Marriage is a beautiful, complex thing. It is the merging of two people’s lives. Sometimes, our lives don’t meld together quite the way we expected, and the results can be pretty hilarious. These couples understand the intricacies of marriage. Their tweets about married life will have you literally laughing out loud.
This wife was spot on.

When there’s always something you can do…

Adulting is not a full time job.

Doing it the man’s way.

Sometimes, anything is better than the dreaded “I told you so.”

Raising kids can be hard work.

Every relationship thrives on a good pun.

Who does the spending in your household?

It’s like they can’t see!

Timing is everything.

Splitting chores can be tricky.

Must not watch show without him!

Give me a break!

The best way to wake up.

Besides, it didn’t even taste good!

Married life comes with many lessons.

For when you really need to buy something silly.

You can’t ALWAYS be on the same page.

It’s good to feel needed, right?

The woman is always right.

Compassion is key.

Well, eating is important.

The dog couldn’t stand to miss his show!

Sometimes, you’re just used to a certain rhythm.

No, it can’t wait until the morning.

And don’t you forget it.

She does know best…

Ballin’ on a budget.

Stay tuned!

Just one bite!

Marriage is full of funny moments. These tweets perfectly capture the delicate balance that is married life, and they are hilarious!
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