth.
“Character is how you can treat people who can do nothing for you.”
11. A true typewriter collector
There are a couple lovely Tom Hanks stories that have to do with typewriters.
12. Dozens of stories later…
If you’re feeling uncomfortable, Tom will probably find a way to make you a part of the conversation.
“2/2 travel coffee mug in hand. I bet I don’t have to tell you who it was. (Tom Hanks),” the user wrote. “He took the time to profusely shake everyone’s hand and chat with all these firefighters even though I’m sure he’d hoped he wouldn’t run into anyone up there.”
15. “Humble, sweet, and kind”
Only Tom Hanks would bring a bag full of toys to set for the crew’s children.
Imagine meeting Tom in his astronaut costume and shaking his hand?! Surreal. He is so down to Earth (pun intended).
A man who supports his friend instead of competing with him has true character.
Sometimes it feels like Tom Hanks is one big kid… In the best way, of course.
Even when Tom is on the other side of the counter buying things as a customer, he is still the nicest person to work with. Rita Wilson is a lucky woman!
20. Most people wish they had a Tom Hanks story
Especially after hearing about all of these gem moments.
21. Islanders vs. Rangers
You could be hanging out at a hockey game when all of a sudden,
Tom Hanks comes around to hand out popcorn. What are the chances!
This couple has a pretty great Hanks story: he crashed their wedding! Pretty sure they weren’t mad about it at all.
Sometimes Tom Hanks might even end up being your nurse in Africa. Never doubt the man and his abilities.
Even extras on his movie sets could tell what a great guy Tom was, whether or not they had the opportunity to meet him directly.
25. Guess who was dancing next to this person…
Wendy Jo Sperber. The actress from Bosom Buddies (it was the hit of the moment). Her date? A young Tom Hanks.
When you are the fan meeting Tom, but Tom acts like the fan and ends up asking
you a thousand questions. “Solid citizen,” this Twitter user calls him.
27. “I want a Tom Hanks story”
28. Let Tom give you a ride!
“2/2…arrange a ride for us,” Winston tweeted. “Just then Tom and his wife get up, hug the restaraunt owner and the owner asks if Tom can give this nice newlywed couple a ride back to their hotel. He smiles, says “of course” and introduces himself ‘Hi, Tom, big movie star.’ We had a great fun ride back. They could not have been nicer.”
29. Tom might even call your girlfriend
Just to make sure that she knows that you are actually sitting next to him at a game.
30. If you want to get technical about it
Technically, we have all had a special moment with Tom Hanks at some point. That is, if you’ve seen any of his movies. This guy has a point!
31. The one that got away
If you are dating someone who is related to Hanks, AKA the nicest person ever, you put a ring on it immediately if not sooner.
Tom Hanks has been kind enough to give people a ride more than once.
Tom saw that this young journalist was nervous, so instead of ignoring it or making them feel worse, he decided to relax them by getting a cup of tea first. So sweet.
Probably not, but still cute. Plus, we could probably see something similar happening with Tom — he’s just that magical of a person.
35. We all have our own Tom story
Even if you haven’t met him personally. It counts if he has sparked joy in your life in one way or another.
This one woman had no idea who Hanks was, and he didn’t tell her until they wrapped
Forrest Gump. They would talk together every day… How sweet.
Hanks saw a little girl lost on set who wouldn’t “go with a stranger,” so he stayed with her until she was found.
Hanks is always helping children and cherishing family time, whether he’s out on vacation with the fam or getting food for his kids. He even went on a run with this one boy because his dad could no longer skii.
39. We all need a Tom Hanks story
So many people are contributing their personal stories… We want a slice of the joy pie!
40. He gives everyone recognition
Even when the film he was in didn’t give a town recognition, he made sure to personally do it himself.
41. Seated at a small, local fundraiser
“Excited to have a good joke, I say, ‘FYI, I think it’s all-you-can-eat.’ Everyone laughs. tom hanks then explains he’s on break from film where he plays shipwrecked guy and has to lose enormous amount of weight. He shares his tips and talks about how it’s going,” the Twitter user shared.
Me: But how do you handle feeling hungry every day?
Him: (smiling/joking) ‘I try not to talk about it *all the time!*’
Me: Let’s talk about local education funding policy.
Him: Great idea!
(entire table in hysterics).”
Tom Hanks wants you to be a successful artist without all of that stereotypical starving stuff and we love it.
43. He will usually wave no matter what
Even if, at that moment, he is the busiest man on Earth, he will throw his ego to the side and make time to wave to fans.
44. Remember, if you ever need a ride…
…Tom Hanks will give you one. Especially if you are in heels!
45. Or you might just see Tom Hanks
And freak out and run away. That’s fair. He’s a big movie star.
46. The New York Times even wrote about how nice Tom Hanks is
We feel like you have to be
really, really nice in order for The NY Times to write a whole story about it.
47. On the set of That Thing You Do
Even if you’re just tagging along for the ride and have nothing to do with the project, Tom will make you feel seen.
48. Photos with a drunk guy
“This is a pretty good Tom Hanks story. Guy was passed out, so Tom Hanks had someone take pics with his phone with him. The guy never knew till he looked at his phone later,” a Twitter user wrote.
50. Guess who was standing next to them
“(2/2) That’s right, Tom Hanks was next to us, looking at his Blackberry, wearing a name tag that said ‘Tom Hanks.’ We quickly ran away. He was spotted around campus many times those years, always a delight,” the Twitter user shared.
51. That time a filming was blocking a wedding
So he got out and personally fixed it himself.
52. Tom Hanks even helps out his character Woody
Hanks poses cutely with Woody at the premiere of
Toy Story 4.
“A tom hanks story i love is one he told on conan about the ’98 oscars. he ended up in the bathroom standing next to tom selleck and cracked, ‘looks like we’re a couple of Peeing Toms!’ and….”
54. Another wonderful Tom Hanks story
He is even an enthusiasm enthusiast.
55. He has fixed people’s toilets
56. New carpets for everyone
Hanks once walked into a room for an interview, saw the carpet was a mess, and wrote a check for a new one right then and there.
Everyone’s paying for each other’s lunch, thanks to Tom.
58. The most beautiful phrase
Written by the one and only Tom.
If he suddenly runs away from you to get coffee, understand that he really just needed coffee and that he will make the effort to come back.
Just a truly good citizen out of the kindness of his own heart.
Everyone should have at least one heartwarming encounter with Tom Hanks at some point in their lives.
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Some people refer to Tom Hanks as one of the greatest living actors today. He has starred in a number of iconic films including Big, Sleepless in Seattle, Forrest Gump, Cast Away, and most recently, A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood.
He’s a beloved man all around the world, and a pretty huge Hollywood star. Because of that, meeting him in personal is a big deal. Some fans have been lucky enough to meet him and then share their personal moments with the rest of the world via the Internet.
Check out 60+ of these hilarious and sweet responses to meeting the man, the myth, the legend: Tom Hanks.