You know what they say about the best-laid plans… sometimes they go awry. What they don’t tell you is that sometimes, those best-laid plans should have never been created at all and when you see these incredible design “fails,” you’ll understand that statement completely.
#1 – Yes, you should worry.

This catchy little sweatshirt comes from Papaya and we all know the sentiment they were trying to capture. Too bad it doesn’t read that way.
#2 – A new kind of tassle, maybe?

It’s not exactly clear what this lady is advertising… a new workout gadget? Or a new sex toy? Whatever it is, she looks really happy about it.
#3 – Um… no.

This needs no explanation.
#4 – Maybe we should take the elevator?

I’m sure the carpet looked great as a sample, but surely they saw the problem before they tacked it all down?
#5 – Bad Branding

Branding is definitely important, but when it conflicts with common sense, it’s time to rethink your strategy. Definitely, don’t want to keep both of these in the same cabinet.
#6 – Admission questionable.

Sure… you can come in. As soon as you figure out how to open the door.
#7 – Maybe a different font…

At first glance, you might not see anything wrong with this shirt. But give it a second… you will.
#8 – Just breathe.

You know… for when you meditate. Inex. Haha. Lele.
#9 – Just climb up and slide down the…hmm.

Oh, dear…
#10 – In poor taste

I’ve never had tasteless sugar, but I can’t imagine it’d be worth advertising.
#11 – Wait… what?

I’m sure this means something. Just no telling what it is.
#12 – Not ready for graduation

What year is that again?
#13 – Roman numerals, take 2

Okay, so roman numerals are apparently a challenge for many people.
#14 – Subscribe Now!

Hmm.. do I want to go with the one-year subscription or twelve months?
#15 – Pepsi and Who?

This ad ran in Hong Kong, promoting a joint venture between Pepsi and Japanese clothing company, A Bathing Ape. Their line is called AAPE. Too bad that’s not what the font conveys. Pepsi confirmed to HuffPost that they would not be using the ad in future campaigns.
#16 – Anywhere is fine.

This is what you do when you run out of room, but still have letters left over… just put them anywhere.
#17 – Not allowed.

Just a guess, but I’m betting this toilet almost never gets used. If only there was some kind of punctuation to separate those words…
#18 – Ouch!

I don’t know about you, but my leg doesn’t bend that way.
#19 – Yeah, Go You!

You didn’t really need school anyway, did you? Go ahead… Kick that education to the curb!
#20 – Good news!

Congratulations! You’re pregnant! Who knew?
#21 – Some words are not meant to be acronyms.

While I appreciate creative word play, this isn’t one of those times.
#22 – MBA (More Bad Acronyms)

And neither is this.
#23 – Did no one question this?

This is what happens when you give your designer free reign and refuse to proof any templates before posting them publicly. And is that a mustache?
#24 – You know what they say about first impressions…

Now, THIS is the designer you want to hire!
#25 – I give up… Who?

Who comes decides country who comes this to… Who
#26 – Gift idea!

This would be perfect for the floating man in your life!
#27 – Huh?

Don’t be annoyed. Your parents can show you toilets. But only if you help them. Stupid. I think we’ve all been thinking this, right?
#28 – BFF’s 4-Eva

Yes, we all need rapists we can drink with.
#29 – Floor, please?

This panel makes riding the elevator an adventure ;)
#30 – Vegas, baby!

So, the way you play is, just grab the, uh… well… you get the idea.
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