When it comes to confidence, everyone struggles with the scale. In a consumer culture filled with fast food and tasty treats, it can be difficult to keep your weight – and nutrition – under control. Okay, it can be more than a little difficult, it is something people struggle with on the daily. One mom was determined to make a difference in her health. Her three tips for success are so simple, you’ll be excited to start your own journey to better health.

Natalie Moxey struggled with her weight her entire life. As a child, Natalie was obese. Later when she became pregnant, she gained a lot of weight and was unable to lose it after childbirth. At her heaviest she weighed 261 pounds. One day, Natalie decided it was time for a change.
She and her husband loved to frequent their favorite take-out places. At the top of their list was an Indian restaurant that the couple visited quite often. The two spent up to $130 just on take-out food each week. During Christmas time, the couple got their wake-up call.

The Indian restaurant sent them a personalized Christmas card. “It is quite a scary thing to think you order enough food from a take-away company that they send a Christmas card,” Natalie explained to Today. “During the day, I wasn’t that bad, but at night, I’d come home and just sit and eat. It was never just a take-away either – it’d be followed by ice cream, or chocolate, or popcorn. I’d snack constantly and blame it on being tired.”

Finally, this mom had had enough. She switched out take-out meals for home-cooked ones. “To have a plan where you can still enjoy this amazing food and still lose weight was a bit revolutionary. I didn’t really believe it.”
Natalie supplemented her nutrition with proper exercise in order to maximize her weight loss. “I increased my walking,” she explained. “Then in three or four months . . . I started to do exercise classes.”

This wonder woman lost one hundred pounds in just two years. Those are some amazing results! What’s her secret? Natalie shared three tips for a successful weight loss strategy.
1. Take Pictures.
Natalie encourages anyone who wants to get into better shape to take plenty of pictures. Even if you don’t look your best, the photo will serve as a point from which you can mark your progress. According to Natalie, “it is an amazing motivation to push yourself to keep going.”
2. Enjoy Your Food.
One of the biggest mistakes you can make when trying to change your nutrition is trying to cut out too many calories. Natalie thinks the best solution to enjoying the foods you love while cutting down is: portion control. “I followed diets in the past, and they are incredibly restricted and you feel miserable . . . Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t enjoy your food.
3. Reward Yourself for Meeting Goals.
Getting healthy is about feeling better, not stressing yourself out. Instead of focusing on punishing yourself for breaking your diet, reward yourself for the progress you’ve made. One big goal may seem daunting, but accomplishing a series of small, manageable goals will get you to the end before you know it. “If you do hit these mini goals,” Natalie advises, “go and buy yourself a new dress or go out to the cinema to celebrate.”

You deserve to be your happiest, healthiest self. These three tips will start you on the path to better health, and the best part is – they are pretty painless. Whatever your goal may be, the greatest help is to believe in yourself.
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