Now, I’m not sure when you were born, but as a 90s kid, I can attest to the fact that we had a lot of weird toys— A LOT. Here are a few that really messed with our minds.
Seemingly Psychic Pixel Chix Houses
Pixel Chix are essentially digital, human pets for girls. While the idea of human pets is already weird enough, HOW THE HECK DID THOSE HOUSES KNOW WHEN YOU WERE NEAR A PIXEL FRIEND?
Alien Gut Buffet
Why were the kids of my generation so willing to eat the guts of a dissected, alien corpse?

Mystifying Baby Bottles
If you can sit there and say you’ve never wondered how these things magically drained and refilled, I’m calling you a liar.

Juggle Bubbles
Creators say that you are able to catch, pass and juggle bubbles by wearing “magic” gloves. Sorry, but I’m gonna have to call baloney on this one.

Sea Monkeys
I’m going to throw it out there— I love sea monkeys. Do I think it’s responsible to put the lives of thousands of brine shrimp into the hands of children? Definitely not.

Robotic Dogs of the Future
When technology started increasing by leaps and bounds, toy makers did the only thing that seemed logical— they invented weird, robot dogs so a few lonely children could finally get the pet they had always wanted.

Furbies: Our First Glimpse into Artificial Intelligence
I never had one of these as a kid, but my cousin did and I was extremely jealous. These magical little creatures actually learned the words you spoke to them! Nowadays, they’re apparently much more advanced and can rat you out to your parents if you don’t treat them nicely.
Mouse Trap
This was fun. but the game portion should have never even existed— all anyone ever did was set up the track and let the ball loose anyways.

Logic-Defying Sand
Aqua Sand blew everyone’s mind cause it doesn’t make sense that sand should INSTANTLY dry when removed from water. If a chemist could explain this to me, that would be greeeeaaaat.
The ET “Finger”
Just no.

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